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Benedict Option, Erick?

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The things of the world hate the things of God. The world hates the things of God. A common refrain on Erick's show. I've probably heard that phrase monthly minimum if not weekly.

Yesterday was my group's turn to cook breakfast for the bi-weekly Brotherhood of St Andrew bible study and breakfast. It's one of the last vestages of my long struggle to cling to hang onto something of my multi-generational Episcopal Church heritage.

The first lesson in the lectionary for this Second Sunday of Easter this year is Acts 5:27-32. The sanhedrin is trying to figure out what to do about keeping the genie in the bottle after crucifing Jesus. John and Peter have just been the medium through which God cured a lame beggar at the temple gate, thus infuriating the powers that be, who promptly threw them into jail for not knowing their place and staying in their lane.

Acts 5:27-28

When the temple police had brought the apostles, they had them stand before the council. The high priest questioned them, saying, "We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you are determined to bring this man's blood on us."

I had finished my cooking, and I'm sitting there thinking, so of course cancel culture and the ostracism toward the people of God today is nothing new. The things (...and people) of the world hate the things of God. The Sanhedrin, the elite of their day. The most higly educated class. The experts. Having these rube fishermen brought back before them for teaching what they had seen and heard vice listening to words of the wise to them to shut the heck up about it.

They were facing a group worried about their own power being usurped, and wondering how to stop the spread of this misinformation (..or is it disinformation? I can't keep the two straight). How can we cancel these troublesome people? Why don't they realize their plight and stay cancelled?

Their reply in verse 29 goes straight to Erick's point. "We must obey God rather than any human authority. The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior that he might give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him."

Its critical to understand and follow through as people of faith as the modern day Sanhedrin attempts to feed the world (in Rush's vernacular) an "Excrement Sandwich". Its our duty to obey God and not the Human authority as they preach their secular idols.

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The is a sadly needed message. Obedience in spite of circumstances, yet a clear-eyed view of reality. I believe the Eschaton is near--but in all fairness, so have many, many theologians in the past centuries. I also believe there is a difference now, but I hold this lightly. This world hates us. We (the Church, Body of Christ) will not "win" in the here and now. We will, however, win in the not yet! Thanks for this Erick!

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Erick I really appreciate you being willing to stand for Christ. I agree it will be more and more difficult as time goes on. We need to focus on Gods plan for his kingdom. It is hard to get beyond the decay of goodness and civility happening in our country, but if we do we can avoid much despair and that feeling of hopelessness as we observe the decline.

I agree we should fight for what is right but do it without vilifying those that do not know the Truth. We may win arguments in our own mind but will not bring others to the Truth by malice and slander.

We must remember that we are on the winning team.

Thank you

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He’s the overcomer’s glory,

And He’s why we don’t despair.

Yes, we’re family now…don’t worry

In this kingdom of the air.

He’s the safe place wise men seek, sir.

He’s the Truth that seekers find.

He’s the peace on earth we’re after.

He’s the Light for those born blind.

He’s the Blessed Hope who’s coming.

He’s the Promise, He’s the King!

He’s the perfect final answer

Now that death has lost its sting.

He’s the strait Way to redemption.

He’s the Lion and the Lamb.

He’s The Reason made Incarnate.

He’s the Word straight from I AM.

“Of all persons the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation.”--A.W. Tozer

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I fully agree with you Erick. Several of us in a Bible Study years ago could see a lot of this coming when we studied about the Council on Foreign Relations meeting and getting together and why they were formed. Pastor David Jeremiah has a couple of books out with the one named "Where do we go from here?" It is about what is happening today and will happen in the near future. It shows he thinks the same way as we do. You are RIGHT on Brother in Christ.

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