Seems Fitting that this is Shark Week as they move to take out Biden .

I have never liked the show as I would never be near a fish that big.

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You’d have to be a jackass (pun intended) to vote for Biden.

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Are we sure he wasn’t on Impractical Jokers and they told him to introduce the Ukrainian President as Putin?

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As much as I want Biden out of the Oval Office this in my view reeks of treason ",and communicating with foreign leaders to force Biden out of the race.". Pressuring donors and other Democrats, etc., is fair game.

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Erick is the only person I’ve ever heard say “tack-it.”

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He's pretty adamant that it's pronounced that way, bless his heart. If you look" tacit" up in various dictionaries, including the OED, no alternate pronunciation uses the /k/ sound, just /s/. And if you look up American English phonics rules, in general, any c followed by i or e is pronounced /s/. I think we're safe to assert the "tack-it" pronunciation is an outlier.

My contribution will be to repeat advice from a wise man who once said, "Know when you're in the minority." Or this could be a vast left-wing conspiracy to make Erick's life miserable and we're all lying.

Erick--I wouldn't rag on you if I didn't like you, a lot. Keep up the good fight!

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Erick pronounced the Roman historian Tacitus the same way, so it must be a UAE thing.

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Last night Brandon accidentally took a cognitive test, before the entire world, and failed it, and he and his staff and the press completely missed it.

Being 67, my doc has given me the simple Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), with every annual physical, since age 65. You can take it online for free if you are interested.

It takes 5 minutes and is nonintrusive. It's not comprehensive but a simple screening test to see if you should be referred for deeper diagnostics. It starts with a list of three items (ie. apple, table, penny) that you are told you will have to repeat in the same order as the last step of the test.

Last night, as the press were asking multiple questions, Brandon was unable to recall the questions. It was so bad that the last reporter voluntarily repeated the second question.

He failed MoCA but all this means is a likely referral for a blood test, a brain MRI, and a more comprehensive day long evaluation to narrow down any issues and come up with a treatment plan.

I passed just fine so I am volunteering to take the test for Brandon, and submit it to the world in his name, hopefully keeping him in the race.

Christmas came early when this old white racist barricaded himself in the Oval office and refused to leave. You can’t make this stuff up 😊

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Info Ya’ll

Operation Southern Slow Down starts Monday and ends Sunday July 15-21

Law enforcement will be ticketing speeders. In Georgia, South Carolina,&Florida

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Yeah because speeding is the most pressing and important thing right now for police.

But yet I have to sit behind a car that smells of weed.

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I did say info . Now I know in Atlanta no one ever speeds.They only Sig-Sag at 90 mph on the interstate.

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Until CNN falls on their sword regarding lies they perpetuated regarding Russia Collusion, Charlottesville, bleach, etc. etc., their performance these past two weeks as nothing more than a desperate attempt to stave off a total collapsse. Well deserved by the way.

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From what I understand (reportedly from the WSJ) Biden can not legally turn over the donations from his campaign to Harris until he and her are officially nominated. Therefore, there is no way he will drop out until then. Additionally I am told that early September (2-7) is the last date that the Dems can change names on the ballot for most states. This doesn’t mean that they won’t continue to build up the pressure for him to leave until then. I can see Biden at their convention pretending to be noble by accepting the nomination and then immediately turning it over to Harris. Biden would stay on until January because they don’t want Congress having a hand in picking the VP.

The question then becomes who do they pick (and I do mean they because they’re not going to allow her to pick the VP)? Are they going to go with a safe white guy or a black guy or are they going to go all out with an all-female team like Whitmer to run full bore on legalized infanticide?

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Well. A Harris/Whitmer team would be pretty much the worst thing I could imagine.

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Almost ,a Clinton /Harris ticket makes my skin crawl to say the very least. You are so right Harris/ Whitmer ticket would be horrific.

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Chris Mathews (former MSNBC) said "the Elite critics of Biden are going to pay for it"

Does that mean FBI, attacks by Media, what does that MEAN??

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Re: Serena, when will progressives learn that ripping on (non-politician) conservatives is a very bad look for them? Sure, it probably gives a DOPEamine rush to them and their fellow travelers. It just makes the rest of us--including those in the middle--just think even less of them.

I get infinitely more vitriol from posting a conservative view in a progressive environment than vice-versa.

Many Trump supporters support him because he represents a big middle finger to the Left.

That's not healthy for this country, and the Left owns their share of that.

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"first solo press conference in eight months" uhm, is this not an indicator of the lack of transparency or confidence in the President of the United States to answer questions from a bunch of sycophants?

You would think the press would be interested... nah! I guess anything Trump generates more clicks.

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How many times can they juice up Biden before it stops working or he crashes and stops working

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Can I get some of that stuff? Old age and the heat has slowed me down and nothing seems to get done.

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All those amphetamines have to be hard on the ol' ticker.

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deletedJul 12
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I think his official title is “Dear Leader” but not sure.

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deletedJul 12
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You’re kidding right? I guess you never heard of the never trumpets.

His own party has been calling for Trump to go away since 2015.

The dems don’t suddenly get to be virtuous. They are culpable for this mess and they now must deal with it.

Biden won’t drop out and unless they come up with a way to mess with votes. Lose.

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Have you heard of Mitt Romney?

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