For anyone still thinking Trump can be a unifier:

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!” --Donald J. Trump

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Hello EWE, on the topic of corporate layoffs. I've been curious as to why no one has mentioned the large layoffs in the Wireless Communication Industry. I know T-Mobile laid off over 5,000 going into Q4 of last year. Heard the AT&T laid off over 2,000. Not sure about Verizon. DISH just laid some folks off. Beyond that, the ripple effect on the vendors in that industry are laying off as well.

Just curious if you or anyone in your circle(s) has heard anything?


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The President and his handlers are playing with fire. There is a constitution argument to be made to support what Gov. Abbott is now doing. I am told that, the Texas constitution contains language which allows them to secede from Union. It certainly is an invasion. The border is controlled by the drug cartels. This must stop.

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They tried that once - secede. So did my home state; it turned out poorly.

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America's richest 1% and Ivy Leaguers say the rest of the country has TOO much personal freedom and want to ration food and electricity...

What, what did you say, let them eat cake...


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"Maine Bill Would Protect Kidnappers Who Take ‘Transgender Kids’.."

Normally I would say, Blue state mess that they voted for. But the details show that while it makes it ok for non custodian parents to kidnap within the state, it also authorizes parents to cross state borders and kidnap children. Here's the thing, they would have to make it back to Maine. That law wouldn't have any jurisdiction or prudence in other states. Its no different than some GOP Gov who wanted to make it illegal for a person to cross state lines to get an abortion.

States don't have authority over other states. What's illegal in one state can be legal in others.

This bill is DOA once its passed it will be challenged in SCOTUS so fast it will make the robes spin.

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Economic boom for the elite moneyed thee, but not for me.

It is hilarious how Democrats tout this economic news as stuff that will help them win the election ignoring that it has the exact opposite effect as it adds to the confirmation that the system is stacked for the benefit of the top 20% and the working class and low income demographics in the country are seeing their economic prospects decline.

The Democrats are the scarcity party except for their income and wealth. The Republicans are the abundance party, but they have to change the system to make Democrat income and wealth generating schemes, looter schemes, more scarce.

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Trump's all caps social media post....

So Trump's Kari Lake moment happened sooner rather than later. What I heard is, if you support Nikki Haley I don't need your vote.

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“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!” --Donald J. Trump


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The Biden administration is so hellbent on surrendering the US to Iran that they warned them of an attack after Iran funded and helped plan the Oct 7th attacks by Hamas against Israel. This administration is full of weak cowards. I would rather have Forrest Gump for secretary of state as opposed to our current spineless Iran sycophant.

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Swift must not be one of the chosen elites. Otherwise her stalker would have been removed the first time.

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Taylor Swift’s stalker has been arrested for the third time in five days near her apartment...

Well it is obviously Taylor Swift's fault. If she would just let him in he wouldn't be a stalker.

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TS is now becoming the product of her own making. Good luck in ending that threat. The laws are way too lenient to have anything happen to that stalker.

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If anyone wants proof that Biden is way past his prime, the 2007 clip shows it.

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Well maybe the Swifties will reign hell on these DA’s and Judges to change their minds. Who would have thunk?

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According to governor Abbot, the supreme court did not rule that biden could continue cutting the wire and removing it. They did not hear the case on its merits. Abbot says he believes when the case gets to the 5 circuit, they will agree with Abbot and when/if it then goes to the supreme court to be heard, they will agree with Texas. Those are two different things. Otherwise, the rest of the news is enough to make a person sick.

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When are right-leaning, free speech loving Americans going to boycott TED? It should have happened after they shadow-banned Coleman Hughes.

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Yeah, had to look up what TED stood for (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The ones who left the organization want to live in impervious silos where wrong-think can't penetrate. A new religion. Looking forward to Erick's new book this summer.

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I've only watched the occasional TED talk: Michael Shellenberger and Brian Stevenson were excellent. Glenn Greenwald and The Free Press both covered the shadow-banning of Coleman Hughes, who had the audacity to suggest that we should live in a colorblind society.

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Yep, colorblind and character-focused was what MLK championed. Race grifters can't make money off of that.

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I’ve always boycotted them by ignoring.

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Good point. I guess I am, too, then!

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It is very sad commentary when the Transgender situation comes up. I do not understand it at all. And it seems to be taking priority over parental rights. I agree with Deborah, I think I turned left when I should have turned right somewhere along the road. God save the USA!!

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If the photo of the Gen Z Alphabet People in the linked CNBC article is indicative of anything, it indicates that 25% of Gen Z kids are self-absorbed unserious children who likely need (as my departed mom said) a swift kick in the rear end to make 'em get over themselves.

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Leave it to NYC to arrest the same stalker three times in five days, someone who has been outside Taylor Swift's apartment 30 times in two months, and release him back into the wild to do it again. Plenty of women, not just celebrities, have been assaulted or killed by these crazy people. Maybe this experience will finally open Swift's eyes to the soft-on-crime policies of the politicians she supports.

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Ok this will sound cold. Allot of those people that got killed by the very crime they encouraged. How many of those women stood in protests raging against police. It even happened to a family member in CA who has de-fund the police bantor all over her Facebook and several BLM signs. She got carjacked at gun point. Her first words were "Why aren't police doing something about crime..." ( Head explodes )

Oh to make matters worse she blames the whole thing on republicans.

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That does sounds a little cold. :)

There are plenty of conservatives and people who support that police that have stalkers. Megyn Kelly, for instance, had a stalker who ended up serving time in prison. Ben Shapiro spends seven figures a year on security. RFK, Jr. had a man who had threatened him online climb his fence and get apprehended by security, arrested, released, and re-apprehended at his home a few hours later. These lunatics are crazy.

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