Erick, I was watching Outnumbered on my DVR, and Emily Compagno referenced this post. Somebody at FoxNews must follow you.

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Remember, Erick, that CNN is the video equivalent of a supermarket tabloid; sensationalistic and not at all accurate. After all, this was the "news outlet" which had one of its trained clapping seals standing there during the post-George Floyd insurrection describing the "protests" as "mostly peaceful" while buildings were burning to the ground behind him.

CNN is just doing its job as a leading organ of the Marxist left's Ministry of Propaganda. You shouldn't expect much else out of it.

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For late breaking news I usually consult radio or local TV but print was absent the next day as well.

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You can tell by the way this jerk stumbles over his words that he doesn't even believe what he's saying. And he conveniently left out a cop being shot in his denial of violence.

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I'd like to know this man's stance on the phrase 'words are violence' another left wing idea.

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This is one of the Reasons I for the most part, stop watching the national news one-sided news

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You give them way too much of the benefit of the doubt. They know full well they are treating the two sides unequally and they are going to keep doing it because they have decided that's good and appropriate. The root of the problem at this point is that progressives have decided they are morally and intellectually superior to everyone else, especially to conservatives. Furthermore, this obvious superiority means they AND ONLY THEY have the right to make decisions, voice opinions, or participate in the process. Our disagreement is a moral affront to them and that's why they seek to silence us. They have adopted a machiavellian mindset whereby any usually immoral action becomes acceptable if wielded against an opponent they view as morally inferior. Bad things are ok if done for a good reason. This mindset also means they will NEVER take a step back to assess their actions. They will plunge forward recklessly and with as much force as they can muster because they are assured of their moral and intellectual rightness.

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This man is a damn fool and who needs to interview journalists as though they are keepers of the facts? Seriously? I had to search everywhere on local news in Atlanta to come up with coverage if this. These people are wearing tactical gear! Who thinks or believes they are garden variety troublemakers?

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Not one mention of the riots in my Sunday AJC. I do live North of Atlanta so I might get an earlier edition but nothing to even say there could be trouble downtown .

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Both have stories two days after Erick Erickson as he was first to report the story.

My Question is who orders them to riot ?

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The AJC Print Edition is put to bed early the night before. They don’t really try to late breaking news anymore in this internet age. The local TV news is all over it, but still remarkably deferential to the “protesters.”

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Yep I scoured every channel and news website in Atlanta for updates… zero, zip, nada, null.

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What a Maroon, What an ignoramus!!!

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Then there is Chinese New Year shooting in California

10 Dead 10 Wounded

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This will take your mind off the Biden Classified Document fishing trip by the Justice Department. It appears that loyalists to Biden are trying to divert your Attention using Antifa.

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I can multitask.

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Yes you can. I hope the police sent Antifa packing.

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Trump had moved to label Anifa a terrorist organization. If you voted for Biden, please do some mirror lookin’. In fact, most of what we wring our hands about today over the that next phase in our national media becoming a complete propaganda arm for the globalist collectivist Uniparty, can be connected to the election of Biden over Trump.

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I think that is overly simplistic.The transition of the MSM from journalists to the Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment has been going on since Peter Jennings was doing interviews exclusively with disgruntled soldiers.

When Ronald Reagan was elected the MSM rediscovered homeless people, and they were blond hair, blue eyed.

There was always a plausible deniability, some semblance of being fair. Them came Obama, victory at last, conservatives had been vanquished. Romney had binders full of women, tied his dog to the roof of his car, and the 80's wanted their foriegn policy back.

We (the MSM) still don't know why an ICE office was bombed or why a guy tried to assassinate (oh, opened fire on) Republican Senators.

John McCain finally became a respected Senator when he died. The only good Republican is a dead Republican.

Trump was not the straw, but justification for the MSM to declare openly and proudly thay are and have always been on the right side of history.

The left is engaging in rewriting history as well. Wikipedia updates historical events to either call them something they never were (the Whiskey Rebellion is now also the Whiskey Insurrection), and the Race Riots of the '60 were not riots.

And with not only a careless lack of interest by the media to question and challenge Government officials and actions, but a straight up cheerleading and apology for their actions is it any wonder the DoJ is politically biased.

They have moving the Overton Window for 50 years. When did it become acceptable to have a debate about whether or not shooting police, firebombing, property destruction is "violence".

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Good points. My follow up point is that it has to stop at some point. It seemed that Trump was the beginning of that stopping point but he was stopped. He was stopped by the uniparty blob, but with support by a contingent of Republicans that should have known better and seem to have really stepped in it given what the last two+ years have brought us.

I continue to see the American teachers union as the head of the serpent. Everything today is molded and played through the media. So if the media is corrupt, then everything else can be corrupted. The controlling governor for this used to be ethical journalism... the blob could not get away with everything because the media would catch them, corner them and give the public the information they needed to correct the problem though a reasonable democratic political process. But the education system has been indoctrinating all the students that go into media. So we have lost that controlling governor and now the blob is free to corrupt everything else.

Trump noted all of this at the same time that half the country had grown alarmed about it. It is why he won in 2016. He lost in 2020 because the media was able to negative brand him enough that a percent of Republican voters lost their minds and sense with TDS.

The shifting of the Overton Window today is one where the blob and the mob are pushing it outside of what is accepted by the public but bloody nailed in place by fear and threats with the expectation that it will eventually be accepted as the new normal. Without an honest media to report ON the absurdity and wrongness of the bloody nailing... and instead mainstreaming the absurdity as some new rightness, they appear to be winning with this approach.

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It was Republicans doing nothing for 8 years under Obama as much as Democrats that made Trump. He unapologetically fought for Conservatives.

Trump was his own worst enemy, tripping over himself and reloading the media's guns for them. Oh, their bias was on full display, but they were ultimately playing him as much as he was playing them.

DeSantis has shown the way. He doesn't need to wag them and he won't take their bait.

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“Ashley Babbit, who was trying to climb through a window to open doors for the people hunting congressmen, was the supposed victim and the police officer the bad guy.”

I get your point here Erick and absolutely agree with it, but if are advocating truth in reporting, the statement above does it a disservice. It is at least odd that the left does not have any episodes of conservative white cops killing any diminutive unarmed female protesters trespassing in government buildings. They certainly had plenty of opportunity.

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The only way to turn “journalism” around is to get all of these people fired. There is no other way.

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The Democratic Socialists of America Atlanta chapter coined the term "Cop City" almost two years ago. We lived about 2 miles from the old prison farm until last summer. These Marxist wannabes have never cared anything about forests; it is simply a means to an end. They and their buds are anti cop and anti Capitalism. That damn simple.

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