Thank you, Erick! You're very right. Unfortunately the Republican Party keeps trotting out unserious circus clowns so I'll continue to vote 3rd party. But rest assured at night that I'm not voting Democrat! ❤️

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No one really believes that a warming planet, even if happening, will doom humanity. A lot of people may have to move, and it might be expensive, but it won’t wipe us out. Using such phrases shows how out of touch these people are.

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"Those men come from a party that also thinks a human is not a human until it leaves the womb."

I think it's more accurate to say they think a human isn't a human until they take the "Blue pill" and vote Democrat.

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"Note: I apologize for the bad word in the sign below, but I chose this picture because you must remember this is the mentality we’re dealing with. This was seen at one of the D.C. riots as Trump was inaugurated in 2017."

Exactly. Just cut off all but the last line of the sign. I really don't like saying this, but until some of them are dropped they will not back down, and maybe not even then. Unfortunately we cannot continue to accommodate bad behavior. Spoiled children eventually have to be taught to mind

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Prophetic. We need to be shouting from the rooftops that the Left is going to say the election was stolen despite their statements that Biden was duly elected, properly, and justly. It will be the same systems, especially in blue states where the GOP flips things, that elect these republicans. It wasn't stolen in 2020, it won't be stolen in 2022, and it won't be stolen in 2024 but someone will say it was. Let's get out in front of that now.

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Thank goodness for Manchin. The scare tactics being bantered about are beyond belief. Take a deep breath, read Steven Koonin's book, "Unsettled" which, according to the Claremont Review "is a remarkable book—probably the best book on climate change for the intelligent layperson—that achieves the feat of conveying complex information clearly and in depth." After you read the book ask yourself if the pain and suffering you are being asked to endure is worth it. We are all being told to worship at the alter of the green new deal by globalist elites who will never suffer the agony they wish to put you through. Check out what has just happened in Sri Lanka and read what caused the ouster of their government. It can happen here and when it does Jan 6th will look like a walk in the park.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

A couple of things that stick out.

One, why is it anyone who gets in the way of your agenda dooming mankind, or their a nazi or some other stupid comparison? When the hyperbolic becomes the normal, credibility, appropriately, is diminished. And when you REALLY need to sound the alarm, no one wants to hear from you.

Also, my grandparents had real challenges in life, as did their parents. Same on my wife's side of the family. All things considered, my generation has had it pretty easy, as now our young adult children do. Without some real crisis, the current generation of young adults and their liberal mentors have created a boatload of fake problems to rail against while real problems get ignored. Resources used to address false problems takes resources away from the very real challenges around us.

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Is there a normal to get back to anymore? Whatever happened to love thy neighbor as thyself.?

WE the people one Nation under GOD.

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Thank a reality show for teaching us how to behave like over-the-top jackasses who are then REWARDED for that behavior.

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I appreciated your observation regarding the GOPs need for an intellectually stable opponent. I believe—as do you—this fact is not either recognized or embraced. What is that ancient Hebrew saying? Iron sharpens iron? It doesn’t only apply to friendly relationships….

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Michael Crichton called it in 2003. It’s their religion and we’re dealing with zealots.


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Couldn't agree more. "The progressive left really does believe that climate change is dooming us." Flip the script: "These people really do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and was RESURRECTED after being crucified." I am a firm believer in Christ and His status as my personal savior, but that doesn't negate the fact that my confession of faith might sound downright crazy to a non-believer. But we are not afforded such empathy by the climate change faithful; our non-belief, in their eyes, dooms all of humanity which, in turn, explains their manic behavior.

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So well written, Erick! Thank you for the work that you do. Your voice is so important. The only thing I disagree on in your essay is the right needing a sane candidate on the left to stay intellectually fit. The right’s success ought not to stand on the behavior and mentality of the left, it needs to stand on submission to God’s guidance and discipline. The best athletes demand the best from themselves regardless of their competition. So I believe it should be in politics.

I believe the real problem the right has is waffling between a mostly-correct, but godless pragmatism and reality-based (read: Scripture-based) policy positions and governance. To the extent that we veer off, we get a mix of ultra-MAGA crazies, squishy centrists, or RINOs. Everywhere the problem is people who do not want to do the work of thinking systematically versus the lazy road of reasoning in pockets here and there to suit our whims. Sin invariably causes me and everyone else to do that to some extent, some more than others, according to our degree of sanctification.

The right needs to submit its whole platform to God’s Word. Not just the parts that will pragmatically get votes.

(Yes, I want all people to do that, but the right is objectively miles closer to that than the left. Perhaps that is too pragmatic of me, but I think the left’s core positions make them completely untenable.)

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That SPLC poll is troubling for more than the young, male Democrat answer. Nearly all of the younger respondent categories have troubling percentages who say assassination is okay. It looks like the older men, typically called "the problem," are opposed in a large majorith.

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This is where the coming violence will begin with Rose City Antifa and the like. The problem there is the propagandistas masquerading as reporters have all managed to convince their good progressive audience Antifa doesn't exist. Where it does exist, they've been convinced Antifa is peacefully gathering, only committing violence when "white supremacists" provoke them. They will bring us to our doom shouting from the rooftops anyone who has an opinion different from theirs is a white supremacist. Those people, it will be fine to kill them, and thus the violence will begin.

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