DUMB - What will marriage look like in the future!!! Read this and immediately played "My Fair Lady" that 1950's witty and musical but misogynistic tribute to women and ultimately marriage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub40mrXRFrU&list=PLuuAHzJOo50vBvv4SHB6FK0xU7F_3U2dg

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Great job imitating John “F’in” Kerry at 2:45! Sounded just like him.

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Remember jacked up Joe from SotU.

I hope they don't "accidentally " over do it for the debate, so he dies on national television to get sympathy votes and blame Trump .

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Re: Van Jones and Biden being able to go toe-to-toe with Trump...

...if ifs and buts were candy and nuts what a merry Christmas we'd have!

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What makes you think that the Saudis don’t have a Deep State? 9-11 was planned with their help. Our DS is just as bad.

What if Biden is called to his Fathers before November? I can see Michelle Obama as VP and Harris as the store front President. After a year, Harris finds an excuse to resign and we have Obama’s fourth term.

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Kamala Harris is very tenacious, self-centered, intelligent and well-educated but a very poor candidate (perhaps worse than Hillary.) If she moves to the White House and gets the power that office brings, there is little chance she will appoint s.b. currently more influential than she to sit as the heir to the throne.

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Re: Biden making a big to-do over Trump's felony convictions, I thought the Dems wanted to Ban The Box in job applications?

The NY convictions are BS, and the Dems/MSM will reap the whirlwind when they are overturned.

Actuarial science will catch up with Trump before the FulCo case sees the inside of a courtroom again.

I'm more concerned about the obstruction in the classified-docs case. If the feds pursue that one, that'll stick.

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After 9/11 it was truthfully weird W rushed the Saudis out of the US. Nothing will happen to the jihadi religion of peace adherents.

The Manhattan DA needs to experience first hand the people he lets free over and over. NYC is not NYC strong it’s NYC racists democrats.

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We've been playing footsy with the Saudis for far too long.

I've often wondered if the reason we keep buying their oil is to keep them fat and happy and off the jihad trail, or keep our friends close and our enemies closer. If that's the case, we need to ask what we're getting for our money.

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Re: 7'9" Olivier Rioux:

I wouldn't be surprised if some NCAA team files a complaint, demanding that Rioux not be allowed to play, since his height would give Florida an "unfair advantage" over other schools.

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Re: "Manhattan DA drops charges against most of the Columbia University protesters"

And there it is, folks. Is anyone really surprised? And yet, the grandma who merely walked into the capitol rotunda to take a photo on January 6th gets to sit in prison with no charges being filed.

Two systems of justice, two sets of rules, two sets of standards, all of which are selectively applied (or not) for political purposes.

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Rioux The Giant B-Ball Player: That kid's hands make the basketball look like a softball!

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