Liberals and their friends in the media will blame Trump for the next terrorist attack even if it comes this year.

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There are a LOT of stupid people here. They voted in a dementia patient who ran his campaign from a basement window.

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The only accountability for our government bureaucrats making a mess is our politicians firing them. The only accountability for our politicians making a mess including their refusal to fire the government bureaucrats making a mess, is to fire them in elections. The accountability of the electorate to fire the politicians has traditionally ben supported by the national media fairly and accurately reporting on the mess.

Today this is all broken because of the corruption of the national media into a propaganda arm of the globalist corporatist managerial and ruling class that is protected by the Democrat party.

The six largest American media companies that own controlling interest in the "news" media are:


Walt Disney


Paramount Global



Looking at the list of top stockholders for all of these corporations, and also most other large multinational American corporations, you will see three at the top:



State Street

For example for Comcast, Vanguard owns about 18%, State Street 3.9% and Blackrock 2.2%. The total is 24.1%. These three trillion dollar asset management Wall Street firms manage the assets of the world's billionaire... the top of the globalist corporatist managerial and ruling class.

The same is true for big tech. These firms own Google and all other large social media and Internet content platforms and providers (except Twitter).

Now consider that each of these three Wall Street firms own the stock of each other.

They are all connected... they are really just one collusive and coordinated investment entity that controls.

It is estimated that total private and public global assets today are $440 trillion. The three of these Wall Street firms control about $21 trillion. The total under private management is about $125 trillion... so these three firms control about 17% of all private global assets.

To say they are powerful is an understatement. Together they are corrupting the democratic process that previously has relied on a well-functioning free press.

Today if Bill Gates wants to see his synthetic meat investments pay back, these Wall Street firms that own the media pulls strings to push the anti-meat consumption "news" that is part of the global warming project to influence the public to popularize an anti-meat luxury belief.

If Democrats are the party that better supports the globalist march, then these owning firms pull strings to make sure the electorate opposed Republicans and favors Democrats.

This is the source of where the media is broken. What we need is to update our anti-trust and anti-monopoly regulations to factor cross ownership and single industry consolidation. The old standards and precedence established previously are out of date.

Hamilton and Jefferson had this debate of few big and consolidated vs many small and independent. It is clear today that Jefferson was correct with respect to what model better served the people of this still greatest nation on God's green earth.

The GOP needs to put forth an agenda for getting us back to more small and independent. The problem is that the old GOP is still in the same bed as the Democrats with their hand in the big corporate cookie jar. So we need to rid ourselves of the old GOP charlatans and rent-seekers and replace them with the new GOP version.

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Yep. Erick hits the nail on the head here. The Biden administration is what you get when you have progressive academics trained in critical theory in a position of power. On every front, their policies are failing but they simply avoid the truth by redefining language. "The border is secure!" As they let in 10 million illegal immigrants. We need to spend 4 trillion dollars in the "Inflation Reduction Act" while Americans have lost $12,000 a person due to cost of living increases. We don't want the conflict to escalate in the Middle East while Hamas murders Israelis and hides behind their own people, the Houthis are derailing international shipping, and Iran is murdering US Troops. The Biden administration is a giant con and a power grab by bureaucrats and academics who would never hold a job in the real world.

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Try crushing Iran economically. You don’t want a response that escalates with a broad war. Remember 1914?

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We will be at war by the 1st of Sep. This administration will use that for an excuse NOT to have an election and stay in control. But then the Lord will shortly after that time, say by the end of March next year, have a Peace agreement signed between Israel and Iran and that will be the beginning of the last seven years of the world. Our Lord will come shortly after the middle of those seven years. Are all of you ready to go???? We are not far away from that time.

Blessings Erick again for having information we need to think about.

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There’s going to be an election on November 5th. We had one in 1864, for Heaven’s sake! To much dramatics.

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Has everything this President done in the changes he has made, BEEN LEGAL???

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He lacks the authority and lacks the ability to cancel the 2024 election. I should think that’s obvious.

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See the link about a potential US-Iranian war from Geopolitical Forecasting which I have subscribed to for many years and believe is a very good source of analysis.


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Ok… so the Biden Administration says Iran cannot control their proxies and thus cannot be held directly responsible for their action. Um, ok. Riddle me this, just who loaded up the dhow full of ballistic missile components, cruise missiles, drones, etc that the SEALs took down? Sounds like the same deluded person claiming Biden was powerless to do anything about the border.

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Re: "The only choice you should be given is whether or not to murder a baby".

Well, almost.

The Left wants complete government control over every aspect of society except for three things that they demand absolute freedom:

1) Abortion

2) Who you can marry

3) Who you can have sex with

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Feb 2, 2024
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No, Biden could say I'm trying to end democracy, I have a son who is grifting the world so that I can become rich, and give those countries anything that they want, I am a in name only Catholic who believes in killing babies, and as long as I throw money at our citizens they will like me and who is also a narcissistic hair sniffing moron. Maybe you are right about people being stupid. You need to read Victor Davis Hanson

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Feb 2, 2024
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Are you or the world better off now than four years ago? Trump is definitely the lesser of the evils.

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Feb 2, 2024
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So you are happy with an administration that weaponizes the alphabet agencies to harass political opponents? Not just the main individual but anyone close to him. Your crime can be anything they say you did.

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Feb 2, 2024Edited
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Sir, wishing an absolutely fantastic day. Church is such a wonderful place.

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