Thanks for speaking clearly and even-handedly, and reminding us of the big picture.

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Erick, you wrote:

"There is a whole industry on the left and right that has rejected truth for confirmation bias and rage about the confirmation bias."

Part of that bias on the right has been the narrative that votes were stolen or perhaps manufactured nationwide in 2020 and in Georgia in the Jan 5, 2021 special Senate election. I still believe that if it happened in 2020, the amount was probably so small as to not have the effect the narrative's fans would attribute to it. But with a much smaller vote base with which to deal (the Georgia special election), can we be so sure? I suspect Brad Raffensperger isn't at all sure: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/georgia-opens-investigation-possible-illegal-ballot-harvesting-2020

Here we go again?

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Absolutely agree, thanks for the cogent summary of where we are.

As an aside, though, I would like to point out that while a huge majority of pop culture reflects this perspective, not all is lost. For example, Spiderman No Way Home and the Cobra Kai series are great examples of how redemptive self-sacrifice resonates with people.

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Love it Erick. As one song says: This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through………..

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Excellent! So many among us need to read this. Thank you and wishing you and yours a prosperous and joyful 2022!

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Excellent Erick! Knowing the ultimate end of the story should effect our daily attitude (esp if a Christian). I do understand the collective disappointment and frustration though of real-time decoupling of our culture from the noble virtues and traditions of America. I often feel like the walls are closing in and that we are past the Rubicon. Western civilization (esp the English-speaking West) is obviously in decline, and it is no fun watching it.

P.S. regarding the lack of quality of Hollywood productions--and blatant promoting of perversion--may I recommend Turkish series. Never thought I could tolerate reading subtitles...but the stories and characters are intriguing (without smut).

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Johnny Cash singing back-up. Love that line.

I'm working on a couple of pieces based on the concept that the individual is a social construct--the heart of post-modernism. Holler if you want to read it when it's done.

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I received a similar rebuke from a good friend of mine back in 2012 when Obama was reelected. I was having a come-apart because, in the words of Linda Gray below, I was focusing on the crap. My friend gave me this same pep talk, which I deeply appreciated and have leaned into for most of the last ten years. HOWEVER...I must continually revisit that lesson as liars, cheats, and hypocrites within our government and media try to pull me back into the screaming, hysterical fray. It's hard, hard, HARD not to react sometimes.

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Mic drop. Yes and amen.

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Hi Erick, Thank you for reminding everyone that the Creator has committed to the end, and He does restore everything to a newness. Help your fellow pilgrims in this land we are passing through, by helping them understand how they should be living and responding to the events we are walking through. I agree with your suspicion, we are likely walking in the time just prior to his return. Whether he returns before we each cross over out of this life, I am not sure. But I am reminded often of Jesus's words: "My Kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over...." Help us to walk in such a way, so we are not ashamed at his coming. May many still turn to him, while the day of salvation is still open.

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Man, give your beloved son an increase in his allowance. Beautiful thinking and writing, Erick. Praying for your healing. Who knew a whack to the head would stoke the production of solid content. Love this! Glad you’re on the mend.

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Great article! What a concept! Surprisingly, you want Christians to act like Christ? Like we are actually victorious victors? Wow! Too many people don’t understand there are no victims in God’s kingdom….only victors….much appreciated Erick!

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Maybe, just maybe, if you look underneath all the crap you will find that there are still good caring people out there, but you have to stop looking for the crap.

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Thank you for reminding me!

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“The only man that has ever truly mattered comes back in town. He cleans it all up and makes all things new and perfect and good.

Society may have lost that plot point. We shouldn’t. The story has a happy ending and really it is the only narrative that truly matters.”- Erick Erickson

Seems to me High Noon’s approaching

Just around the bend, I’d say.

Don’t forsake me, oh, my darling

Don’t forsake the narrow Way.

There’s a showdown in the making.

Time has come…we must decide.

Is it Truth…or consequences?

Christ the King still calls his bride.

Will this anger overcome us?

(Or, perhaps, the fear of man?)

Have we lost the plot completely?

Is it all just sinking sand?

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