Gross. What an absolute failure of parents to educate their kids about 9/11.

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"On and on they went — thousands of mostly young women claiming their eyes were suddenly open to 9/11 being justified and terrorism really being a noble resistance against an oppressor."

Thinking of the young Israeli women raped and killed by the Hamas terrorists, I am thinking that most of them and their friends and family have a different view. And thus you have to wonder if life is too soft for these mostly young and upper-class educated Western women claiming their eyes were suddenly open. I am thinking a year or two living with Islamic extremist terrorist might help them get their brains back to critical thinking status again.

I have said it before and I will keep saying it, and no it isn't misogynist because I am completely about equality. There are no successful examples in the history of the human race where females have dominated a society. We are not evolutionarily prepared for it even if the trajectory was slow. However, the trajectory has been less than two generations. Females are frankly not prepared in their role as leaders. They are still stuck in victim mode and are covert narcissists that rage about attacking their opposition while also expecting to be pampered and protected as victims.

I don't have a problem at all with female competition for power, wealth or whatever else is desired. But then expect that you will be right in the middle of the clash of titans. Do stupid things and expect harsh results.

When the US crumbles and goes to war again, females can strap on the weapons and fight for their lives, or not and then become the slaves of their captors. Any male that continues to hold any principles of chivalry to give up his own life to protect these young terrorist-loving girls... well his choice, but not one I will ever condone.

It is hilarious that the CCP so easily dupes these kids given that the Chinese also call them Baizuo. It means "white left": a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western liberals and leftists, primarily females, and to their values, especially in relation to refugee issues and social problems.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

President Trump pushed to destroy / end / severely curtail thousands of pockets of evil in our nation's culture and government. But Orange Man Bad, so now we've got Biden. Perhaps Jonathan Gruber and James Carville are correct: The majority of voters are stupid.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not on Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or whatever. I'm only on NextDoor which is a community social media platform and I'm about to leave that because the progressives who run that block certain things that they don't agree with or don't like.

That said, I'm not for the government banning any of this - to include Tik Tok. I would argue the Washington Post, NYT, ABC, CBS, NBC and even Fox to a degree along with the other social media platforms that I mentioned above are more of a danger because they pretend to be American but in fact are globalist progressive organizations.

Restricting free speech through the government by Conservatives is just as bad as the Left/Progressives restricting free speech. If we go down this road, the Left will soon be shutting down conservative media.

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Agreed. Now please share your opinion with Nikki Haley.

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She doesn't listen to me anymore...

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So, if the ChiCom tictok can do this with bin Laden’s propaganda, imaging what they could do to bring a new postmodern culture the masterful propaganda of Joseph Goebbels.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Rand Paul blocked a ban on Tik Tok. "We're going to be just like China and ban speech we're afraid of?" Tik Tok is so poisonous, China blocks it from its own people. Yet again, Republicans seem to put principles ahead of winning or what's good for the country. Why? Follow the money.

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China seeks nothing but to replace us as the leader of the free world. Not only should we ban this platform that is used to subvert, divide and spy on US citizens, but we should also shoot down their spy balloons, and confiscate Chinese owned land in the United States. Try buying Chinese land from the CCP. Gov. Sarah Sanders is leading the way in Arkansas buy restricting the sale of agricultural property to the CCP.

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Is it really blocking speech to shut down the selective, intentional, subversive amplification of speech you want while minimizing the speech that you disagree with?

While I disagree w/ much of what Nikki Haley said on this topic, her comments on the transparency with regard to the algorithms employed by tech companies and especially companies like Tik Tok that are controlled by state actors. Their thumbs need to be removed from the scales.

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Erick it’s past time to declare the establishment GOP corrupt. Tik Tok is one example. The latest “ladder” CR is another. They are so weak. It is just so disgusting. Politicians are a step below reality TV actors. Just weak human beings posturing on camera. The worst. Tied with big media talking heads for the honor.

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Congratulations to the educational system for successfully creating a generation where the vast majority is composed of lemmings who: accept social media as the prime, authoritative source of information, yet have an anxiety attack when they have to talk to an actual, physical human being.

I have conversations w/ my kids all the time about Tik Tok and other social media only to receive an eye roll and dismissive replies. "Oh, I know and I don't listen to those things." Then 15 minutes later I bring up the algorithm changes feeding the Pro-Hamas propaganda and they say, "Oh yeah, I see that stuff all day long." I tell them that even if you don't believe it, you are being desensitized to these atrocities and other Antil-Christian/Jewish/American/Western bile.

We all share in collective responsibility for allowing the left to succeed as much as they have in the educational system, social arenas, and social media. I guess we were really, really lucky that a silver lining of the covid cloud was the bulling back of the curtain at least where a ton of the educational nonsense was being imposed.

Still we all have to deal with these emotional weaklings who whine incessantly about having to work 40 hours a week, and just the general unfairness of it all in their view. They are all masters of telling you what they won't do.

Turning this all around is going to be a huge challenge, but one that must be undertaken successfully. My grandmother had a saying that if you don't discipline yourself, the world will do it for you, and the world is cruel. There is a world of hurt on the horizon and closing in fast.

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Speaking of disinformation, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel stated on Fox Business that Vivek Ramaswamy voted for Obama, which is an outright lie. I am so done with the Republican establishment.

The clip begins at 14:50.


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"TikTok collects data on people who use the site. It feeds people disinformation. Its algorithm has chosen to show people pro-Hamas and anti-Israeli videos — the truths of the Palestinians. It has been the platform of preference to target teens and propagandize in favor of transgenderism and sex reassignment surgeries. According to numerous surveys, it is also the top news source for Americans aged 18-29."

Unfortunately, this could be mistaken for a description of Instagram. IG is the lesser of the evils, but evil nonetheless.

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We are witnessing the endgame of the takeover of the American education system. If we do not recapture that entity we will not be able to combat this new threat. On that note I am certain the technology exists to create thousands of fake accounts on any platform and then create equally fake videos showing "real people" saying and doing things. "I have a bad camera so sorry" can hide the obvious fake videos and then skulls full of mush turned out by the public school system as it is currently constituted will fall for it. We are in danger and we don't even realize it.

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When a video can change one's moral perspective on life (ie. justifying 9/11), it is more a sign of moral decline. These people might need to get rid of TikTok, but more than that they need to find the Savior. Pray for revival, because the issue really is spiritual. If the youth of today are this easily moved by 'winds' and 'tossed about', the only real solution is praying for God's salvation. If not TikTok, it will be something else.

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Oh, no. I have it from the authority of a TV commercial on Fox News that Tiktoc exists to help aging veterans afford transportation. They wouldn’t mislead, would they?

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This is pitiful and I just wonder who is minding the shop in DC that they are blind to this insidious behavior. If I hear or read anyone say the word “coincidence” I’ll puke!

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Sina delenda est

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Can we really blame Biden for this? Shouldn’t such a ban be initiated within the Legislative Branch?

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It should be treated as a security breach the same as a spy balloon. The Commander-in-chief shouldn't have allowed CCP spy balloons to traverse the United States; this is no different.

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It HAS been treated the same as was the spy balloon: The government stands idly by and watches, until public outcry finally penetrates their wilfully deafened ears and they take action.

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Fair point. But to that, the balloon and it’s associated security risks could be seen coming. Could we have seen (predicted) the associated risks of TikTok without first allowing the ostensible social media platform into our lives?

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It’s not that simple. None of the problems that plague us is that simple.

Biden hasn’t done us many favors, but to singularly cast the blame on him, while easy and fun, is disingenuous.

Which is in vogue these days, as it usually is with us screwed up soul-possessing creatures.

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Yes. It has always been owned and operated by the CCP.

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