Reagan had the best question.

“Are you better off now than four years ago?”.

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Interesting Substack article from the (self-proclaimed Marxist) Freddie DeBoer.

TL; DR: Harris has the same potential of becoming another Hillary Clinton.

No, you shouldn't point that out yourself. Just smile and wave.


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That ad would get the Mike Rowe Seal of Approval.

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I think we have the best team. Having said that, we might just win this thing if both Trump and Vance could make a pact to rise above the name calling and spit fighting to talk about the important issues. Push Kamala's failures and wrong policy notions as there are so many of them it's like a field of dreams...or maybe nightmares. STOP calling her names, let her boil in her own fetid stew. If you fall in the slop with her, you might just lose this thing.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Does it ever dawn on the Dems that talking trash about certain members of the public causes them to not think kindly of you? That insulting people and trying to make them feel bad in the process of trying to get their vote doesn't work?

Not everyone is a "mean girl" or responds as intended to "mean girl" tactics.

The Dems are utterly clueless on how off-putting their arrogance and snobbery is.

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Please oh please oh please!!! More of those type and genre of TV ads!!!!! That hits the mark dead on! It is a universal hook!

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If the GOP sticks to exposing lies (Harris, Democrats, media), they'll win. If they try to demean, belittle, or bewail all they think is unfair, they'll lose.

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Interesting if she is going with Shapiro. Selena Zito who predicted Trump win and then Biden win says she thinks the state has gone Red

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Heck, it's almost like Harris has a tough choice: put Shapiro on the ticket and probably put PA in the bag, but lose MI. Harris would have to pick up Georgia or NC in that case.

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Please post a direct link to that commercial-it’s awesome

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Inflations - if prices go up $100 does Govt receives 7% more sales tax?

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Doesn't work like that because people buy less when inflation gets out of control. Revenue to the gov actually decreases when that happens.

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It is fascinating the coordination of the Democrat media machine to whitewash Kamala Harris... effectively putting lipstick on the farm animal and making it into a princess. The Republicans instead keep attempting to cover Trump with poo and then cry when they lose elections.

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You had me wondering there, Erick, where on one's body the "finder" is located. Darn spellcheck!

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Amputating part of his "finger" not his "finder"!

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I love that commercial. The problem is that the Democrats will claim it as theirs, and Republicans are generally too stupid to recognize that THIS more than anything is exactly what is needed to pull young voters into the party. Instead Republicans will deliver the Handmaiden's Tale to young voters.

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Shes a young white female. I understand more and more women are marching toward hard labor jobs, but honestly its just a further erosion of the American family were mommy now has to work as well leaving the children to let TikTok raise them instead.

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We are so far beyond that we are never going back. I think the message is that bringing back manufacturing and industrial jobs from being offshored is a good thing.

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And you bring up another point. She’s a white female. When those jobs are largely going to illegals and other minorities. In fact many jobs are being prioritized minorities over whites.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Long, slow-boat-from-China supply chains are a recipe for market disruptions and national insecurity. We should NEVER, EVER allow another country to hold us by the short and curlies.

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One flaw in that commercial: It fails to identify the owners of the manufacturers it promotes. In today's America, they might equally be Chinese or US citizens.

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I don't know that THAT matters. Japan put a lot of car manufacturing plants in the US for the cars that US consumers buy. I am good with that.

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