A while back, I was talking to a friend about his parents. He said there’s a day everyone gets to when you suddenly realize your parents just aren’t the people they once were. There just seems to be a definitive moment — an event — wherein you realize your parents just aren’t quite capable of taking care of themselves or doing things they once were. It’s like a switch flips and they go from senior citizen to old.
Republicans have long said Joe Biden is old, but it could easily be dismissed as partisan talking points. If you listen to me on the radio, I have noted the Joe Biden of 2016 is not the Joe Biden of now. John Ellis has finally said publicly what a lot of people are noticing. Just watch this clip.
This is happening more and more. They’ve tried to blame it on a stutter or talking too fast or some other excuse, but it is becoming a pattern of verbal ineptitude.
Democrats can scream that at least Biden is not Trump with all the pejoratives they make about Trump, but Biden is showing his age and cloudy mind. For all the talk about the 25th Amendment when Trump was President, I’m surprised Republicans haven’t started talking about it. We’re now at the “butt wipe” stage of utterances — did Joe Biden say his butt got wiped or mumble something else yesterday.
It is remarkable how the press is so protective of Biden that they aren’t willing to really talk about what is happening before our eyes.
On top of that, Kamala Harris has, as I predicted, largely disappeared from the scene after several disastrous weeks. She now polls terribly with the public and Democrats have no confidence she could fight off Ron DeSantis in 2024, let alone keep the Democratic Party together. The party is fracturing.
The media is always more obsessed with the GOP and its internal squabbling, but the Democrats have had a series of fights between the left and hard left and it is driving non-white voters towards the GOP. The dynamics of both parties are going to be remarkably different by 2024 at the present rate.
I do think the media, however obsessed and dependent they are on Trump for ratings, have a hard time talking about this stuff because they have circled their wagons around the Democrats to protect them from Trump and the GOP. The media, now more than ever openly willing to affiliate with the Democrats, is providing the GOP a secret weapon for 2022 and 2024.
As so much of the press and Democrats inhabit a bubble no one else does, they have lost sight on what Americans care about, what Americans think, and how Americans are proceeding into the election. They highlight the free stuff Democrats want to give everyone and ignore the police are not funded, the wokes are funded, and the boys are taking up residence in the girls’ sports and bathrooms. People will vote against their supposed economic interests to protect their cultural interests. The left and much of the left-leaning press cannot see that because their cultural interests are being advanced at the expense of the average American.
My mother died of Alzheimer's 2 years ago. Her cognition and mental capacity declined over a period of 10 years. During the last 5 years the decline was drastic. I observe some of the same "tells" in Biden that I saw during my Mom's decline: wide eyed stares, inability to maintain cohesive thoughts, unable to form sentences, easily distracted, flashes of unreasonable anger, using familiar phrases to fill sentences when unable to comprehend a question ("Now, this is the truth", "now hear me out" etc.). Biden has periods when he seems fine. He is probably on some sort of medication. Also, cognition in people with dementia usually worsens later in the day. Most of Biden's speaking events occur in the early to mid afternoon. I think it is sad that the Democrat political machine is using Biden in this manner. What is worse is the fact that Democrats and the MSM know this but continue to gloss over or out right ignore what every citizen can see right before their eyes. Anyone who continues to believe that there is nothing wrong with Biden needs to pull up the debate between him and Paul Ryan. Biden was sharp...and basically handed Paul's head to him. The decline since this is obvious.
The Emperor has no clothes. Kammy laughs inappropriately and at everything and she is not presidential. Bidey is most likely displaying a Lewy body type dementia. Donny advances toward Bidey, with hey Buddy just stop. His body language is to get Bidey to hush but Bidey can’t get the cue. Oy vey!