My point would be that given the political situation where the two-party system dominates the time to get the best CONSERVATIVE is in the Republican primary. If you think you can make headway in the Democrat primary short term have at it. In my judgement in the long term we are dead but pursue your dream. If you participate in the Republican primary/caucus system, within that process you can also then try to change the party makeup as it allows for platform debate and party leadership determination. Good bad or indifferent the process is available. The current Republican platform is vastly superior to the Democrat for a conservative and will likely stay so comparatively. If you are not a conservative you can still participate and gather strength and change the complexion of the party. It will be a fight but the process is available. Third parties can become a dominant party. Have at it. Practically speaking it is too late this go around and for conservatives the choice is binary in the general or disaster because you have not done enough to make your third way viable. So hold your nose if you must and vote.

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SIX month away.

Gore was going to win big. Hillary was ahead. Truman was going to Lose. R Kennedy was ahead.

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The Israel-Palestine issue is a no-win for the Dems. I don't think this issue can be triangulated, at least not in a way that favors the Dems.

If the Dems throw in with Israel, they lose the hard left in key swing states. If they throw in with Palestine, they lose Middle America, also in key swing states. If they triangulate and push a two-state solution with one under the Palestinian Authority and limited but nonzero punishment for Hamas, they still lose the hard left. If they let Hamas off scot-free, they lose Middle America.

These university protests leading up to Chicago are going to provide miles of b-roll for GOP candidates up and down the ballot.

Biden has to be soiling his Depends at this point, although this problem is far beyond Biden's. And Newsom, the Dems' Great White Hope, can't fix the Dems' situation.

The only way out for the Dems is somehow to throw in with Israel and offer the Hard Left something in return. Not sure how that would work without the Dems putting a "Kick Me" sign on their backs.

Still, though, Trump has to win over high-propensity voters. That's usually a Dem problem, but now it's a GOP problem. The GOP needs to get out the early vote.

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Erick, you forget to mention the reason why voters hate Trump is because the LEFT news media vilifies him every day, every hour, every month, every year from the day he announced running. The names they call him, the remarks they make about what he will do if he wins, his past history whether true or not. Women will claim anything to get attention or to get MONEY. I was born in NY and worked in Manhattan and the lies about Trump are disgusting. The jobs he created, the depressed areas he rejuvenated, the small businesses that succeeded because of him and the good things (charity) he did for people that no one knows about. Southerns do not understand New Yorkers; we say it as it is, no fooling around, no double talk and lay it right out there and that's what Trump does. He made promises and he kept them - talk about that! I'll say one thing again about E. Jean Carroll and her claim that the department they went into was empty - was a bold-faced lie. And that jurors believed her - his defense must have been awful. When Trump walks into a department store, the store manager is alerted and they call every department to make sure it is staffed, there is security and that he gets all the attention. It is called when he makes a purchase - big commission and managers do not want to be held accountable for not giving him the best service and security. 7 million people in NY city in the 90's and no one was in the lingerie department at Bergdorf; no department manager escorting him around; no "personal" shopper. You all must be drinking the "Kool Aid" to believe these stores and the hateful remarks the left puts out there to knock him down.

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Every close election has claims of fraud recounts bitching moaning etc.etc. If it’s close this election the same thing will happen. Remember GWBush inauguration the crap that went on in DC so don’t tell me the left will sit on there hands if Trump wins. I will vote for the Republican nominee because the other choices are not in the best interest of the country including RFK who I like and think is truly honest but I don’t agree with also he is in his 70s. We need a trifecta this election to pull us back to the center and get our house in order and quit the deficit spending. If not there isn’t enough people that still know how to make tallow candles and show their grandkids how it’s done because the elite will have everything and you will “have nothing and be happy”

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I will be a reluctant Trump voter because of the incompetence and arrogance of the Biden Administration. I define the "Administration" for the group behind the Biden facade that are actually running the White House and do not want to give up their control of power. They are incompetent in their belief of world events which have strengthened Iran by not enforcing sanctions on Iran's oil production and weakened the US by the creation of draconian fossil fuel regulations that is hurting our economy. They are arrogant in the inflation bubble they created with their out of control spending , which Larry Summers predicted would lead to inflation, and the White House, in their arrogance said that they knew better, and would not create inflation under their new economy.

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EEs statements reflect immature polling -- most of which have not started likely voter analysis which includes stated intent which often undercounts actual turnout anyway. Using a voting history (did you vote in the last election, the one before that, the one before that . . .) skews to younger voters. That group (youth) 'historically" votes more Democrat compared to Republicans except that current polling I believe shows that gap closing. Ironically Democrats in their GOTV efforts may turn out votes for Trump more than they would anticipate. Their mules become our mules. We need to aggravate the process for them with early aggressive messaging inoculating the youth as best we can.

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The Democrats at the 11th hour will drop Biden like a hot potato and replace him with yet another evil prospect … Gavin Newsom! And that will be America’s end.

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Newsom will get the "vote blue no matter who" crowd, but among independents he's replacement-level. The Beach Boys haven't had a hit in decades, the bloom is off the California rose, and Newsom's record of governance in Cali doesn't sell well in the political middle.

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Perhaps but not shaping up that way. As bad as they know Biden is they are pretty much stuck as long as he and his family wants it. They need it to protect themselves and their larder.

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I still think that is a possibility.

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Your experience in running elections is helpful to understand the nuances of polling. My hope is that future elections have two (or more) honorable candidates that can pitch their vision for the future to keep our young committed to preserving our democracy. There is a Providential reason we have this choice and I have to remind myself to trust in that. Left to my own devices, I'd let the weariness of this election overwhelm me. The Lord is on the throne. Trusting in that.

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If republican were serious about winning elections, they would stay away from the abortion issue. It’s political suicide. Imagine if republicans shut up about abortion and said, “you know, it’s a deeply personal and moral question that has no place in politics. Ladies, you decide. Men, sit down, be quiet, and wear a helmet.” Republicans would win in landslides. Instead, we’re going to lose the whole country and millions may die worldwide because republicans have principles.

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I haven't seen a single GOP candidate who has campaigned on the basis of abortion. Not one. Its the media that keeps bringing it up.

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Thanks for your advice, by every serious poll with relevant questions it is hogwash.

The abortion issue is most salient for a smallish percentage of voters and they split to varying degrees and that degree within the saliency range becomes variable depending on how the candidate, party, issue groups deal with the issue but the general voting population is far more concerned with the border and the economy and to an extent now foreign policy.

Aggressive response to aggressive accusations neutralizes on the issue. Democrats will use it to be sure so unless the Repubs choose to ignore it, cower on it, wish it would go away, and not respond adequately to point out the extreme nature of Democrat policy they may lose a point or two but that is easliy overwhelmed on the border, on the economy, on foreign policy . . . If Repubs abandon the issue, become neutral, in the process internally they will have disarray, lost enthusiasm, and a serious third party likelihood, which they are at risk of due to apostasies on various matters.

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americans are going for a 4th obama presidency. enjoy that!

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EE seems to still be living in the 80’s or 90’s. Cheating will occur on both sides. Unless there is a landslide, the election hinges on the party that has a better system for getting more votes counted where it matters most. Now ask yourself, which side that favors?

EE is a lawyer and seems to lack the ability to see what non-lawyers can clearly see (especially engineers): our election system is far from secure. It lacks transparency and it cannot be fully audited. Neither side wants to really fix it. Each side wants to game it to their advantage.

Questions to EE: if the GA election system was already perfectly secure in 2020, why are changes being made to it?

If that’s not enough to create a question in your mind, name one system created by man that is perfectly secure or cannot be corrupted? Then remember that high reward + low chance for being caught guarantees corruption as that’s the nature of man.

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PS, landslides begin with one pebble. Vote!

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Incumbency probably favors Trump over Biden - Biden hurts his chances almost every time he goes out. And, Trump likely is actually helped by being tied up in court - fewer opportunities to remind the public of his ignorance and arrogance. Again, the campaigns bring to mind the videos of two geezers taking swings at one another, falling over and rolling around in the street

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Erick, how is the polling for HoR and Senate looking?

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There are the usual people who say not to vote for the lesser of two evils. Just don’t vote.

The lesser evil will allow you to survive until better times. You rarely have a choice between two goods, mostly between good and evil. Our choice in November isn’t between Stalin or Hitler. Both of our candidates are flawed (as we all are) and we have to decide on which is the one to lead us.

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I say vote for who you think is the best available choice among ALL of the candidates. I do that and it keeps my conscience clear. That means, of course, I haven't voted Democrat nor republican for several cycles now.

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And because the situation is largely binary, as is legislative organization, you have pretty much helped advance the evil Democrat party and their totality of policies any time you do not vote for the Republican candidate. Plenty of apostate and lying Republican candidates and weak hitters but as bad as they are they do more to advance a comparatively better agenda than a Democrat who caucuses with Democrats and serves to advance their control of the legislature and evil agenda whatever misgiving he or she might have here and there.

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that's what the GOP and the Democrats want you to believe. Then they can keep giving us less than desirable candidates when they truly operate as one for the world elites. Trump is an exception as he thumbs his nose at them as well. The only way we can break it is not voting along party lines.

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Yes the Democrats want us to believe voting for a Republican Congress will make no difference, there is no differece in the parties.They are interchangeable so no need to even campaign. Just vote randomly. Trump thumbs his nose to the extent of coveting the Republican nomination. Here is the truth MAGA was not invented by Trump. It was essentially the TEA party movement. He maybe read the room a little better but it was a Republican room. He glomed onto it to get the Republican nomination. He was a impresario of it in a professional wrestling proponent sort of way but a disaster at closing some important deals while good at others. Remember that a very few years before he was still singing Hillary's praises. Good for him for making the switch. He has done some of the things we hired him to do.

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So blame some more victims and brand them as leftist nevertrumpers. You’re happy as long as Republican X gets voted in. Because that’s the answer to all your problems. You sound exactly the same as democrats braying about saving democracy and zero sum games. I wonder why that is.

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We should be killing this election but we aren’t. I can’t even fathom what this country would be like if Biden wins. I worry about my grandchildren. Will they ever really know a free America. I hope that the republicans get their act together and get a firm grip on Congress and take back the Senate.

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That’s a pipe dream. Put your faith in Christ instead.

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One can - and should - do both.

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It's there every day

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