More competent Press Secretary?

More competent VP, Transportation Sec, etc.

A players surround themselves with A players

Obama was a B player and surround himself with C players

Biden is a doddering old fool and surrounds himself with incompetents.

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Biden forgot to throw in "they're gonna put y'all back in chains", after his remark the Republicans want to sunset SS and Medicare.

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"It boggles my mind that the White House hasn’t made an effort to find a more competent press secretary." I will tell you why....they do not care. They control the Narrative (Big Tech, Big News Media, Hollywood, Academia, Foundations, NGO's, etc). They run cover for fools like her and all the other CRAZY policies that are dystopian and insane. If American's complain, their response is, "MEH!"

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I'm old enough to remember when the Left wing media lost their collective minds when that Republican Congressman yelled, "You lie!" during an Obama SOTU.

How quaint that seems compared to lsst night.

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Some years ago, Keith Olbermann was on tv and gave a disgusting dissertation on "W" and got away with it.

So, it was no big surprise when a Repub shouted out "You Lie" in Obama's SOTU.

Next was Pelosi tearing up Trump's speech.

Last night's event began with Romney calling Santos a "sick puppy" (stiff shirt Romney of all people), MTG jumping up and screaming "liar" (dressed up in her snow queen outfit), and POTUS lying with impunity.

This has devolved into the Prime Minister's Questions, which is good theater but horrible for finding solutions.

Last night I skipped it and watched a movie. All the highlights were available this morning in a 3-minute read, and all of it trash. I agree with Eric's suggestion that in a day or two this will all be forgotten.


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I will take Romney over Santos or Greene any day. He represents a far better party than what we have now

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I'll pass on all three of them, thank you very much!

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I just want someone who takes governing seriously. I am tired of the GOP clown show. If GOP voters nominate Trump again, or one of his surrogates, I will probably never vote GOP again. And there are millions like me that will make it hard for the GOP to be successful going forward.

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I too am tired of the clown show. And Mitch McConnell is now too old and should step down and let younger senators take over. And Trump is too old to be president either. But if you chose to never vote for anyone in the GOP (as poor a choice as that can be) you cannot really think that Biden is better than Trump. And with all of the nuttiness with the Democrats in both the House and Senate, surely you cannot support them, can you?

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Biden, for me, is the opposite side of the coin as Trump. They are both miserable Presidents.

No candidate is entitled to my support, they have to earn it. If me voting my conscience means a Democrat wins, I have made peace with that. I will always support my top candidate, regardless of party, than allow myself to vote for someone like Trump out of fear that the other person is worse.

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Sorry, I just could not vote for Hillary. Just couldn't do it.

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LOL! Mittens is a panderer and opportunist. He NEVER challenges Democrats. He loves the Media attn he gets when he attacks Conservatism and/or Republicans. He is the Charlie Crist of the GOP.

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Next thing you know, it'll devolve into the South Korean legislature where they have fist fights on the floor.

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Maybe the Biden crew actually want an incompetent press secretary so that she gets the ridicule instead of where it really belongs. Just guessing.

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FYI - the link to the Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden story is from January, 2020. Was it supposed to be more current?

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Darn. My bad!

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