I learned from a film involving John Wayne and Katherine Hepburn that there is no scriptural prohibition against smoking as such. (She was a missionary rescued by John Wayne's character, who was a bounty hunter and deputy sheriff of some kind.). And it was interesting to learn from Walter Scott's novels that people in the time of the seventeenth century would always ask guests what they would like to drink, even if they were strict Protestants themselves.

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This is exactly what we need to do as Christians. We must offer each other Liberty in the non-essentials and do so in love. This is the message that Georgia US Senate candidate Josh Clark is offering with his campaign slogan Overcoming Together. Holding firm on his principles in the Christian faith, he allows others into his circle that do not think like him so he can influence them with grace and love that Jesus offers. I just left his kickoff event in Sugar Hill, GA and he is a candidate any Christian in Georgia should consider. Got to http://votejosh.com to learn more.

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Can we get a transcript of the audio. I am often not in a place where I can listen to audio.

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