No, certainly not. It's simply a form of repayment, of sorts, for those who think they should get off fully free for the debt they've incurred. For college grads to give up 3 years to service of this country, puts them 3 years behind in beginning or stopping their career goals or aspirations. Besides, the education they've received in college might be very influential to the military.

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At its peak in 1940, only about 9% of Germans were card-carrying members of the Nazi party.... that's 9%. The rest of them just went along for the ride.

In 1936, if every Jew and anti-Nazi in Germany had had a Mauser rifle, 20 rounds of ammo and the will to use it, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi thugs would have been nothing more than a footnote in the history of the Weimar Republic.

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I cannot be more proud of your work Mr. Erickson! Excellent.

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Wow and Damn.

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"...whether the speech turns into conduct..."

These are the same people that tell us rioting, burning cities, destroying public and private property is not violence but words by themselves are violence.

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There are no words. The daggers would be out protecting any other minority group - be it homosexual, trans, Black, or whatever. It's reprehensible that this is not getting mainstream media coverage.

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This was incredibly well stated! These women drank the kool-aid and are supporting the problem just as the donor and foreign money is supporting their universities. Stop donating, cut the funding and see what happens...

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I was disappointed that Congress did not take action against these woke universities and their leadership!

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As log as we're discussing colleges, lets look at Biden's plan to eliminate the student loans. Quite a few of us in our community believe the best plan to eliminate one's student loan debt would be for he or she to dedicate 3 years of their life in service to this country. It would be a fitting option for one who is lazy or simply doesn't think their repayment is justified. Also, we could quickly fill the recruitment gap our armed services currently need, let alone the benefit of an attitude adjustment for the newly enlisted.

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It's that what the GI Bill does?

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Regarding the hiring of SEC alums: They would have a tough time trying to reform a school whose ideology is completely opposite to theirs. From the deans, their staff, down to and through the student body, they've all been indoctrinated into a leftist, progressive philosophy since the third grade. The best Congress could do would be to make sure any and all Federal funds and grants to the school(s) are eliminated.

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They won’t change, but maybe their influence will be minimized

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Don't forget ACC schools. We have quite a number of academically rigorous institutions. One right here in Georgia.

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I think you're deluded to believe the Ivy League will change, for any reason. They won't. Education is the breeding ground for the left. They've been funding them with government student loans for years. They've built up a system that turns out progressives and they won't give it up without a fight. Short of public pillory and jail nothing will change.

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Short of public pillory, and the total closure of the incoming money spigot.

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The money will never be shut off. They control too much of government and the GOP doesn't have the spine to shut down tax dollars propping up student loans.

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As you watch this please understand, something I learned from my 50 years of employment within the academy, that universities are one of the few places in America where a tenured employee can opening criticize and threaten the CEO and remain employed. Anything a university president says could result in a vote of no confidence by the faculty leading to their removal from office. It happens often and once the vote is taken the faculty no longer follow that leader. The trustees, usually from top 500 corporations do not understand this at first, but after fully understanding the power structure will always vote to remove the individual once they are no longer supported by the faculty. The President's before this committee understand fully what their testimony might lead to "back at the office". The faculty senate is the most powerful force at any university, not the President, not the football coach, not the trustees, and everyone must understand that essentially all administrators derive their authority from the faculty who must vote to authorize their hiring. So, what will the President of the University say, only what their faculty will approve of.

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The Ivy presidents are reprehensible. Defund and don’t hire!

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But, somehow, the captured media will avoid, obfuscate, and generally lessen the blow these presidents would receive in a functioning society, because they are all in the same group.

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Sad but true…

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I don’t know if I want to cry or punch someone! (Probably both!) The context?!? WTH?!? I used to wonder how Hitler turned a civilized society against the Jews is such a short period of time. I’m now living the example…

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Exactly how I feel about it. I wondered how Hitler did it from the time I read The Diary of Anne Frank in 7th grade. I have read volumes to try to understand. And now I see it happening right in front of me.

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