When Republicans win elections, they (mostly) seek to govern within the confines of the existing framework .

When Democrats win elections, they seek to change as many things as they can, as quickly as they can, whether or not the people want it.... think about Barack Obama's presidential campaign, when he said "I want to radically transform America".

Progressives have been trying to force change on America since 1896.

Now that there's rumblings of the GOP wanting to do the same thing if they win in November, the Democrats are in panic mode.

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The Dems needed a "shadow platform" to counter the surprisingly socially moderate and game-changing platform of Donald Trump. The boogeyman they thought they had coming never arrived, so they had to enlist another.

The Dems were going to hit hard on abortion this fall, and now Trump is looking like the reasonable one. Maybe not to the "vote blue no matter who" crowd, but definitely to the middle and those who have yet to make up their minds. The VBNMW crowd wasn't going to vote for Trump in a million years.

Interesting that the same adjectives keep being used by all of the Dems.

In short, the Dems got played by Trump, and now they have to resort to backup plans. And that's before getting to the Biden question.

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Me thinks he doth protest too much.

Another take is Trump is distancing himself from an effort that would that would work against attracting independent and normie republicans to vote for him..

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The legacy media has been lying and misrepresenting Project 2025. I read an excellent article on it where the President of The Heritage Foundation explained the whole project. I have been a supporter and member of The Heritage Foundation for years and they are a great think tank on conservative government.

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And don't think for one minute that the Dems and their think tanks don't have a similar document.

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If you want to work in the administration send in your CV. The process is not difficult. There are the general work history and reference questions as well as educational background. There are some political questions as well.

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