Not better for the GOP. Sorry. Martin is a hack.

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I did not read "The GOP Is Actually Better Off if Kamala Harris Wins" because I needed to sign up for another newsletter. I get too many already. But here's my take, "The Democrat Party and the Nation is Actually Better Off if Donald Trump wins". If Harris is soundly defeated along with the other socialist/progressive Waltz, the Dems will be able to purge their party of their crazies and find candidates that actually are for America. My gut tells me there is a lot of high-level Dems thinking that way - so they can shed the wokeness that will ultimately eat them up. They won't say so, but that's why they're glad Waltz instead of Shapiro is on the ticket - let all the loony tunes go down together.

If Trump loses, a large swath of middle America - the toxic white patriotic males - will in large part turn one of two ways: violence or resignation with the entire system. Neither is good for America.

If Trump wins, he is only a one-term President and both sides will start searching for common ground in 2028.

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I didn't read the article about how the GOP would be better off if Trump loses either. For me, because the idea is beyond insane. Your position makes sense.

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Yes, the democrats need a thorough thumbing to clear their heads of the uber-leftists running them.

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Thanks for sharing the link to Politico's piece by Jonathan Martin, a classic case of myopic TDS (c) infected inside-the-beltway gossip that the "news" organization is famous for. Of course, the incumbent party of the President usually loses seats in their first (and more so during their second) mid-term elections. But he wrongly assumes that voters will "split their tickets" this fall and vote for a GOP Congress. While the Senate may still go Republican, a "strong" Harris win would likely result in a Democratic House. Voters are more partisan than ever, and ticket splitters are increasingly few and far between. Martin's musings reflect the thinking of Beltway partisans who have lost touch with those of us that live outside of it.

Just so you know, I'm a congressional and campaign veteran of 37 campaigns in 26 states over 40 years.

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I want to be President. You get to crap your pants, lay around at the beach while the world burns, get “briefed” on the Georgia school shooting, then shout “Confiscate all Guns”.

The calls for gun control are predictably unserious, but I am only alive today because I am armed. I have been trained. I am licensed. For 10 years I have carried a 357 but have never needed it until about 2 months ago. I was assaulted in the parking lot of an Atlanta Home Depot.

I had my 357 with me, concealed. A 60-year-old white guy was having a shitty day and decided to yell at me as I was walking into the store. He then charged me while telling me he would kill me. I blindly backed up into the parking lot, but he kept pressing me. I put my hand on my weapon but did not draw. I warned the assailant that unless he backed away, I would draw and fire 2 rounds into his chest. He was 12 inches away so if I had fired he would be dead today. If I did not have my weapon, and if he had knocked me down, I would be dead today. I had a horrible dilemma. Use my weapon to protect myself, and forever change my life and his.

If he had laid hands on me, I most certainly would have shot him…. I think.

I am a responsible gun owner. Nobody can know how they will react when under a life-threatening situation. In my mind time slowed down. I had time to consider multiple options. I shouted out that I was armed, that I was in fear for my life, and that I did not want to kill him. I kept screaming it until the store manager came out. My warning caused him to stop and back away. Shaking, I called the police, and they went to pick him up once they saw the Home Depot security camera footage.

Guns are not the problem. Shouting for gun control only signals how unserious you are. Everyone should be armed. Young children in the 3rd grade should learn gun safety so they don’t get in trouble when they encounter a loaded weapon at a friend’s house.

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Abortion- when should it be NOT Legal>

6 weeks - a lot of women sometime skip periods

4 months

8 months.

just before birth

Two years old.

Pre Teen (door slaming and moody)

Teenagers (some wish they could go back and use protection that night)

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I agree with Politico.

Time for you knuckleheads to move on from Trump and rebuild the party.

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Do you think anyone who has been treated like the red headed step child is going to help you rebuild a party of establishment types who were the problem in the first place?

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Kathy, I guess you will get your chance to see who stands up to rebuild the GOP to its former glory. If it can be.

Maybe don’t choose such a flawed and divisive candidate next time. And I’m talking 2016 here. The GOP set itself up for destruction in that every minute.

Now, people are so desperate to get away from Trump they will choose an avowed Communist. Or like me, just not vote for Pres since both choices suck butt.

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I didn't want Trump in the first place. However, since he was elected I have seen how the establishment GOP has denigrated his supporters, treated them worse than democrats have, and how you all keep insisting we need to go back to the old republican party whose collaboration with democrats, not to mention ceding all social issues to them, is how we got Trump in the first place. So while I never have preferred Trump as a candidate, I now see that the republican party doesn't want a lot of us regular people who expected republicans to do what they were supposed to do. So if you "rebuild the GOP to its former glory", I won't be a part if that either.

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Trump is the "establishment GOP" he has been the standard bearer for going on 9 years - longest standard bearer of my lifetime. He hand picked RNC leadership, they include his kin of morons. He has had a disproportionate impact on the GOP congressional candidates for the past several years through his dumb endorsements in the primaries. A prerequisite for leadership in congress now is not having voted to not certify the 2020 results - seriously how insanely stupid is that? Almost no one in conservative media or as an elected Repub can say anything that has a hint of disloyalty to this buffoon and you think he is a victim of the supposed establishment? AYFKM?

Speaking of denigrating supporters he has banished any Haley voters from his dumbass maga kingdom whatever the hell that is. And his online supporters / media leg humpers are the dumbest most vicious group of raging lunatics on the web - they make my trolling look like child's play. SMH

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Blair, I don't even bother to read your frothing at the mouth comments. The bubbles of rage in your head over the existence of Trump make your incoherent tirades not even funny anymore.

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Yep, anti-abortion vs pro-life,no bias there. I never hear pro-death abortion advocates... weird. Branding is a high-dollar investment just ask Kamala .

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Here is some thoughts on the Steel issue in Pitt.

The unions are complaining about them being bought out by a foreign company. Except they are the primary cause of why the main company needs to get bought out to begin with. They bleed the company dry with unreasonable pay increases, benefits, etc.. while the price of product and to produce goes up squeezing the organizations bottom line.

Steel producers that are not unionized don't seem to have this issue.

There was a manufacturing town in Illinois where the factory was the main source of income for the entire town. When the company started having problems with money due to a changing market they went to the union to renegotiate wages and seek relief. The union refused and instead demanded an increase in wages. When the company refused the workers went on strike further worsening an already dire situation. 3 months after the strike started the company went belly up and closed the factory. A year later there were still union members in picket lines holding up signs in front of an empty building and a bankrupt business.

Point being sometimes these unions don't realize they are often a part of the problem. Just like dems who don't realize their calls for higher wages has lead to a rise in automation and AI.

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That is a very good point. To a great extent, our outsourcing to other countries and selling out to other countries can be laid at the feet of the unions. And when everything we need comes from somewhere else, any country that wants to can walk in and take over.

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I just love all the "if we just do this, we will get rid of all the rubes in the republican party who have highjacked the establishment and exposed the uniparty" articles, comments and ruminations from both the left and the right. Some people simply must get a really hard reality slap before waking up to what is being done to this country. Sell all the land to foreign countries and let them buy all the businesses. Name call and mock anyone who opposes such. You will get what you ask for.

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Erick, I think you are right in the very short term. A defeat of Trump and his departure from the political scene (assuming that is possible, by the way) would certainly deprive the Democrats of a treasured hate object. But let's been honest. ALL Republican presidential candidates are depicted as crypto-Nazis when push comes to shove. Remember how nice the media was to John McCain when he was dumping on other Republicans, but once he was the GOP candidate for the presidency...overnight he became the New Hitler. When the Democrats behave like this, they deprive many of us any incentive to want to replace Trump or any Trump-like candidate. And let's be honest the reason they hate Trump so much is, unlike so many professional Republican politicians, he actually wants to fulfill his promises. I think also you underestimate the degree to whch Trump has reconfigured the Republican party, regardless of who is the next GOP candidate.

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I know you're not a cheerleader for Trump, don't expect it, but appreciate the straight skinny. Trying, though, to understand why you would highlight a leftist article suggesting how good it would be for the GOP if Harris wins, as if they care. I'm sure there are many leftists who would love conservatives to follow that advice. Harris as president would be an embarrassment on the world stage and and a disaster for our country, triply so if conservatives lose the House and Senate. Like Biden, Harris will allow herself to be an empty pantsuit taking orders from those running things now.

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I assume he highlighted the article because likely a part of him (or all) concurs with the message of the article. However admitting that is not a tenable position for a conservative media personality so instead he just highlights the article vs. co-signing the punchline.

I don't blame him by the way. I am no better. If I were a conservative media personality I'd probably have become a unabashed whore long ago and would be elbowing out Hannity and Newsmax for prime humping position on Trump's leg. I'd privately gripe about Trump while counting the 0s in my bank account.

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Yeah, I think your first sentence must be correct. If Erick were a sycophant for the GOP I wouldn't read/listen to him. But, not crazy about him helping the DNC at all in doing their job for them. I can go to RealClearPolitics and get views from every perspective, if I choose to. I read Erick because he is a conservative but not pickled in far right crazy. Let the left carry their own water.

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I agree with the article in context but people need to realize there is a stark reality here and that 1. this isn't just about trump. He just makes an easy target. 2. I have never heard of any benefit to losing. That only works in Sports.

And I beg for people to remember the democrats in 2012, 2008 and before. Any republican candidate is going to get excoriated in the press. Just look at Walker. Terrible candidate, maybe but the lies and vitriol crossed the line.

Heck, look at JD vance and even Pence at one stage was lambasted for just being a republican and you only need to look as far as State contests to understand how the dems and the media operate.

So now are we supposed to find a candidate that "doesn't" unravel the dems emotionally? Please. Trump is just an easy target. Had Nikki or Desantis won the nomination the criticism would have been just as bad. Worse even. We need not kid ourselves and think "Well if we can just get by trump..." Nonsense. The actions of this media and the dems will go beyond 2024 if they win under these circumstances.

- You will probably never see a presidential primary ever again for the Dems. Maybe even for the republicans as well. I have my pros and cons about that personally. But that's not the point. The more and more that the peoples choice gets mitigated, the less and less we are a democratic republic and more a representative dictatorship. Where there is an appearance of voting but the peoples vote doesn't really matter. Go to South Africa or Liberia if you want a preview of how an elected dictatorship works.

If we allow the dems to get away with this bait and switch, it will have far far reaching consequences beyond this year. and that has NOTHING to do with Trump as a candidate or not. the GOP will be shut out of the election process for good if this is allowed to continue.

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There is often a hyperbolic bent to your comments here that I just don't see happening.

I like the sports analogy though. Remember when the Dolphins were "tanking for tua" - someone should coin a political version of this in 2024 based on the gist of the politico article - Demurring for DeSantis.... I'm sure someone can come up with something better using any of the potential candidates, Kemp, Haley, Vance, etc.

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Credit to Chris Cuomo for his moving tribute to the murdered Israeli American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin and the five other hostages executed with him. Tim Walz had this to say when asked about the incident: "Thanks everybody!"

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I proposed a Biden (Harris) win would be good for the GOP last year, albeit for shallower reasons.

Let the Democrats own the economic collapse, the pending terrorist attack on our soil, the U S. gangs vs South American gangs war, and yes, shedding Trump.

In the short term bad for America, the working class, and the world. How short? We survived the 70's and Reagan turned it around in 4 years.

In the long term good for everyone. A more focused GOP in charge for 12 maybe 16 years from 2028-2042.

My retirement may get f'ed up but I don't think Trump getting one term now necessarily secures my future leasure.

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LOL. If you need more than four years of chaos to make the case, then there is no case to be made. And climbing out of the hole caused isn't a year-for-year correction. Decline is simple and fast. Fixing what has been broken is a much more difficult climb. Just ask the people of Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela.

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I get it.

Trump's brand damage to the GOP can't be understated. With a Trump win 2028 is wide open. When Biden was in that was always going to be the case, he is out.

With a Trump win he continues to have heavy influence on the Party, and more backing looser candidates.

While JFK would not get the Democratic Party nomination today, JD Vance would not get the Republican nomination in 1990.

While Trump is at present the logical choice he is ultimately the wrong direction.

Kamala and the Democrats take support for her as a mandate for more destructive progressive policies.

Trump and the Republicans take support for him as a mandate for more of what ever series of populist tactical distractions with no strategy.

Both are dead wrong, but we get more of what they consider encouragement.

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Your response shows how deep the damage has gone, and not just from President Trump. It has been going on for years with the ever increasing machine that drags us through election cycles that now never end, with armies of strategists, pundits and ‘communications directors blathering about branding and messaging - as you show with your use of the word ‘brand’. Being a Republican or Democrat is not a shallow thing like the wrapper on a candy bar or beer can. Political campaigns must be more than sales campaigns and gimmicks, but that is what they have become. As Reagan said years ago, campaigns are about creating the means for the best candidates to become those who will run the government on our behalf. As time and events change the world, so must we - looking clearly at what must be done NOW, not next election cycle - to put our government on a path to securing our rights and providing the conditions that allow us to work to achieve our own vision for a better life for ourselves, our families, friends and communities. We will fail miserably if we can only see this as a contest between those that support our former President and those that see some other past model to return to power, and that includes the Democrats in opposition.. The issue is “What must we do now, and who knows how to make it happen?” The party, is the sum total of who shows up to do the work of organizing and winning campaigns - it has guiding principles, surely - but it is people who accomplish the work. If you don’t like the current group, bring some others and get to work. There is more than enough common ground for those who see the need to arrest the course we are currently on and ending the ‘fundamental transformation’ begun in January, 2009. We should not allow the damage to continue, or worse accelerate, so that those others can be driven out so the ‘right’ people can be in charge later.

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Yep, 33% down requires a 50% up to break even...

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The desperation and creativity of the Democrat Regime to pitch Harris is astounding by itself, but much more so in comparison to the trainwreck GOP party apparatus. I just ready another gag-me piece from Matt Yglesisas's Substack that we should all vote for Harris if we oppose woke.

The Democrats play a professional level media game. The Republicans play a high school version.

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When your opponent sets the bar low, Trump, you have no incentive to do better, Biden, and now Kamala. It was always going to be Kamala if Biden could not continue, the Democrats were not going to nominate a candidate with zero money out of the gate.

But seriously, who else is there? The Democrats are 50 shades of grey.

Trump allows them to not care and not listen, which begets Kamala, which justifies Trump. We are watching the Democrats and Republicans 69 each other taking turns winning while we get a facial.

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- Trump losing may be good for the GOP but not the world. Even if she doesn't have congress. Lets say the house and senate are republican but harris wins the white house. She is still the commander in chief and when our enemies see that they will immediately strike at their targets of interest. China for Taiwan and Iran for Israel and even more in other places. Its not just about Trump. We lose the white house, we lose control of the military which right now is floundering.

It may be somewhat ok if the house and senate are republican. At least that's gridlock which is good for Americans. The only other bad for the dems is they are stuck with Harris in the WH. I bet they pressure her not to run in 2028... if there's still a world to run in.

- Harris joins with Trump and Vance on rejecting Steel deal. This is yet another of Harris's attempt to look like a conservative while she will do none of those things once elected. I am wondering if she has Joe Manchin on her campaign staff because this is the nonsense he used to pull to get elected in WV but then always swung back to progressive liberal policies once elected. Always.

I still don't see Harris winning. There are too many states and districts that are too close to be a real win for her because you have to remember Trump always outperforms his polls in the rust belt. Always has always will. So a 1 or 2 point lead in a swing state is a trump win.

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I hope you are right, but there is still that pesky merchan sentencing and the stupidity that will come out of djt's mouth after that.

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On the less serious news - I asked my husband the other day, “When did Kamala pick up that Southern accent?” We’re native Southerners so we can tell when someone is faking it. Kind of like when Hillary trotted out her fake Southern accent a long while back. But I guess she thinks it plays well during her Sun Belt tour. Grates on my nerves!

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A San Francisco or LA liberal using a southern accent is about as gag-me as they come.

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"Ah ain't no ways tahred" ....

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