Re: AOC at Bowman rally:

"Are your ready to fight?! Are you ready to take this country back?!" ..... Oh, Lordy 🤣🤣🤣

Re: Helen Joyce Explains Transgenderism:

WOW that is 1000% spot-on! 🎯 🎯 🎯 👏 👏 👏

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AOC asked, "Are you ready to take back this borough?!" Umm...it's already in Democrat hands.

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If the FBI wants to catch the “high danger individuals,” can’t they just set up and publicize a 72-virgin harem somewhere to attract these people to the sting operation? You know, post some sample photos of the “virgins” online (withOUT the unibrows please)? I mean really—why do we have to come up with these kinds of ideas on our own?

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These same great Science Professors believed

we would have Ice age by 2000, Earth was flat - Columbus would sail off edge of earth, bleed people to remove infection??

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You would think she would’ve remembered her first encounter with a garbage disposal.Her garbage and Bowman’s garbage should match in a garbage disposal.

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The question no one asks the “transgendered” is which of the two biological sexes are you attracted to? Do you want to be dressed as a woman or man for sex with someone of your biological sex or is it just a sexual turn on that you can now do in public?

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My niece decided first that she was a lesbian and then changed her mind and wanted to be a guy.But her DNA will give her the desire of a male . I guess she would be GAY.

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Does it scare anyone else knowing that Isis is roaming around this country? I can think of a bazillion targets with a bazillion people if they are so inclined that they can destroy. And our military fat cats are more interested in your skin color or sex orientation than they are protecting this country. Makes sense to me.

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The aspect of this I don’t like is how we’re expected to “include” muslims and not “exclude” them, “celebrate” their culture, value the “diversity” they offer us—when these are the people responsible for 9/11. And many other deaths beyond that of our troops and civilians in so many other places Worldwide for so long. And I’m not interested in “moderate” muslims, whatever that actually means. It’s the same so-called “religion,” (the imaginings of one man who was aware of The Bible but disregarded it). It’s like during WWII, having Nazis and Japanese living among us and we take no measures to monitor them and ultimately protect ourselves. Sounds like cowardice to me.

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So even though the government was telling social media companies who to censor by name (Jay Bhattacharya, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., et al) no one had demonstrated that they would be censored in the future?

I expected this ruling from KJB, who proved she has no idea what the First Amendment is for. But the rest? God help us all.

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Before the United States got involved in WW2, American pilots led by Claire Chennault flew P-40’s with shark mouth noses in China, holding the line against Imperial Japan. The American Volunteer Group (aka Flying Tigers). American volunteer pilots flew with the RAF during the Battle of Britain (Eagle Squadron). Americans formed the Lafayette Escadrille pre 1917 during WW1 to help France. Some former USAF F-16 jocks and maintenance troops might want to help Ukraine if allowed to.

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Women who have murdered their child via abortion also need to believe that they are a good person. It doesn't matter what the science says. It doesn't matter what their faith (if they have one) says. They cannot conceive of themselves as murderers and are appalled that anyone else could honestly see them that way.

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Pretty much the same for the Gay community. They don't perceive themselves as wrong and continue to say "Just leave us alone." Yet they still seek out churches in search of some affirmation and seeking acceptance from an organization that does not and should not. But the question is why? They want to change the wording to make what they do OK in the eyes of God but it will never be. Its no different than a murderer who goes to church but continues to murder. Or a guy ( or woman ) who cheats on their partner but continues to seek out church. The word of the lord is not amenable. Their whole goal is to amend that word to seek out confirmation that they can be gay and receive salvation. But they will not. When they stand before the Lord he will banish them away saying he does not know them and I pray they realize their mistake before that happens.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Repurposing Helen Joyce's comment that "the entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person":

Looking at you, Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

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AOC hyping Bowman....

With words like "Are you ready to fight? Are you ready to take this country back?", will our Department of Justice hold AOC accountable if/when one or more of these attendees decide to act on her words? This video is proof that she was encouraging action. She should be held accountable, if someone who attended that rally commits violence.

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And they call us Trump supporters the domestic terrorists.

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That AOC video: Good Lord, what a maroon. America says thank you, Bronx voters.

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"Purple rain, purple rain"

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Anyone else reminded of Howard Dean?

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Alito says court is ignoring threats to free speech

Alito is right. This is insanity. It was established in 2020 people posted truths about Covid and vaccines that were removed by Dem insistence just because they did not like the substance.

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Just a question: so, the White House can determine what is disinformation on their own? What could possibly go wrong?

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The SCOTUS decision on "disinformation" is breathtaking. Not surprising that the three liberal justices support the government Ministry of Truth power, and I have given up expecting Roberts to demonstrate any conservative opinions, but Kavanaugh and Barrett? With this decision by the court I am today in consideration that the Great Experiment is over and the country is lost.

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