Hamas is Piling on the cruelty because they are nearing the end. They took two Jewish hostages to the release point just to torment them. To force them to watch others regain their freedom. Then filmed Them Begging for their lives. They will return to Their prisons wondering if they will Make it out alive. Their families Will see this. Anyone who thinks these Bastards deserve any mercy is delusional. They thrive on physical and mental torture. Their cruelty knows no limit. Israel is fighting them for the entire civilized world, even those who hate us.

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I just . . . can't. I know it makes me a poor Christian, I know I need to trust that God will deal with these rabid murderers in his own way. I want to believe that there is hope. But I have four grandchildren under the age of 4. To consider that anyone could take one of their happy, loving, beautiful souls and kidnap them, frighten them and then beat them to death fills me with an unquenchable rage. To know that the last thing they felt on earth was not the touch of loving hands or a parent's embrace, but the brutality of a monster who did not see them as human beings, and whose only goal was to inflict unimaginable pain and terror that they could not comprehend. I suspect Hamas is starting to realize that they have lost any standing as human beings in this world and this is why they are dragging out the release of the hostages -- because they know as soon as the last hostage is released, all hell is going to break loose. The ONLY restraint on civilized people at this point is wanting to get the hostages back. They know no mercy, and no mercy can be shown. Let God deal with them. They need to be wiped from the face of the earth they are polluting with their terrorism, and our tolerance of their continued existence is shameful.

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You remove them from the face of the earth

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There is a wonderful book that people should read that will give you a glimpse of what the Israelis are facing: it's called Empire of the Summer Moon and it describes the struggle we had with the Comanches in the Southwest until we achieved their total cultural destruction. There is no alternative to what the left-wing flappers and gibberers will label cultural genocide.

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How come all of the Arab countries won’t accept Palestinian into there countries? I’ll answer that for you they know what they are and don’t want them around making trouble in there countries. I have no sympathy for the Palestinians they bring this on themselves

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Yeah, Jordan learned the hard way what happens when you have a large and active "palestinian" population. Read about all the problems Jordan had in the early '70s. Israel actually helped Jordan kick out Arafat and his followers because they wre trying to overthrow King Hussein (Jordan didn't participate in the Yom Kippur War as a result). There's a reason Egypt shared the blockade with Israel since the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas is an offshoot) is outlawed in Egypt.

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Where ever these guys go trouble follows

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The reason is that the rest of the Arab leaders don't want the poison of sharia law in their countries.

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"My sympathy for the Palestinian people is running out."

Hamas only exists because those misplaced sympathies exist. In fact, the outcome for those two brothers can be laid directly at the feet of those misplaced sympathies. If the world had decisively rejected the truth of hateful, murderous evil that permeated Palestinian culture, and the Palestinian people, Hamas would have been wiped off the face of the earth by now.

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Has anyone on the outside verified that the children were beaten to death? We all know how the media is used to foster an agenda.

Hamas is an evil organization but we shouldn’t sink to their barbarism level. October 7th was an attack aimed at civilians who were to be used as pawns.

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Does it REALLY matter if they were beaten to death or starved to death or strangled to death? The Palestinians DANCED IN THE STREETS, CELEBRATING THE DEATH OF TWO TODDLERS AT THEIR CAPTORS' HANDS. That's undeniable and barbaric. There is not a shred of decency left in ANY of them. I don't care that some were coerced to be there -- the fence-sitters showed up, and their SILENCE IS COMPLICITY.

THIS IS WHY the people of Noah's time got wiped out: " The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Gen 6:5)

My gut tells me that the mother's remains were not returned because her autopsy would tell an even more horrific story.

Level Gaza. What it has become -- and what it intends to do -- is an abomination.

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I don't need outside sources. Their bodies were identified using forensic analysis in an interdepartmental collaboration between the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Israel and the Israel Police. I trust Israel's professionalism and skill in this area.

I understand why you'd want an outside source to confirm Israel's findings for the purpose of world opinion. I'm sure the scientific institution who undertook the exams and the police will share what the family will agree to, but those who hate Israel won't accept those results, either.

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They are dead, their only "crime" being in Israel. How long must this continue and how many innocents will die? Hamas behavior is barbaric and no amount of logic or peace talks has stopped their behavior. The Palestinians have supported them, some maybe in fear but it seems closer to TDS (brainwashed beyond logic or facts). The left keeps feeding them both money and pseudo legitimacy by calling them victims. Isreal has tried numerous times to work with them all to no avail, yet they have formed peaceful relations with other Arab countries while the Palestianians are not wanted anywhere because of the destruction they bring. Hamas leaders lead the good life on the millions the left sends them while doling out little to their "people". Take out the head, stop the money but Israel must protect themselves and Lebanon. Israel has tried peace the Palestinians have never kept it. Hate like this is evil and they need to be put down like the rabid animals they are and the Palestinians need to rise up and take out all those want to keep this hateful vendetta going. Ball is in their court and the consequences are on them.

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Golda Meir: “our quarrel with the Arabs is not for a piece of land…of territory..it’s not for anything concrete. They just refuse to believe that we [the Jews] have a right to exist at all.” Nothing has changed, nothing will ever change. The Torah says, obliterate Amalek. Remember what Amalek did to you in the desert. Do not forget.

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Come Lord Jesus.

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Remember the story in 1 Samuel 15 3-23 where God said go kill everything don’t leave anything alive of the Amalekites sounds like that days is here again stop pussyfooting around these people hate all of us.

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And Israel didn't. Haman (Purim story in Esther) was an Amalekite, and he tried to destroy the Jews of Persia.

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The Bibas children and their mother were abducted by Gazans who poured in after Hamas. Like some of the other hostages, I wonder if they, too, were sold to an "official" terrorist organization (such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad in this case, I think). Hamas put the wrong names on the coffins of the children, and the coffin of the Gazan woman who replaced their mother - it was sent locked without a key. All intentional psychological torture, just like the certificates given and the macabre show it puts on at every release.

Hamas, after ruling for almost 20 years, has created generations of Jew-haters, literally bloodthirsty ones. The culture must be totally de-radicalized, with UNRWA gone, and Hamas and PIJ destroyed to the best of Israel's ability. Israel will have to remain vigilant for a couple of generations until those who were propagandized under Hamas are dead, including all the terrorists who've been released from prison during this process (445 arrested from Oct 7th in today's exchange, makes me sick)- making it a harder job, but the hostages must be returned. The culture is evil and rotten to the core.

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During WW2 the Allies said the only good Nazi was a dead Nazi. Or, the only good Japanese was a dead Japanese. I’m almost to the same point with the Palestinians. The only good one is a dead one. For 3 or 4 decades the people there have been raised to hate Jewish people and believe terrorism is good.

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Moses said “Our God is a God of war.” The sword the government weirds is for both punishment & protect. Under Just War Theory, it is also for punishment. If God’s sovereign will moves a government (ours or Israel’s) to slaughter those in Gaza, it would be justified…..

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The radical Muslims will kill me just as quickly as they would my Jewish neighbors. Not because I am circumcised, but because I am not Muslim.

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I've run out of adjectives to describe the way I feel about Hamas and what they've done. Like many on this forum, I make reference to the murder of a mother and her two children.

A few months ago, a reader on Substack wrote to me. She described herself as a, "proud liberal democrat who was old enough to know war is never the answer." I'm constrained to disagree.

You can't reason with a rabid dog and you can't negotiate with cancer.

What Hamas did to those two little children is monstrous. Taking evil out of the world is a noble sentiment. Unfortunately, it just changes shape and returns in a different form. This has certainly been the case with the Philistines since biblical times. I suggest, there's a reason no neighboring country wants them. They all understand you don't introduce cancer into an otherwise healthy body.

The solution:

Take these assholes off the board once and for all. Along with them, take out their enablers, the leadership of Iran. There are certain lines you cross you don't get to come back from. A nuclear bomb isn't necessary. There are a number of 2000 lb ordinances that will do the trick. Give them to Israel and say, "Go."

When G-d told Abraham he had it with Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham argued to spare the cities if he could find fifty righteous men. G-d agreed. So, Abraham dropped the number to forty. Again, G-d agreed. Eventually, the number got down to ten. Are there fifty righteous people in Gaza? Ten? Statistically, there would have to be. But with respect to the majority who were dancing and cheering in the streets over tiny coffins containing the bodies of two innocent babies and their mother who were beaten to death, I'm pretty sure this place deserves the same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah. Give whatever number of decent people who still live there a chance to get out and then LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD. Once that's done, find everyone of the SOBs posing for the cameras with their faces hidden and put them in the ground. They're skuling, murdering cowards and evil in a way I can't get my head around.

Israel held back at the insistence of Joe Biden, conceivably the worst, most clueless President in American history. Biden's philosophy of appeasing Iran was a joke. They took the money and screamed, "Death to America" louder. Both Iran and Hamas go together like a hand and glove and there is no place for them in this world.

I feel the same rage and revulsion Erick talked about in his show. Advocating for a two state solution is a joke. You can't live next door to a monster who wants to kill you. We wouldn't put up with that scenario in the United States for two seconds and we shouldn't ask any other country to invite a rabid dog over to live next to them.

Give Israel whatever tools it needs to exorcize the cancer.

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Well said, I don't need to make a separate post.

Question, why did you write G-d, and not God?

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In the Old Testament, one of the Commandments is not to take the name of the Lord in vain. Just a sign of respect and the way I was raised.

Thanks for getting in touch!

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I disagree that paraphrasing the Bible is using God's name in vain, or inappropriately.

Thank you for the reply.

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Exactly what I mean when I say "No mercy".

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I agree totally.

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Prophetic birth pangs. Mathew 24:8, Revelation 22:20. Meanwhile, pray. watch.

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It is now laid bare: As long as there are Palestians having babies there will always be a Hamas “ruling” them. Today’s Hamas consist entirely of former local children trained to hate while young and trained to kill while teenagers. Short of genocide there is probably no solution other than this. No other Arab country wants them and there is zero chance that change will occur otherwise. Sad but true.

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