In response to former lieutenant governor Geoff Duncan’s support of Biden…..

Geoff Duncan lacks a moral compass

I can’t believe how people like Geoff Duncan would vote for the Devil and encourage others to do so just because the Devil comes across “nicer”. I would remind them that Eve was not scared of the Serpent and felt quite comforted by his smooth talk and consoling words. Yet his hollow promise of “you shall not die” has reverberated off the tombstones of our loved ones and grows louder in our ears every day. . Geoff would have us vote for a baby killing, Israel snubbing, foreign bribe accepting, controlled by Obama, dementia patient who wants a borderless, abortion up til birth, fentanyl infested, country where children can be fisically mutilated in the name of affirming care. I don’t advocate Trumps immorality and he will answer to God for it, but at least he knows what a woman is. At least he is not advocating mutilating his grandchildren’s bodies if they are confused and discouraged. At least his sons and daughters pay taxes and are job creators. At least he doesn’t support opening a babies skull and sucking their brains out up till the point of birth. At least he doesn’t believe we should snub the rule of law and let our country be overrun through catch and release. At least he doesn’t want thousands of our young people to be killed with fentanyl waltzed across a pourous southern border. At least when he talks you know he is talking and not Obama through a teleprompter. Geoff, I DONT SEE WHAT YOU SEE…..YOUR MORAL COMPASS IS OFF and I certainly won’t vote how you vote. If you want to vote for the Devil because he mumbles(somewhat) smoothly”you won’t die” go ahead. The rest of us will vote Trump.

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The threat posed to the Speaker by the idiot congresswoman from NW Georgia is only valuable to her until she tries and it fails.

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She really did shoot her damp squib. Got three other clown car caucus R’s to go along.

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The gov doesn't need to step in on these campuses, but they should at the very least have a resolution to condemn it. The most recent AntiSemetic bill was bad and thankfully died in the senate. However, that should not have been the goal. Just right up a bill for official condemning of the protests while respecting their right to free speech. That will put Democrats on record.

The lawfare is exposing the left but it also emphasizes the point that Trump should not have been the nominee and Republicans should have prevented that in some way. This is way to much trouble for it to be worth it. But I will absolutely vote for Trump regardless. 4 more years of Biden or any democrat would be the absolute end of our nation as a democracy, and possibly the end of the world as we know it.

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The Dutch used a bulldozer to clear encampments

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Trump is the nominee If the Republican establishment wants him or not I remember Reagan and the attacks on him by the establishment to make G H W Bush the nominee the voters said no we want Reagan. Same with Trump the voters like him even if Hollywood doesn’t

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