In the medieval period, up to the Enlightenment, many people blamed the spirits and demons for all maladies and ills. In lieu of a scientific approach, it had to be the unseen realm.
Ironically, many progressives blamed the Catholic Church for this approach, but the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation together ushered in a period of discovery, exploration, and ultimately pushed into the Enlightenment Period.
Isaac Newton was deeply religious as was Francis Bacon. Leonardo Da Vinci too was religious and the post-Enlightenment progressives have slandered the Catholic Church’s handling of Galileo, greatly mischaracterizing history.
The reality is the Catholic Church, complete with an astronomical observatory, and the Protestants after Luther pushed for more complex understandings of nature because they recognized God is complex and sought out His complexity in nature, which advanced a scientific approach.
It is no surprise that as Christianity is in decline in the West, paganism has returned. Not a day goes by that I do not encounter an atheist on social media who also believes in astrology and crystals. We could not get to a point in society where transgenderism is normalized without an embrace of paganism masquerading as some sort of science derived from the Ph.D.’s of gender studies instead of biologists.
Now, we have arrived at climate change as this pagan generation’s spirits and demons.
On the Sunday shows and in all the chatter and conversations with progressive politicians, there was nothing they could do to stop the wildfires in California because of “climate change.” It is the spirits, the demons, and the vapors. Who among us can stand against that unseen realm?
The medieval priests of the era have been replaced by the scientists and shamans of modernity — give them money and sacrifice your standard of living and they will produce miracles. But expect nothing else of them.
Climate change means the press does not have to ask tough questions of Democrats. Why was the major reservoir serving Pacific Palisades empty? It does not matter because climate change. Why was the underbrush not pruned or removed? Who cares? Climate change. Why did the fire trucks of Oregon have to stop for inspections in Sacramento before continuing south? Climate change.
Climate change is the perfect shield for Democrats now. Because the right is more skeptical of the reach of climate change, they can be held accountable for failures to respond to natural disasters. But Democrats, in the religion with the press, get a pass.
But don’t you worry — their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts will help placate the pagan gods. Send a few more million in tax payer dollars their way and watch. They’ll sacrifice some babies too and all will be well.
We have abandoned all reasonableness to control the habitat we live in from controlling nature to having law and order. The movement of DEI and environmentalist are now receiving what cake they have been baking. It doesn’t taste good because the ingredients suck! You can’t arrive at great outcomes with terrible inputs.
Beautifully stated Mr. Erickson. California will outlaw diesel trucks and gasoline cars but because of the environmentalists they can’t see that the wildfires production of carbon is astoundingly higher than any fossil fuels vehicles could possibly produce and they are ok with that. Their logic will make “most” people’s head explode. I wonder what happens when you dump salt water on an EV, one that is not already on fire.
I pray for the people of LA that have been so betrayed by their elected officials.
I pray for the people of WNC who after 5 months are still sleeping in tents. Bureaucracy at its finest.