Have not received any news/articles since 9th. Should there be publications for paid subscribers? Listen to am broadcast and hear a lot of commentary but no emails. Thank you.

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LOL!!! "...Yes we Cankle Hillary..." hilarious.....good rant.

Trump needs a speech writer for sure. His off the cuff comments on an open mic are not very presidential, or coherent. Us conservatives might be in trouble this fall. More Presidential is needed and less pot stirring for sure.

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Thank you Erick !! We have so much riding on this election and President Trump is going off the rails !

It’s almost like he DOESN'T want to win in November ! We need a conservative Republican more than ever in the White House ! Our country is going down the tubes !

Maybe President Trump is tired of the job and the harassment he gets 24/7??

He seems to be doing everything he can right now to make himself look bad and Biden look normal !!!

We have to keep praying 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Nice rant. I think a lot of the conservatives have had enough of this guy. He's probably already killed the GOP for a generation, and maybe that is a good thing. I have no facts or polling to back it up, but I think there is a silent majority out there who are sick of the daily tweet storms and the perpetual pity-party outrage of the last four years. They will be voting against Trump. It's not that people want Biden. A lot of people just want anything other than Trump. A lot of people want to go back to not giving a crap about politics most of the time.

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Nope, Obama should have been the death of the DNC, but...

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Your point, Erck, is well-taken, but in a way counter-productive. The longer trump persists in his adolescent twitter fit, the deeper he digs himself into election defeat. On this present course of foolishness, he will self-destruct. And that's not such a bad thing.

Maybe he will even burn himself out and step aside so that Pence--a seasoned governor--can take the helm and get Republican party and this country on a righteous path again.

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unfortunately we will not get Pence we will get a Democrat , Biden for a few months then whoever is Vice President pic is. I am sorry but I would rather Trump then any democrat.

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Erick, You have every right to hold the President to a higher standard and/or to criticize specific tweets. But you have no right to argue he should get off twitter. I have read his tweets for 4 years now and 99+% of them are nothing but truth. That is why people defend his tweets. And it is impossible for anybody who believes in truth to miss that the progressive media cares very little about the truth and has no qualms about telling every lie possible to make Trump look bad. Our country lived through two years of Russian collusion delusion propaganda and more recently a week of media claims Trump tear gassed peaceful protesters for a photo op. But AG Barr, who is one of the calmest men in Washington in his speech pattern, has made it clear that it is Trump's critics who are not on the side of the truth regarding either of these issues.

In the past week, Trump took a firm stand that the violent riots had to stop, and lo and behold they mostly have. Trump was never against peaceful protesters and he has openly supported the investigation and prosecution of the killers of Arbery and Floyd, which is what the allegedly peaceful protests are supposed to be about. Trump did retweet a Glenn Beck interview with Candace Owens, but if you look at the tweet, it started with this quote "I don't care WHAT George Floyd did. The officer should have never treated him like that and killed him!" That is 100% true statement, as well as elements of the less then honorable past of George Floyd that Candace Owens (and others) have pointed out. It is not Trump's retweet of Glenn Beck's comment that is diverging from the truth.

Then there is great outrage about his tweet about Martin Gugino, the Buffalo protester whose head hit the pavement after a confrontation with Buffalo police after the riot curfew was in effect. There is no doubt that Trump's comment about Gugino deliberately falling is out of line. But PJ Media ( https://pjmedia.com/columns/jack-dunphy/2020/06/08/theres-more-to-the-story-of-the-elderly-protester-knocked-down-by-buffalo-police-than-youre-being-told-n508740 ) is reporting details of this incident. Gugino had recently tweeted "The National Guard should arrest the police." and "Linda Tirano had lost an eye. An eye for an eye people." PJ Media has still shots of Gugino holding an electronic device against the two policeman, with various people arguing that this was done for the purpose of intercepting and or interrupting police communications. It is pretty clear that the progressive media wants to destroy the lives of the two policemen who pushed Gugino as examples of bad cops. What isn't clear is whether Gugino is an innocent elderly man, or whether he actually has a history of encouraging attacks against police as various people have reported.

As to the CNN poll with the big Biden lead, it had a significant under sampling of Republicans, which would make a major difference in results, since Trump has over 90% support among Republicans. In the 2016 election, the Reuters and ABC/WP polls had Clinton with double digit leads against Trump in June. In late October 2016, both AP and ABC had Clinton with double digit leads against Trump. As to battle ground states, the 4 WI polls in late October and early November 2016 had Clinton with leads of +8, +8 +8, +6, with an RCP average of a Clinton +6.5 for all WI polls. There wasn't a single WI poll that had Trump winning. Similarly, the RCP average for MI was Clinton +3.6 and PA Clinton 2.1, If you are going to strictly judge Trump's tweets for truthfulness, then you should also strictly judge your own comments on the accuracy of polls. In a political environment that is strongly divided between Democrats and Republicans and Urban vs Rural voters there are going to be close elections. Winning an election by 70K votes in three battleground states the Republicans had not won for decades is a lot better than losing them.

Finally, if unnamed Trump advisers are going to put out claims that they want him off twitter, then they should come forward themselves, instead of you spreading their gossip. You have a legitimate right to criticize any/all of Trump's bad behavior, but you have no legitimate right to spread gossip from anonymous sources, even if it is true. And the fact that some advisors disagree with Trump using Twitter doesn't make them right, as that is an opinion, not a fact. You should focus your criticism on specific Trump's tweets that your believe are out of line, and not general slurs about Trump's tweets. which are generally true, even if there are exceptions to that.

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You are correct Erick, the president would be better off if he just deleted his Twitter account and stopped doing social media period! He is the president and needs to show leadership and Twitter is NOT the place to do this! I sometimes wonder if he really cares whether he wins the next election or not!

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I just posted the same thing to Erick! I think the President is sick of it all and doesn’t care if he wins or not ! Which really messes all of us Conservatives because if the Dems are in control we will lose the country as we know it

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Is "leg humping" a Georgia thing? I am not impressed.

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It is cleaner than “brown nosing”.

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I agree with you! I posted something just a couple of days before the riots regarding the Presidents twitter behavior and I got slammed by about 20 of my close friends. I was shocked at the vitriol. I am so weary with his constant nonsense I no longer watch any news regarding him. I switch the channel. I want to reach through the screen and throttle Hannity and his simpering adoration for his BFF. We are a nation on the brink of disaster and Twitter is not the way to talk America off the ledge. Good grief.....

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What about throttling Adam Schiff??

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It seems he wants to loose. But then Trump is Trump. Unique.

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And so are you.

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Erick - Totally agree with you. If someone could take away that dang phone. If he focuses on the economy and getting the hard working Americans back to work, then he wins. If he continues to follow the rabbit being lured in front of him by the Democratic Party - who have figured out that he can not not comment - then he looses. And then we all loose.

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Idiot tweets are idiot tweets regardless of who tweets them. As a leader of a country I do expect our President to have more sense, and a higher level of restraint. It would be nice if he thought so to. I was taught “just because you think it doesn’t mean it needs to be said out loud “. Or tweeted.

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No doubting it Erick u biased and pro establishment. In fact your bias is so evident that if I didn’t know u I would think u were pro Biden and a Democrat. This President has had to run the gauntlet of abuse of both Parties and the seditious Media. I agree with your caller who took exception to the Presidents tweets. Best Stirling

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Eric, even if the economy keeps improving do you think Biden will beat Trump?

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No. That has been my whole point. If the president focuses on the economy, he wins.

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I agree but sadly Trump can't seem to help himself.

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What happens when it's the other party in office? Democrats can be held to a higher standard, but not Republicans? Okay, realistically, this is exactly what happens (and in reverse) but aren't we all supposed to be better than that?

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