September 10, the ABC News Hosts do their intro. They introduce President Trump who walks confidently to the podium. They introduce VP Harris, and then call her name four or five times more. The podium is empty. They conduct a dialogue with Trump. I like this idea. Anyone else?

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"Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress."

Yet the taxpaying American citizens are expected to sit back quietly and watch our elected officials piss away months and millions of dollars on a debate that is pre-planned to fail ... while other truly serious problems are allowed to roll on unchallenged. Man oh man, I sure do love DC.

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"all sides are watching the high-level ceasefire negotiations happening in Cairo between Hamas and Israel" No I don't think that's what is happening. As Erick theorized I believe some of these enemy factions are holding back knowing any actions may help Trump win by damaging Harris's image in a crisis. They have some fiendishly horrible acts waiting to take pace but they don't get to happen under a Trump admin.

China is as well. This will be rather long but here is what I believe happens if Harris wins in nov.

1 Week after her victory China invades Taiwan. But not in the way people think. Everyone believes it will be a massive military operation.

The problem with that - China needs allot of the industry that Taiwan supplies as much as the US and the rest of the world does. A full scale attack would destroy much of that infrastructure.

The alternative, China sends in a strategic strike force to capture, kill or fore the current gov of Taiwan to flee. China's small force moves in to the capital and forces the leaders of Taiwan into a peace treaty and order all military forces to stand down. A process which would be lightning quick and cause an industrial hostage situation.

China now in control of 2/3rds of the worlds super conductor production would put out that any international force threatening to invade would result in China destroying the island and bringing modern world industry to a screeching halt.

What would this do as far as the US is concerned.

Biden or Harris, would balk at the idea of bloodshed and he would face pressure from other nations to simply let China have the island in exchange for no more bloodshed and instigating a war that could lead to millions if not more dead and the global economy essentially destroyed.

The US under the control of weak leadership would seek diplomatic means instead of military intervention. Kind of like what's happening in Ukraine. Australia, South Korea, and the Philippines although wanting to intervene military would back off. The leader of Taiwan, if not killed or captured, would go into exile.

Why this matters, because under a Trump admin, none of this would be possible by China. They know a Trump or republican lead country wouldn't care about industry or diplomatic solutions. Trumps only words would be "Get out of Taiwan or be destroyed." China may still invade under a Trump admin hoping that there would be enough dissent to stop a full scale war. But war would happen and China would lose. But so would the world.

What keeps Taiwan safe from a Chinese takeover is the threat of action from the US. If that threat is weakened enough, China will take action.

This is how the world ends if Harris is put in office.

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I don't think polls mean much one way or the other. However, I do think that there are far more emotional voters, voters who really have no idea about anything and vote on a sound bite that they like, voters who never see anything but the MSM propaganda and don't even have a good understanding of how elections work. So, I still predict that the democrats have their machine going full bore and will win by any means necessary.

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The poll sighted is total bogus nonsense. When you poll 70% democrats to 30% republicans because you believe that is the makeup of the nation, your going to get bias results. No different than the poll showing Harris up by 10 in Michigan. Polls are meaningless and don't tell the whole story.

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I know. A poll can be done in such a way that it will show whatever you want it to show. That is why I said I don't think polls mean much. It is the power of the democrat machine that is significant to who wins.

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Until we hear from Kamala's own mouth that she no longer holds positions she previously held, we have to assume she still holds them.

And even after (if) she says she no longer holds positions she previously held, I'm pretty sure she still holds them. She just won't admit she does.

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Jonathan Karl on ABC once again demonstrating that they are part of the media wing of the DNC. Why bother believing anything they have to say? Unless it can be verified with the naked eye, like a car wreck, a plane crash, a forest fire the MSM cannot in any shape , fashion or form be believed. The MSM is beyond repair. They will continue to play their song and dance while the viewership for these news organizations continues to slide.

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She has never said publicly that she no longer holds those positions. Because she still believes that. If she didn't she would have said so at the convention. This is why she is trying to torpedo the debate.

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It was mostly peaceful.

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I would love for one of these politicians to ask, does she have a glass bellybutton? The interviewer would be confused and say, why do you ask that? The politician would say, because it's clear your head is so far up her a$! that's the only possible way you can see out.

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Now that’s funny. Love it.

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Study claims that 1 in 4 Americans find life to be “boring.”...

This could qualify for the stupid headline of the say. Life is mostly lived on autopilot, because society is reliable, predictable, and safe.

That does not mean you can't actively engage in life and find surprises. "Boring" is a choice made by lazy people.

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Hey bored people: Volunteer! Serve! Opportunities are a'bounding!

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Yeah, living in occupied Warsaw 1939-45 probably wasn’t “boring.”

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California close to approving $150K loans for illegal immigrants to help purchase homes...

So the price of real estate in CA just went up by $150,000, way to screw working class citizens.

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But just think of all those million dollar plus real estate moguls with their 1000 sq ft house on a postage stamp-sized lot.

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Where's the section on Pres. Trump saying he would be "great for women and their reproductive rights"?

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It's in an EE column published earlier this morning.

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"Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress."

Remember this...

"In excerpts from one of Mrs Clinton's paid speeches to Wall Street bankers, she said: "Politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be.

"But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position."

We have gone from needing to see Hilary's secret emails to read this to the Democrats just admitting it because the dishonest and corrupt mainstream media that is an arm of the DNC never challenges them on the flip-flopping and blatant dishonesty. Democrats have been trained by their media pals protecting them to deliver lie after lie in terms of what they actually support.

And then there is Turmp saying what he thinks, and then supporting what he says... and THIS is what the media rips apart.

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Jonathan Karl is a friggin' disgrace. I love Tom Cotton. He is a rockstar in the GOP party. We need more like him.

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This says Trump is Ahead


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