Watch the video.

That’s the President of the United States staking out the great divide between his vision of the future and the “ultra MAGA plan” for the future.

There are dead men six feet under with more passion and energy than the monotone, soft delivery Biden put into explaining this great political divide. He got more fired up about Corn Pop than the Ultra MAGA plan to raise taxes. It’s almost like even Biden didn’t believe what he was saying or he just came out from under a colonoscopy.

There just was no passion and no energy.

The economy is not going to do very well over the next few months. I suspect we may get a hint that inflation is peaking, for which the President will try to take credit. But that credit comes after first calling it transitory and then saying it was out of his hands.

I really am flummoxed by how badly this White House attempts any sort of strategy. There is no planning at all. My wife keeps a paper calendar and can tell you what is happening in the future. This White House seems genuinely surprised by every turn of events. They are constantly reacting. Even when they try to set the course and narrative, they do so in reaction to previous events they claimed were out of their control.

We are at May 11, 2022. Yesterday, the President finally gave his big speech on inflation after months of historic highs. It’s a little late. Even now, he won’t take responsibility. He claims it is Putin’s fault, the oil companies’ fault, and MAGA’s fault. He faults the GOP for having no plan despite having no power to do anything while conceding the Democrats control everything. He blames the American people for not paying attention to the good things he has done.

There is a desperation in the speech and a feeling of futility, underscored by the soft-spoken delivery.

This is a presidency at its end not even halfway through a single term. Biden has been in Washington for fifty years. He knows the cycles. He knows what it feels like when a midterm blow out is coming. He lived through the accidental senators swept in with Reagan. He lived through the 1994 Republican Revolution. He lived through the 2010 tea party days. He knows the signs.

Joe Biden feels the water being pulled inexorably out to sea as the tsunami builds.

A red wave is coming.