The Atlantic just ran an article with the headline “Dad Is On The Ballot”.

I think there is some accuracy to this view that a lot of voters vote for a model father, grandfather, mother, grandmother. Unfortunately. It is generally people that have not yet become a true functioning adult and still have mommy and daddy needs.

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I know that he doesn’t read these comments, but if anyone on here has a channel to him, please let him know that the acronym for the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is pronounced “AY-pac,” not “A-I-pac.” Surprised he does not know this.

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Since it is very likely to come up at the Gathering, he really should not pronounce it “A-I pac.”

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Question/observation: Why is it the media always shows pictures of Trump frowning and other candidates smiling? Has a lot to do with perception and potential votes.

Wish that could be changed.

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Do you really have to ask? Or was that just a rhetorical question? :-)

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Biden continues the lie to gaslight Democrats and the violence following the 2016 election is memory holed.

In his first interview since exiting the 2024 race President Biden told CBS' Robert Costa he's "not confident at all" that there will be a peaceful transfer of power if former President Trump loses the upcoming election (following the Capitol Hill riots that erupted on Jan. 6 in 2020.)

"He means what he says. We don't take him seriously. He means it. All this stuff about if we lose, there'll be a bloodbath,"

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Thank you Erick for your careful analysis of current news and especially Kamala Harris. I have learned so much from your broadcasts and will continue to.

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Spot on Erick….I will send $$….not time to say I “should have done more”!

Gotta have faith… a lot can happen….vibe works, but policy must be emphasized.

Not a time to be discouraged by the hype….stay strong!!

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Here’s a very serious thing to consider. I get what you’re saying and I agree. I do.


How many people actually watch TV anymore? And I mean watch it. Or are they like me and watch it on DVR and skip the ads?

That’s a question not a statement. Because honestly I have no idea. Aren’t more people on social media than live TV?

So the question I have is how?

How does Trump put out ads that likely won’t be seen anyway. So is that just a money pit?

And how many are seeing Kamala ads?

And then who is seeing them? Because the only voters left are undecided and swing voters. Like my friend who voted Trump then Biden and now may vote Kennedy.

Is that even a thing for people who were voting for Biden suddenly switching to Trump or vice versa for Harris?

And are ads going to do that?

Next question is how can you expose Harris?

She won’t debate. The media is painting her over with positive lies. Ex: “she was never the border czar…” yet she was.

This is not being sarcastic it’s a serious question I hear you say what he needs to do but how?

He can campaign he can rally. I get that. But how what is he supposed to do?

You see how frustrating this gets and is it even possible?

But something to note. After weeks of Harris gushing and the media changing her spots. She is only slightly leading nationally and losing in most of the battleground states. Especially Penn. what does that tell you. And these are polls that are extremely biased.

But in summary the question is how. I’d love to hear a segment on how. If not SM then how? If people are not watchingTV live anymore then how?

I’m happy that republicans are on the ropes. We can’t get comfortable. The GOP works best when it’s pressed.

So here we go.

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I’ve canceled my subscription, but it doesn’t go into effect until April 1, my renewal date. Is there any way to stop it now and get a refund?

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Well said Erick I’ve watched the Olympics and seen a ton of Kamala ads nothing from Trump It’s the economy stupid I have a hard time falling for smiles and everything is good while my check book is being raided for everything I need so let’s let everyone know about tampon Tim and Cackle and how they will make everything more expensive but you will be happy because they smile as they put the screws to us

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It’s been equal. I recorded a segment of prime time and saw and equal number of Trump to Kamala ads. I wonder if anyone even watches those.

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I couldn't disagree more, and here is where my conservative impulses surface. The genius of America is a collective one, where neither her progressive nor conservative impulses are in full control. Harris is a bit further left than I might like, so the ideal outcome for me would be that Trump takes a drubbing while Republicans take slim control of the Senate. ("Slim" so as not to enable any lunacy such as shutting down the government.)

Harris is about to wipe the floor with Trump, and what I am suggesting is going to happen anyway eventually. Republicans need to start focusing their attention (and fundraising) on those Senate races.

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Personally, I don’t know what to think. Actually, I’m sick.

I want to give but don’t want to throw my $ away. If Trump and the GOP would just show us SOMETHING - any bone- I believe supporters would give.

Why wasn’t his Campaign smart enough to put something on You Tube immediately following her announcement and ask for donations to start an ad attack?

Geez, if we’re smart enough to figure this out and they’re getting paid big bucks to do so, why don’t they?

Erick, they darn well need to start listening to you. On first thought, HIRE you!!!!

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