It was an attempted coup by virtue of the motivations of the rioters. We can only hope that cooler heads would have eventually prevailed, but that is irrelevant. Their sole motive that day was to keep Trump in office. As to your other point, there is clearly a current state of the Republican Party, despite any historical contradictions,…
It was an attempted coup by virtue of the motivations of the rioters. We can only hope that cooler heads would have eventually prevailed, but that is irrelevant. Their sole motive that day was to keep Trump in office. As to your other point, there is clearly a current state of the Republican Party, despite any historical contradictions, to be the party of “me not we”. It’s survival of the fittest with you and predator vs prey. Law of the jungle is for jungle animals. We are humans. What party is it that still tries to convince the stupid that wealth will trickle down? Yeah go ahead and keep lying. The intelligent people you’ve tricked before are not being tricked again.
Motivations and intentions don't equal results. A "coup" would never work in the United States, at least as it exists today. This was a relatively small band of miscreants that could have easily been thwarted by a better prepared security response. If Pelosi was truly concerned that Trump might go "nuclear" with China, then she and others responsible for making the call on security that day should have been better prepared. An objective independent mind would want to know why she was not. Don't you want to know what Pelosi was told and what her response was? Why can't we see the communications in that regard? And the FBI, the same agency that had co-opted 12 of the 18 individuals involved in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, what did they know?
As far as your comment that the GOP is the party of me not we, honestly, you are making things up at this point, and that comment couldn't withstand the least bit of critical analysis. In fact, it's the Dems who are the divide and conquer party, using identity politics and worse, marxist tactics, to undermine the very fabric of this country, including the Constitution. Ultimately, the Dem party as it exists today will fail. Look around. It's already happening. The gospel of envy is not sustainable. Eventually you run out of other peoples' money.
What you refer to as trickle down economics is in actuality economic stimulus, except to the extent that tax cuts aren't accompanied by a decrease in Federal spending, in which case it's a toss up, the outcome of which depends on several other economic inputs.
By the way, go back and read through our string of messages and add up the number of questions I put to you that you haven't answered. Hey, I get it. It's hard to defend the indefensible, but still, you should at least give it a go.
It's not as though you have to buy the theory. Simply look at the effect of the Trump tax cuts on the economy. Moreover, when combined with far less government regulation, the economy took off, and all income groups and classes of people benefited, with the lowest unemployment in history for Blacks and Hispanics. Man is made to work, my friend. Some people are offended by that, but it's a fact of life.
I'm sure Jim and I are the only one's still viewing the thread at this point. But just in case, anyone else should know that he is still presenting misinformation. In 2010 unemployment was at approx 10% and it declined on a consistent trendline to approximately 5% by the time Trump took office. So it's disingenuous to try to give Trump the credit. Also, one of the outcomes often promised when cutting taxes on the rich is an increase in federal revenue relative to what would have been collected had the cuts not been passed. Presented with a "less taxes will mean more revenue" irony sell (Laffer Curve). Like many other sales pitches, it didn't work out.
So you should view everything he says with a very critical eye. He does state one thing that is true, "man is meant to work". Who could object to that, right? Part of the strategy is to mix in some truths in order to make the lies seem more credible. Hopefully you've become accustomed to the tactics by now.
Short term boom/bust is the wrong way to build a sustainable economy that benefits all of society. The wealth gaps we see today, and that have been growing for decades, are the predicable result of unfettered capitalism. But any corrections the grown ups try to place on capitalism, no matter how slight, are quickly met with cries of "Socialism". So, the gaps grow, and they grow, and they grow. How long will we let them grow? Here's a better illustration.
It was an attempted coup by virtue of the motivations of the rioters. We can only hope that cooler heads would have eventually prevailed, but that is irrelevant. Their sole motive that day was to keep Trump in office. As to your other point, there is clearly a current state of the Republican Party, despite any historical contradictions, to be the party of “me not we”. It’s survival of the fittest with you and predator vs prey. Law of the jungle is for jungle animals. We are humans. What party is it that still tries to convince the stupid that wealth will trickle down? Yeah go ahead and keep lying. The intelligent people you’ve tricked before are not being tricked again.
Motivations and intentions don't equal results. A "coup" would never work in the United States, at least as it exists today. This was a relatively small band of miscreants that could have easily been thwarted by a better prepared security response. If Pelosi was truly concerned that Trump might go "nuclear" with China, then she and others responsible for making the call on security that day should have been better prepared. An objective independent mind would want to know why she was not. Don't you want to know what Pelosi was told and what her response was? Why can't we see the communications in that regard? And the FBI, the same agency that had co-opted 12 of the 18 individuals involved in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot, what did they know?
As far as your comment that the GOP is the party of me not we, honestly, you are making things up at this point, and that comment couldn't withstand the least bit of critical analysis. In fact, it's the Dems who are the divide and conquer party, using identity politics and worse, marxist tactics, to undermine the very fabric of this country, including the Constitution. Ultimately, the Dem party as it exists today will fail. Look around. It's already happening. The gospel of envy is not sustainable. Eventually you run out of other peoples' money.
Why the scatter shots? Why the diversionary tactics? Answer the question. Which party still tries to sell trickle down economics?
What you refer to as trickle down economics is in actuality economic stimulus, except to the extent that tax cuts aren't accompanied by a decrease in Federal spending, in which case it's a toss up, the outcome of which depends on several other economic inputs.
By the way, go back and read through our string of messages and add up the number of questions I put to you that you haven't answered. Hey, I get it. It's hard to defend the indefensible, but still, you should at least give it a go.
Economic stimulus indeed. You humiliate yourself on the internet. Good day.
It's not as though you have to buy the theory. Simply look at the effect of the Trump tax cuts on the economy. Moreover, when combined with far less government regulation, the economy took off, and all income groups and classes of people benefited, with the lowest unemployment in history for Blacks and Hispanics. Man is made to work, my friend. Some people are offended by that, but it's a fact of life.
I'm sure Jim and I are the only one's still viewing the thread at this point. But just in case, anyone else should know that he is still presenting misinformation. In 2010 unemployment was at approx 10% and it declined on a consistent trendline to approximately 5% by the time Trump took office. So it's disingenuous to try to give Trump the credit. Also, one of the outcomes often promised when cutting taxes on the rich is an increase in federal revenue relative to what would have been collected had the cuts not been passed. Presented with a "less taxes will mean more revenue" irony sell (Laffer Curve). Like many other sales pitches, it didn't work out.
So you should view everything he says with a very critical eye. He does state one thing that is true, "man is meant to work". Who could object to that, right? Part of the strategy is to mix in some truths in order to make the lies seem more credible. Hopefully you've become accustomed to the tactics by now.
Short term boom/bust is the wrong way to build a sustainable economy that benefits all of society. The wealth gaps we see today, and that have been growing for decades, are the predicable result of unfettered capitalism. But any corrections the grown ups try to place on capitalism, no matter how slight, are quickly met with cries of "Socialism". So, the gaps grow, and they grow, and they grow. How long will we let them grow? Here's a better illustration.