Absolutely true. I pray that I and other Believers can persuade those who fight so hard to gain wealth and control will understand that happiness for them will not be achieved on earth—hence the existing chaos!

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Thank you...

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Thanks, brother. Your good thoughts are well-expressed.

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Thank you for acknowledging the truth of this situation; and...

"...acknowledge that black Americans and white Americans live different lives and are confronted by society in ways that are often far harsher to black Americans. We need to stop throwing up excuses that this is so because of our various notions of how black society functions differently."

I suspect that the above is a good example of the 'privilege' that folks that hold to these ideas are speaking about.

In the beginning... this country was founded by white people. Our nation/government was established by white people. The institutions that were founded and later evolved were all by white people for white people. When people speak of 'white privilege' they are speaking of these things. Blacks were brought as slaves and even after emancipation were denied their human rights and relegated to scrabble earth. They started out on the lowest rung and were held there by threats of violence and denial of rights.

Blacks don't deny that whites suffer BUT we don't suffer because we are white. Blacks have suffered for no other reason than their skin is not white. That is the privilege they speak of when the speak of white privilege.

When black athletes chose to stage a silent, peaceful protest by taking a knee during the National Anthem some Americans, including our president, took umbrage and spoke out using inflammatory words whose blatant purpose was to denigrate not only the protest but the people protesting.

The protests may have irked, it may have seemed frivolous but it was a simple gesture that was nonviolent and quiet. The establishment treated it as if it were treason, that the protesters were ungrateful and 'thugs' - I found their reaction more distasteful than those of the protesters.

As an aside; Roof was taken to a very small police station in Shelby, NC. They called in the FBI because they were not prepared for dealing with a high profile prisoner. The Sheriff admitted that they did send out to get Burger King but only because they have to feed their prisoners and they weren't prepared. Take that for what it's worth. Personally, I'm from/in SC - I'd have been happy to let Roof go hungry.

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The photograph is profound and sorrowful. An almost destroyed US flag dipping into the debris of spiteful, heinous actions of men and women who dishonor themselves, each other, and the country they live in. I’m deeply saddened that there is so much hate and distrust in our nation among its people and it’s so-called leaders. I believe we are experiencing a godawful failure of leadership. I call upon God!s promise that he won’t desert us, and pray that as sinners we return to him, repented with open hearts and minds, and to change who we are so that our thoughts and actions show the love of Christ. It’s not too late. God is still with us. Rise up, onward Christian Soldiers.

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Thanks Erick. Instead of immanentizing the eschaton, to borrow a phrase, a simple embrace of The Golden Rule, will fix the problem.

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At this moment, I'm editing a transcript of a sermon preached in 2004, one year before his passing, by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers. Here are some pertinent exerpts:

"Our national heritage lies in decay. Our Christian values are in retreat. Sexual promiscuity, the open parading of perversion, the disposal of unwanted, unborn children, the breakup of the family, the obsession with self and materialism—all speak of a society on its last legs.

"Every day in America, thousands of pre-born babies are put to death, a blood sacrifice to the demon god of lust. Most of these abortions are for convenience, a form of birth control. You can be fined $5,000 and put in jail for a year for crushing a bald eagle’s egg, yet a doctor can make a handsome living by killing babies in the mother’s womb.

"We live in a sick society. If America is not born again, we will join the graveyard of failed nations. America needs a miracle. We must have a national revival If we don’t, we’re on a collision course with judgment as surely as there’s a God in Heaven.

A Prayer for Revival (Psalm 85:4-6):

Restore us, O God of our salvation,

And cause Your anger toward us to cease.

Will You be angry with us forever?

Will You prolong Your anger to all generations?

Will You not revive us again,

That Your people may rejoice in You?

I want you to see three things from this prayer for revival.

"Some say it’s too late. Don’t be one of them. Don’t say revival is impossible. God’s power, His grace, are sufficient.

“But, pastor, sin is pandemic.”

Yes, but Romans 5:20 says, “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” God is omnipotent, and He is our hope. Conversely, God is our biggest threat if we don’t repent. I’m not nearly as afraid of what terrorists will do as I am of what God Himself will do. Don’t look to some political party to save us. Tell both parties, “Repent and get right with God.” We’re in a mess because we have wicked people who elect wicked people, who will make wicked laws apart from God. We must have revival, and its source is Almighty God. Get your eyes on Him."

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Three other exerpts:

"The prayer God hears is the prayer that seeks His face. Most of us are busy seeking His hand instead: “O God, do something!” If there’s unconfessed, unrepented of sin, God’s hand will judge us, but God’s face will save us. In Scripture, believers prayed, “Make Thy countenance to shine upon us” (Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 67:1). The face of God, the smile of God—that’s revival.

"God will not hear the prayer of unrepentant people. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18). If you want God’s face, you must turn from your sin. God cannot smile upon, put up with, or fellowship with sin.

"You say, “I hope America repents.” No, friend, I hope you do. America is but the sum of its people. There is no national repentance without individual repentance, one by one, as we pray."

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Can these centuries of bad blood, cultural wars can be solved by a President or some protests. NO.. unless there is underline broader consensus among majorities , these problems are not going away.

I am surprised you have not mentioned brown Americans in your article. In another century from now We [brown Americans]may be the oppressed one’s from Black white people because it will seem they are the privileged ones. Fortunately brown American community is highly qualified and are the best people whom you can have as subordinates. So May be this will not happen.

But interesting read. Thanks.

The problem is silence has no voice or say. The person who shouts the most gets heard unfortunately.

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Erick, if you have not already done so, you should read "The Paradigm" by Jonathan Cahn. He effectively draws a parallel between the ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel and today's America.

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The piece is great and Mr Tyrone nailed it!

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Of course we need Jesus. We need to be like Jesus. We need to be like Jesus taught us to be, Part of that is to stand up against injustice to others. We must stand against racism, not simply not be racist.

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I'm almost speechless. Whatever happened to free will? The idea that we choose our path and let God guide us? What about choosing to not be baited into throwing rocks? Or looting? Or assaulting someone to the point of a broken body or death? The wonderful examples of civil protest from places like Flint, MI and Fargo, ND. Two very different placed geographically and demographically. Our society isn't holding anyone accountable. It's always someone else doing the looting, burning and assaulting. As my mom used to say "the not me's did it." I am sick and tired of excuses given for individuals of ANY COLOR to perform horrible acts.but we, as a society, continue to provide excuses so the not me's get away with whatever they choose to.

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The only true justice comes from God but so many don't want to hear that today. They believe they can create a utopian society if only government steps in and plays God for them. We all know that fails. But even Jesus knew that a world that rejected him would also reject his followers. There are many folks and organizations that help the poor, forgotten, and anyone who needs help no matter their race, sex, ethnic, or whatever identity is in fashion today. But too many still reject these Christians and persecute them whether with lawsuits, violence, or just ostracization. We need to stop living in fear of man and start standing in faith with God so the light of Christ shines brighter than any secular solution that so many substitute as God. But don't be shocked by those who refuse the gift Christ gives to all. The darkness too is powerful and we all struggle with pride which blinds those seeking God thru the power of the State. Only thru humbleness can one see God so we shine Christ's light and pray like crazy! Lord have mercy on everyone!

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I agree. Christians must live out and preach the gospel as we await His return. We He does, evil will be gone and justice will flow like a river. Amen

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Sorry, “When” He

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Although there are many problems in the Christian church (the body of all believers regardless of race or sex or social-status), a larger problem is that very many people reject the Gospel and have no desire to live according to its teaching. For example, it is hard to believe that anybody could be a Bible believing Christian and participate in riots that loot stores, set cars and building on fire, and beat innocent people severely wounding them. If there are such people, they are clearly not living according to the dictates of the Bible, either by choice, or by ignorance.

Neither Ahmaud Arbery or George Floyd should be dead and their killers should face swift justice. But this is not the direct role of the church, but rather the direct role of government authorities (Romans 13:1-7). If the government authorities do not fulfill their Godly assignment of maintaining law and order by arresting law breakers, the end result is anarchy with many innocent people losing property and/or their lives/health. Anarchists should be severely punished whether they belong to Antifa, BLM or a White Supremacist group. Vigilante justice is not justice at all, whether it be the private citizens who shot Aberty, or the policemen who strangled Floyd, or the rioters who wrongly target innocent people. True justice is not dependent on skin color.

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Great article, love it!! One of the greatest people of our time died recently and left behind an amazing legacy of just how to do what you say, love your neighbor. May all Christians step up and be a true picture of Christ to others.

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If anything, this situation should press ALL Christians to revival. A renewed love for God and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with ALL people. Thank you for this great article!!

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