
That clip, from CNN, came after the ANTIFA terrorists turned violent again in Atlanta overnight. The speaker is David Peisner, a leftwing freelance journalist sympathetic to them.

He’s using the same sort of logic that the people who stormed the United States Capitol used. Ashley Babbit, who was trying to climb through a window to open doors for the people hunting congressmen, was the supposed victim and the police officer the bad guy.

The media was thoroughly dismissive of that. But for these terrorists, one of whom shot a police officer, the media is still willing to call them activists and protestors.

To put this in perspective — even some Fox News hosts called the twenty congressmen who stymied Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership “insurrectionists,” and other media outlets called them terrorists.

But they still call these ANTIFA terrorists “activists” and “protestors.”

They are more rioters and insurrectionists, but the media is not only dancing around that, but allowing supposed journalistic voices to argue that the violence is not really violence because it is property destruction.

To review, these terrorists have:

  • Fire-bombed a youth facility;

  • Fire-bombed corporate offices;

  • Vandalized private citizens’ homes;

  • Disrupted church services and vandalized churches;

  • Shot a police officer;

  • Burned businesses and police vehicles.

At what point does the media stop trying to both sides these people and treat them, even just a bit, like they’d treat a Republican congressman blocking their favorite legislation?

This is ridiculous.

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