People like to holler about a "war on Christmas", but a lot of folks seem to want Santa Claus--someone to give them gifts if they do good works (and we know what Isaiah had to say about that), and put coal and switches in (other people's) stockings--and not Jesus.

If you want a transactional savior, go sit on Santa's lap.

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Amen! I love how you can get thru to the heart of everything Erick! Thank you for all you do!

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I am not a religious person at all, but I must say today's piece was eye-opening. Thank you, Erick, for giving another way to look at things.

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Erickson the judge. He know what's in people's hearts.

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Boy you really missed the point of the whole piece.

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Be disciples make disciples. That is what this all about. All of these evangelicals that are hanging on Trump's coattails have the best opportunity to tell Trump what Jesus is all about, but for some reason what they want is what Trump can to for them. Jesus is the way the only way.

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U are doing a great job of tearing Trump down unnecessarily. We are well aware of the faults but don’t understand why u appear to go out of ur way to criticize him at every opportunity? How bout we focus on getting “the lesser evil” elected? Thanks.

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Did you even read Erickson's essay? "I think he is personally very likable and funny in direct settings." There are so many other flows of thought in the essay about how Erick is critical of Trump's celebrity pastor hangers on, and that WE can't have sociopolitical views of Christ any more than the people of His day could. Trump is not "the lesser of two evils." He is who he is. Why does any criticism of him turn into a discussion of how he's our political savior?

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You are among the many who have chosen to miss the point entirely.

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Bingo, as usual. It grieves me to see so many in the Church grovel around Trump--which does him no favors. Christians should be covenantal, not transactional. There's no such thing as an "American Gospel," only THE Gospel. Our idols will be smashed if necessary, and that will be a good thing. Cleanse your temple, Lord.

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Trump is a sinner. We all are. If you are a pastor and you have to pick a side well right now the Republicans are more godly than the Left. There will never be a President that can afford to be sinless.

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This is an excellent piece, Erick. I often write here wrangling with some, and usually saying conservative leadership is America’s best hope, but I know that’s not really true. Seeking God’s kingdom is each person’s best hope, after personal repentance and relying on Jesus for salvation. Collectively, America would benefit. When I make my arguments here, is it similar to spitting in the wind? Does any of my concern for conservative leadership matter, is it missing the point? I think it is, missing the point. We are materially well-off here, but I believe the Church’s people in non-first world places such as Africa or South America are able to think more clearly and may be more joyful.

Also, to those I have tussled with about Trump, as we have gone back and forth on his actions over 2020, just need you to know, that I, and I think many here, hold no special allegiance to him, he's just the guy that won the Republican nomination. I'd wished it'd been DeSantis, or Haley, but it's not. But, if saying I will vote for Trump hurts my witness as a Christian, then that is grievous to me. God is absolutely in charge, whether Trump or Biden wins, and tussling about whether Trump is bad or not misses the point. He is bad. As I am. And as every human that has ever lived except one, who was also divine. Godly repentance makes the difference. So all this talk about 'Well Trump did..., But Biden did...' ultimately is a waste of time, because the only important thing is loving the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself. And only the Living God can give you the power to do even that. In my life, I have found that there is absolutely nothing, not one thing, that is better, than knowing and loving the Living God. He is worth your everything and being in His arms is like nothing else.

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I rarely read your postings a second time but this is one that is a gem. It is worth more than the subscription price.

Our Lord uses many flawed people to do his work. So does Satan. My advice to Trump and any other person in power is to choose your advisors carefully. Also to remember in who’s log book your name will be written.

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Thank you Judy! Eric speaks so truthful to all that is happening! The Lord has truly gifted him for this time and this place. I hope to meet him someday and his wife! They are often in my prayers! I thank God for Eric and his family

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I dont think that you can't do transactions with Jesus. Being born again is a form of transaction.

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Thanks for speaking truth, even though it costs you radio stations and other opportunities.

Matthew 7:15-20 addresses false prophets, and gives the analogy about healthy trees bearing good fruit. Borrowing from a devotional I read once, we can be ‘fruit inspectors’ .

Re: the KJV, it was originally planned as an NIV, but the deal didn’t work out: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2021/05/27/god-bless-usa-bible-lee-greenwood-publisher-harper-collins-passes/7450858002/ .

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Well said Erick! I will be sharing this w/many of my friends.

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Thank you Erick, for speaking truth. So many of us say we trust Jesus, then act like we expect the government (human institution) to save us.

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