1. I'm a libertarian, I give zero f***s about trump, voted for him once. He's a classic narcissist wish he would go away

2. I will wager serious money that trump picks Desantis as his VP.

3. If trump doesn't f**k up the next 4 years, that gives us possibly 12 years, based on Desantis track record, a good run.

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All three points are in conflict, this is irrational.

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What is rational about the times we are living in?

We have a President that can't put a coherent sentence together or even walk up stairs on his own unless he's on excellon and other stimulants.

If I go to my Dr and tel him/her that I hear voices in my head.. I'm going to get institutionalized. But, if I'm a kid and tell them I think I'm a girl when I was born a boy I'm going to get gender reaffirming surgery. Depending on the state I can get that gender reaffirming surgery without my parents permission. How is that rational?

The inconvenient truth of the last 4 mass shooters (Colorado springs,

Denver, Aberdeen and Nashville) is they all identified as trannys but the mainstream media ignored it.

Our congress gave zalinsky a standing ovation and billions of our tax dollars while the Australians walked out on him. That's a huge WTF moment.

You like to call people out. but you don't take a position. So please, explain your position or is the check I'm about to write to the IRS going to continue your oppression.

So next time you are in the checkout line at your local grocery store and you pull out your peach card, remember who funds that

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Great show today. To the man that called in the 3rd hour, about what to call their family member that's trans and what pronouns to use, I would refer them to this great podcast episode (Pints With Aquinas) which at the clip provided below provides an answer to a similar question

Responding to Transgenderism With Truth and Mercy w/ Jason Evert


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The whole 2 1/2 hour episode, is very fascinating. Jason Evert is amazing the amount of facts he has accumulated as he wrote his last book, which has sold out.

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Anyone who (like me) is old enough to remember should realize that THIS specatacle is exactly why Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon.

And anyone who remembers the image of Lee Harvey Oswald, in handcuffs and arms being held while he gets shot, knows why there's no way in the world the Secret Service won't let Trump be cuffed.

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A significant factor in Trump winning the 2016 primaries was the billions in free press given to him via the left's apoplectic coverage.

And here go again. Trump is a cult of personality, not a serious career politician. The talking heads are saying the indictment will hurt him. Wrong. Trump is surfing on

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity,”

~P.T. Barnum


“There’s only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

~Oscar Wilde

If the left would just STFU about Trump we would go away.

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I was a big supporter of the NPR station in Atlanta when it was known for “the classics”, I.e. music. When they turned into a left wing talk radio station because the millennials didn’t want classical music, I turned my back on them. I do owe much of my knowledge of the music to them.

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Put 10 men and 100 women on a deserted island. In 100 years, you'll find a growing community of men, women, boys and girls. Now, put 10 men and 100 transgender women on a deserted island. In 100 years, you'll find 110 male skeletons. That is not mean. That is not hate. That is not transphobia. That is science. But now, we've got a PhD trying to tell us that this is NOT science. This is where we are, folks. Welcome back to the Dark Ages.

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You win the comments today

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Re: When Climate Change Melts Your Relationship

Is it any wonder why western men are either looking overseas for foreign wives, or just swearing off marriage completely?

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Well par for the course, liberals grieved for the terrorists who were attacked by the U.S. after 9/11. Hillary wanted to sit down and take the time to understand them and their view point

Liberals grieve for perpetrators of violent crime (as long as they are not white) because they are victims of poverty and what ever else the government should have fixed for them.

Liberals are the bigots. They don't see right and wrong (that would be objective) they see in intersectionality.

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Did they want him arrested on a friday so that he would have to stay in jail over the weekend?

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Women have XX chromosomes and men have XY.

The bones can be examined to check the pelvis measurements. Women have a bigger opening for child birth.

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You don't need a phd to tell the difference between a man and a woman.

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Either living now or dead for 40,000 years. The problem is the introduction of "gender", which is not a physical attribute.

People have sex (physical attribute), words have gender.

What this PhD idiot is saying is we don't know what that person thought of themselves. Well no s#1t sherlock death = brain function has stopped.

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Apr 1, 2023
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Looking at your bio does not help resolve Poe's Law.

Are you also PCC?

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