What this is like.

It’s like a kid stuck in a house that’s on fire and the liberal runs in and instead of helping the child they say “here’s some marshmallows, enjoy” and then walks away.

For the children it is often the parents who have the problem. For the adults who decide it’s time to switch they usually have an underlying mental health problem or they have been abused when they were young and haven’t gotten the help.

These psychiatrists instead of helping them just tell them they are gay and to transition.

But we’ve seen this time and again. It’s not going to end either but get worse as we are now seeing men in women’s sports bringing about the end of girls sports.

Talk to your children and help them if they need help. That’s the best thing you can do.

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Hell yeah, this is what parents need to do. You're not their friend, you're their parent. Grow a set, make rules, set boundaries. ChazAtl said it best Talk to your children and help them if they need help. That’s the best thing you can do.

The only thing I would add is don't enable them if they are on a destructive path. Doesn't work out well for the kid or the parent

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Completely agree. Or is it perhaps that we believe we are as mighty as God as in the Tower of Babble. We can control climate and what sex we are born.

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I have a few classic cars, 60' to 80's. I sent my 17 yo daughter to get me some carb cleaner and she couldn't buy it because she wasn't 18. But these gender confused fucktards can alter their bodies permanently because they don't feel like they're a boy or girl today. Yeah, makes perfect sense //// if you have the IQ of the turd my dog dropped this morning

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Until the Left can have a discussion around the genders being male and female because there are X and Y chromosomes only, I will ignore any cries of "BUT SCIENCE!!!" from the left. They aren't serious until ALL SCIENCE, even the data that contradicts their positions, are taken into account.

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I have long thought that transgenderism could be likened to a fad. Young, impressionable teens are embracing this concept, the very age when fads and social hysteria are rampant. The fact that supposedly clear thinking, educated adults are aiding and abetting this hysteria is deeply disturbing. I cannot understand why adults are thinking this way.

My own daughter and her husband, both late 30's refuse to have children citing all the evils of our world as an abhorrent place to bring a child. They are both very productive adults, educated, and liberal in their voting and thinking. I despair. Great speach!

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Erick, you failed to mention greed as a motive in the promotion of these treatments. Psychiatrists and surgeons (as well as hospitals) are making a lot of money doing this. And they can cover it under under the pseudo-science do their diagnosis.

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I honestly hadn't paid a whole lot of attention to the "gender transition" issue...until I ran across a story of a young "detransitioner" on Twitter. She's 18. She's had a double mastectomy and has been on puberty blockers and testosterone. She deeply regrets what she has done to herself, and as soon as she started expressing regret, her "circle of friends" in the trans community turned on her like a striking snake. She's lonely, miserable, hating herself, wishing she could turn back time. Reading her story, how easily she was convinced by "therapists" and "medical professionals" that gender transition was the only way she was going to ever be happy, how her parents were bullied into submission with threats of suicide...it's just heartbreaking.

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Hi Erick--I continue to enjoy your content after many years. I am a subscriber to your monthly list and enjoy reading your remarks since I never can listen to the whole of your show. I am writing to ask you to please send us a transcript of your remarks in addition to your videos. I rarely watch news clip videos since I can speed read faster than you speak and I also like to review what I've read and not spin back through the audio. I feel I am being a little short-changed by not getting your remarks in long form, which to me, reduces the value of your subscription. This seems like a change; if so, please go back to sending the text. Thanks, Jim Gray

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Jim, thanks for the suggestion. We've been exploring how best to get those done and hope we can have something like that in the near future for these.

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Can somebody tell me how the physicians who do this stuff get malpractice insurance? The future liabilities are astronomical once the young folks get older and realize what’s been done to them.

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