The people on stage tonight are an embarrassment. They need to stop. Throw in the towel. They are the embodiment of why the GOP is such a mess. It’s over.

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Every time there is another Biden blow, we have a liberal federal judge or some radical DA excite the news cycle with another dubious claim of Trump illegality.

In the court of media public opinion that is the essence of political strategy, it does not matter if someone is guilty or innocent... it is just how many ears and eyes can be blasted with the "news" to create a branding impact.

Lenders have responsibility for valuing assets encumbered by loans. Local tax assessors have responsibility for valuing properties for property tax assessments. The recording of property isn't manipulatable by the property owner without professional survey results for conveyance. It is ludicrous for this judge to have made this ruling. Is his last name Menendez?

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"This is really big news indeed." It's HUGE, or at least it should be, yet I'm sure nothing will come of any of it. I wonder, is this the level of frustration the French felt just before giving Marie Antoinette that extra-close shave?

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Then Biden story is deeply troubling yet you won’t hear anything on the mass media outlets. But just remember. According to those 300k Georgia republicans who voted for kemp but not walker, it’s better to vote against trump than for him.

Voting democrat any democrat is a affirmation of their policies.

How many Biden voters or people born right now will die because of these corruptions?

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Our Republic is lost.

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Over-valuing your property should increase your property taxes which would also make New York State complicit .

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It is called a psychotic delusional disorder. Here I sit in my office all day long treating psychotic delusional disorders and such. Can I put some antipsychotics in the water?

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Trump overinflated his business values. What large real estate or Corporate business does not inflate. Come on! When the bank does its job on lending, along with their Risk Management team, they go over finances, past bankruptcies, liens, assets, losses with a fine-tooth comb before they issue the loan. So matter what Trump or any other Big shot says about their properties or assets, when it comes down to the wire going out, their value is known to the people who make the decisions. Clean Hands: I'll take his clean hands with our lower taxes, lower food prices, energy independence, Abraham Accord, foreign policies; NATO coughing up their big bucks, predicting the future on the gas line, Afghanistan withdrawal, Green Energy policy that would hurt America, Building the Wall, Dumping the Iran Nuclear Deal, his strong speech about America at the UN, his fighting of the Globalists, his love of country speech at the Fourth of July celebration in South Dakota, his celebration of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS becoming citizens in the White House ceremony; record number of new black and women's small businesses openings due to LESS REGULATIONS, lower interest rates and lower gas prices at the pump, TRUE jobs created, TRUE low unemployment rates, his fight against the lies from the left news media every single day. His speaking about other means to thwart the Covid Virus that he was censored on and called a fool and now the Mayo Clinic is saying YES hydroxychloroquine - the malaria drug could fight Covid - Africa with billions of people had lower death rates than most other countries. New Yorkers loved him and praised him. Celebrities adored him - Oprah come to mind? His quiet gifts to people in need. Until the day he said he was running as a REPUBLICAN and then the knives came out. IT IS TRUE, THEY ARE COMING AFTER US AND HE IS IN THE WAY. I'll take all of his achievements FOR US vs. he doesn't have clean hands. By the way, I'm a New Yorker and that's the way it is.

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Far too many citizens can’t handle the truth. The media has conditioned them to believe they are powerless to change anything. They are willful idiots.

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Here's the thing, this coming from a long-time commercial real estate appraiser--banks don't take the word of borrower's about property values. Individual loan officers may push an appraiser in a certain direction, but our licenses depend on objectivity and maintaining the public trust. That is why banks employ fee appraisers for most every commercial loan of any consequence. Any bank that lends on the word of the borrower is heading in the direction of Washington Mutual, or Silicon Valley Bank.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Assuming that this person is the Tabatabai referenced as helping chart US Iranian policy, her track record is long and despicable. I draw your attention to the title of her book. She is yet another CFR plant:

Dr. Ariane M. Tabatabai was the Middle East Fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and an adjunct senior research scholar at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). She is also a Truman national security fellow and a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) term member. Prior to joining GMF, Tabatabai served as an associate political scientist at the RAND Corporation, the director of curriculum and a visiting assistant professor of security studies at the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, and an international civilian consultant for NATO.

Previously, Tabatabai was a post-doctoral fellow in the International Security Program and a Stanton nuclear security fellow in the International Security Program and the Project on Managing the Atom at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs where she was also an associate. She is the author of No Conquest, No Defeat — Iran’s National Security Strategy (Oxford University Press) and the co-author of Triple Axis: Iran's Relations With Russia and China (I.B.Tauris).

She has published widely in academic, policy, and mainstream outlets, including International Security, the Journal of Strategic Studies, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy. Tabatabai holds a Ph.D. in war studies from King's College London and is a native French and Persian speaker. (Source: GMF "Alliance for Decuring Democracy" website, accessed 9/27/2023)

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If inflating your numbers is a crime, don't start looking into the climate crisis industry.

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Another day another Trump indictment. Another day Biden gets more exposed and nobody is listening. I cannot believe how we have left this country get so corrupt without any accountability. Do we all have brain eating disorders? Everything is so out of control. Looting, violence, the border, spending, religion persecution, children that can’t or won’t get a good education, energy manipulation, do I need to go on? I’m glad I’m old so I don’t have to see the fall of this country, but my children and grandchildren will. Someone needs to step up and just absolutely clean house. Governor DeSantis or whoever I’m talking to you.

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Me too, I just never expected it all to crumble so rapidly. I knew rot was there as signs all around but still thought most people could see it, unfortunately they weren’t looking. We are probably the first group that is glad they are old instead of wishing they weren’t. Sad commentary of country but we will not give up.

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I have to wonder though about Erick’s article on we the people demanding a political savior. I detest both Trump and Biden. And no I’m not in the cower and hide crowd. By all means, we should fight the good fight. But if we think Candidate X is going to save us, we’re going to get Saul. I don’t have the answer, but I’m trying to get my own house in order first.

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I had sent a text to Biden telling him I could give him some insight on the Iranian People after living in Teheran in 1978/1979 but they deferred to their own people. I hope they all get their due because you can’t fix stupid.

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I am old too, but somehow, I still give a damn. Like Erick has said before, we have a different home so just wait it out and do what we can.

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Yes, now more than ever, many people do seem to have some kind of brain eating disorder.

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But will the Main Street press cover it all?

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Trump and Sleepy Joe both belong in adjoining cells in a geriatric detention facility.

They are both unfit; there are better candidates out there.

But we will probably be faced with the worst choices ever (again).

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

When you are borrowing millions of dollars, the lending institutions you are dealing with are not amateurs. There is no law that requires them to set certain interest rates. And they would have known Trump and his reputation. I'm just not seeing a victim here.

For the record: I detest Trump and won't vote for Biden either.

Any lawyers to weigh in?

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Here's a long analisis of how property analyses are done, written by a practicing commercial lawyer: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/overvalued-wednesday-september-27

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Thanks. Very interesting, and what I thought.

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