Trump needs to quit adibbing

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This is going to be devastating to Harris if the Dems try a base-GOTV strategy instead of a pivot to the middle to try and grab the center.

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Kamala is a gateway to radical policy hell. Joe Biden is a window.

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"Gateway"? .........More like "Mountain Pass"...

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Wow, that was a great ad. Nothing in there that could be used to gas-light people into thinking this attack is racist or misogynistic.

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The Left doesn't need anything at all to think that something is racist or misogynistic.

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100% agree. And McCormick's ad is a good example of the way. I.e., don't comment 'about' her; let her 'explain' herself. Comments about her 'laugh' and her 'word-salad' may be accurate, but they're too close to ad-hominem attacks. Posting clips of her actual POLICY statements will be most effective, imho.

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The same media which said Biden was the best he has ever been is trying to sell us on Kamala. I do not and will not ever believe our media beyond a report of a plane crash, a forest fire, the usual California brush fires and mudslides, only those things verifiable with the naked eye. Beyond that they have no ethics to stand on. The media works for the DNC. I now include many politicians that tried to sell us on a cognitive Biden. They put the Democratic Party ahead of the security of the United States. They were willing to put a person failing mentally as the head of the United States to save the party.

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And still are.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Let me reference my checklist again to see if the race has materially changed in the last week.

Which candidate is a criminal with a wanton disregard for the law who illegally tried to end democracy from the Whitehouse?

Trump - ✔️

Harris - O

OK the race has not really changed.

Thanks Republican primary voters for letting the cultists in our party ensure that I don't have any good options this November. Oh, and also a big thanks to conservative media for being to chickensh_t to discuss what Trump actually did therby allowing him to cakewalk through the primary.

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Listen to Chris Wray today look at border, Israel, Ukraine, Afghanistan, cartels, fentanyl, human trafficking then add in the lying about Biden’s condition, the economy, mandates, DEI damage to our law enforcement and military, underestimated tech threats…. Need I go on. Democracy is in peril but more threats from current administration agenda and Kamala is complicit and possibly worse in her politics. It is currently a choice between the team who did the above and someone who did fairly well, sees where the real threats are and at least will close borders and support LE. How much was Trump himself vs others own agendas especially those who knew govt rules etc. or blowhard complaining about things he thought happened, dialogue is open to interpretation and both parties have lunatics on both sides. Now we have at a congressional hearing statements made about Trumps project 25. Going to have FBI to report only to President, more political appointments etc labeling it all his & MAGA wants that will be on every Dem Trumps’ project 25. The out & out continuing lies is a threat to democracy, people’s lives and just calling for more assassination attempts as well. So choice is what it is.

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Sir I think you need to lie down.

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I think some anger about the situation is warranted Linda.

Nearly all of the frustration on this Substack is directed at Dems, and I simply take Dem incompetence and policy shortcomings for granted. So I direct my criticism at people that should know better / more appropriate targets (cultist primary voters in the Repub party, and conservative media enablers).

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Incompetence and shortcomings? How about outright evil, or is it all just a misunderstanding? Their's are failures only in being obvious assaults on Western culture, and worse.

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Sir we all know about Jan. 6. You have your take on what happened that day and I have mine. I meaning me believe that someone who would have their son sell influence and then use that influence to make policy is far more dangerous to democracy than anything that happened on Jan 6. I meaning me also believe that a president who would weaponize agencies of the government to go after private citizens is also extremely dangerous to our democracy. And to let God only knows what to walk across our border and then pay them with our tax money to stay here in the hopes it will shift the political tide is definitely a hit to our democracy. I don’t like Trump I wish he was not running for president but I sure as hell will not vote for a party that is hell bent on destroying this country.

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A fallback position on this Substack is to characterize the negatives about Trump as "personality issues" vs. the guy tried to illegally end democracy as President. Or if addressing his assault on the constitution at all to simply limit it to Jan 6th (I assume so that have an argument that can make them feel OK about still supporting the bozo). I'm not talking about Jan 6th.

I'm talking about the multitude of ways in which Trump & Co. illegally tried to end democracy in 2020 which include: Trying to coerce secretaries of states and governors to throw him the election in their states, listen to the recorded call with Brad Raffensberger below (after Brad refused to go along with the scheme Trump recruited a primary challenger and tried to oust Brad as retribution for not going along).

Recruiting slates of fake electors in several states to fraudulently submit false documents on his behalf attempting to defraud the government, see source docs below.

Pressuring Pence to thrown out the electoral college and unilaterally make him President, hear Pence discuss this directly below. Also, Trump sat on his hands for 4 hours while a mob roamed the capital with zipties trying to hang Pence

Trumps full audio call with Raffensberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBxg17QqZ4

Fake electors submissions: https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates

Giuliani admitting in court filing that he made false statements about Ruby Freeman (which formed the basis for much of Trumps coercing of Raffensberger in audio above): https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.84.2.pdf

Pence directly on what Trump tried to get him to do (you make your own judgement on who has a better reputation for honesty between Pence and Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tglap7tGwHg

In addition to the rampant criminality cited above you can look at the cooperation of his Mar A Lago IT person Yuscil Taveras (Trump Employee 4) and messages between his staff of idiots in cited in the court document below. This was after Taveras dropped the Trump paid lawyer and got his own to free him to tell about Trump's wanton lawlessness in obstructing justice in the FL docs case.


In my lifetime I have never seen such a brazen assault on our constitution by someone in power let alone POTUS and barely a peep about it from conservative media.

To quote Ron DeSantis: "I mean, he said at some point he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote, Well, I think he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the conservative media wouldn’t even report on it that it had happened.”

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Sir I guess we will see if our constitution is still intact by the end of 2028. Everything is in God’s hands

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I believe the constitution will stay in tact. I think our constitution is strong enough to withstand another Trump presidency, but I simply don't think its worth the risk.

Trump has already attempted to punish anyone who stood up to his attempt to shred the constitution the last time (look at Pence, or consider that voting to certify the 2020 election now effectively disqualifies a repub from a congressional leadership position). Trump held this kind of power over the party before the assassination attempt. After the bullets he has been almost deified among much of the base and thus has an even greater hold on all repub politicians and conservative media. So if he should so choose to assault the constitution again during his next presidency, buckle up, cause I don't see who in our party has the cahonas to stand up to it this time.

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It isn't a crime to edit your own rant.

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Good point. I did a quick clean up.

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Please know that I do understand your frustration. I'm right there with you. I wish that every contest on every ballot would have an option: "None Of These Candidates". I do believe that one would win.

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She agrees with anything that anyone asks her about. The ultimate politician with no values or moral convictions about anything.

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Define her now because the propagandistas of America are going to be all over helping her redefine herself this time.

Anyone who responds with the idea that opposition to Harris is somehow racist, misogynistic, or any other pejorative about the person is attacking the individual (ad hominem attack) rather than discussing the ideas. They have no real ideas and can be safely ignored. You should also point and laugh at their so called intellect for taking Harris seriously in that light.

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For some it will be racist, mysogynistic and anti-immigrant. For others not. It all depends how big one's "we" is in the eternal we-they dichotomy of human social behavior. When the "we" is limited to one's immediate social circle, a racist, mysogynistic and anti-immigrant POV is often the result. If one's outlook goes beyond, it might be other characteristics which become the defining POV. Although not an issue in the case of Kamala Harris, religion is sometimes a violent factor in human social behavior.

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I reject the strawman premise on the face. We elected a black man president. That could not have happened without massive votes from white community. We elected the first woman of color to the Vice Presidency. That also could not have happened without massive votes from the white community. Respectfully, you are propping up the progressive talking point that anyone who disagrees with her is racist. I'm open to specific examples of that but I flatly reject the blanket statement that "for some it will be..." because it doesn't require any specifics to be pointed at. It is a strawman argument and should not be tolerated.

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Any time someone claims that America is "racist", I remind them that we elected a black man president.... twice. Black people did not elect Obama. White people did. And Obama drew votes from all over the political spectrum.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Absolutely. We need to define Kamala Harris before she's able to define herself.... Just like the way Democrats did to Sarah Palin back in 2008 with that SNL skit where she was portrayed by Tina Fey to be a total buffoon.

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A reflection of the reality of Sarah Palin as evidenced by her post-2008 life and behavior. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/18/kristi-noem-dog-politician

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STRAWs- she coming after our Plastic straw. Stock up. ( hopefully you remember this Statement Harris Made)

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That always amazed me. California can throw syringes and needles on the street , but heaven for bid to let anyone use a plastic straw.

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Major cities in California say they are powerless to clean up the homeless encampments, needles, syringes, trash, graffiti, garbage, piles of human feces, etc... but just announce that Xi Jinping is coming for a visit, and within two days it will all disappear and be sparking clean...

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Great response to the anti-Trump ads! Puts her on the defensive to justify her positions. Make custom edits for each swing state. I’m sure you can find some good EV quotes for Michigan to replace the fracking ban clips for PA.

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