Spot on again, Erick. It's simple to figure out what Upchuck Schumer, and for that matter Comrade Pelosi has in mind: They intend to wave this defeat as a bloody shirt to accuse Republicans of "stealing" an election which hasn't yet taken place. And it's also safe to say that if a mob were to storm the Capito; or some other facility after the new Republican controlled Congress was seated in January 2023, the Great American Leftmedia will portray it as a righteous act of principled resistance. Were someone to die in the process, that person would receive the same secular canonization which Hitler gave those who were killed in the Beer Hall Putsch.

Democrats have no respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. They also have no shame, ethics, morals, or common decency. They must be decisively defeated as many times as necessary until they realize that they are the ones who need to moderate their rhetoric and behavior.

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Yes, I am in the PCA. Hard to condense my life story: Catholic father, mother converted to Christ (and a Presbyterian Church) after she promised to raise me Catholic; Quaker school; dropped out of Ivy League college and went to seminary, then to Geneva College, where I became a Psalm-singing Presbyterian (RPCNA). Now I am in the PCA. Our senior minister at Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia, Dr. Liam Goligher, took a stand against the term "gay Christian" years ago, and no doubt Tenth will support the articles you mention. My caveat is that I miss the Army -- where sinners and what few saints there are work together! It's important that we do the right thing in General Assembly, but we need good leadership in the secular world too. May God keep us from isolating ourselves.

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Regarding PCA section:

"In reality, orthodox Christianity is on defense here. We didn’t pick the fight. But we must answer"

This is no different a fight for orthodoxy than Augustine answering Pelagius or Calvin's remonstrance of Arminius. We, as humans, make up the entirety of the visible church. That means we have unsaved among as as well as saved. Never should we expect our vaunted leadership to be without error, in need of periodic analysis and correction. We fight against an unseen enemy in our culture and in our pews. Some follow, even embrace the errors, dragging entire denominations away from orthodoxy such as the PC-USA has done.

Remonstrance is needed when orthodoxy is challenged. We need not apologize for rebuking heresy or even moving a "few degrees off true north". The invisible church within the visible church must be salt and light even within our fellowships when such occurs.

God is in control, come quickly Lord Jesus, make us faithful stewards in the meantime...

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November 9th will be stunning as Democrats and media do exactly what Trump did (copying Democrats historically) and put forth "the big lie" rationalizing their position as being n the right side of history. The collective psychopathy and hypocrisy will be spectacular.

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I have always sought balance in my views on SBC topics regarding politics and race. SBC churches should seek knowledge & wisdom but not cross the line into advocation: educate don’t advocate.

You’ve stressed this often: if balance were easy, we’d all be snow boarders and gymnasts. Balance is difficult & intentional.

It also take thinking not feeling.

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I grew up Baptist, wandered in adult life, and became Lutheran after marriage. I loved being Lutheran. Worship felt like real worship, not a pep rally. I became a truly happy student of the Bible and of Lutheran teaching. I was oblivious to church organization issues until 2009 when the annual meeting passed a statement on human sexuality that boggled the soul. The statement said that different views on human sexuality could be held by ELCA Lutherans and we could all get along, but that was a joke. I soon learned that anyone with historic biblical views would be scorned and sidelined. In 2012, my husband and I painfully made the decision to find somewhere else to worship. We landed in a new synod, the NALC, and were happy there, until life issues planted us in a location that the new synod had not penetrated. We have found a church where we take refuge, but we still feel wounded by Satan's victory in the ELCA.

I feel equally wounded by the betrayal of our wonderful Constitution and by the shredding of our national heritage by leaders who have sold us out. These are dark days in the USA.

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Agree that the PCA should vote to affirm the two overtures that merely affirm what is clear in scripture. Obeying God is infinitely better than trying to fit into the world. Christians can hold firm to values and still lead with love, because that’s also God’s command.

I am frustrated over the democrats’ attempt to lie and say anyone’s vote is hindered, at all, in America in 2022. Incredibly frustrating that it takes people like Erick and Fox News to point out this obvious truth. The legacy media us truly a wing of the democrat party, mouthing their talking points daily.

I listened to the tape of Senator Warnock saying those against the democrats’ ‘voting rights’ bill are anti-American. Senator Warnock must be defeated in Georgia. Herschel Walker must be fully able and prepared to defeat Senator Warnock, if Herschel is the nominee. Losing that race is unacceptable. Herschel must be able to go toe-to-toe with him in debates. Need your help here, Erick.

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I converted to Catholicism in 2012. I was Protestant. The last church I was in was non denominational. I’m glad I converted. Catholics have central Command in the Pope. In 2013 I was at the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and though I did not understand Italian, it was the same Mass being said in Sandy Springs. I find comfort in that. Be that as it may, the teachings of the Church, leave little to squabble about. Take it or leave it. I just have to make sure that I love my neighbor as myself. I am working on everything and asking the Holy Trinity to help me.

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All of this stems from post modern philosophy. Until it is abandoned we as a society will be wondering in the wilderness. Let’s hope it doesn’t take forty years. Commitment to Judeo Christian morality which our country was founded on is essential to restoring law and order.

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I’m not PCA (I’m PCUSA), so I’ll let you worry about the doctrine of your denomination. That said, I wish the American Christian church, writ large, would put much more emphasis on loving our neighbors and what that means. Much more emphasis on devotion to Christ and less to country, much less political parties or leaders.

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