I agree with what you wrote, but I wish you would add that the true motivation of Cheney's humiliation is that Trump has a demagogue's instinctive grasp of his need for a conquest. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy did not become an outsized presence in popular culture until he took on one of his opponents, Republican Sen. Tidings of Maryland, and organized his defeat in his re-election bid. The reason Liz Cheney was "not able to let the issue go" is because Trump has explicitly put out seven or eight Mar-a-Lago papal bulls doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on the stolen election meme whenever it seems to be getting old. If Cheney had tried to respond "asked and answered" as other Republicans think she should have Trump would have trumpeted that as a capitulation. He desperately needs to show his prowess taking out his opponents, loyalty to the cause or the common good be damned. The fact that the Quisling Caucus leading the Republican Party can't see that is frustrating.

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Erick, this is quite reasonable. Thank you for sharing some good sense on these present issues. But I have one question: Where is the word "conservative" found in the Scriptures? Or, for that matter, where is the word "Republican" found in the Bible?

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Your first paragraph reveals much about the state of politics in America today. Everyone seems so fearful of being authentic and honest that they are compelled to say in public what they have no intention of actually doing. Joe Biden is doing this now by saying the wrong thing and planning to do the right thing. There are many who claim that he is a pretend moderate who is in fact a progressive; I think he really is, or at least was, a moderate, believing in nothing who is now being run by the radical Marxists, or he is just so cognitively impaired that he can be made to say anything.

As for the rest of this good essay; when everyone thinks of politics as a zero sum game in which they must win at all costs, something as simple and noble as forgiveness is impossible to even consider, especially if you view the world through a strictly secular set of principles.

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I hope Donald Trump reads this article and takes it to heart. Fat chance.

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Tribalism exists because people are deathly afraid of individualism. We all know that every snowflake is unique in its formation despite melting within hours or days of being deposited. If God cares enough to make snowflakes unique or individual, how much more must He care about the individuality of His greatest creation? Yet individuality leaves a target on one's back, so it's much less risky to quote Kanye or Chelsea Handler because they're trending. Exhibiting individualism is FROWNED UPON in this establishment!

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Too Deep for me.

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Keep this post on speed dial. We'll need it again in about a week.

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Christianity and politics make very strange bedfellows. I pray every day to be what Jesus' wants me to be. Every day I fail miserably.

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Dick Morris recently had a video on why Liz Cheney was anti Trump. The next Bush in line for the presidency was Jeb Bush. Trump became the candidate and all the Bush family members and their allies were and still are against him. The Cheney family has deep ties to the Bush family. It isn’t just the Kennedy clan that wanted a legacy.

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I absolutely refuse to bow to the woke and use their language. There are men and women and one cannot change from one to the other. I shall not call Bruce, Caitlyn. Nor will I call him "she". I shall rage at anyone who is pushing these ideologies on children because that is the worst of harm.

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“Critical Theory has become the mainstream social philosophy, and Wokeism has become the new civil religion….Wokeism... presents the redemptive pattern of various groups vying for power within an inherently oppressive system. In this tribalistic vision of the world, the only thing that exists is power, and if only power exists, then power and control are necessary to tear down a corrupt system. In this narrative of redemption, violence is easily justified. For this reason, we have seen violent riots and not just peaceful protests sweeping America….”- Max Funk

Devolution’s revolution

Tribalism’s all the rage.

Yes, regression’s now in session.

In the spirit of the age.

It’s the Power Play of Darwin

We’re all victims in The Game.

Grace and Truth no longer linger

In a world that knows no shame.

Watch as Western Culture crumbles.

Marx and Lenin go for broke.

Manifesting Man’s religion…

Drowning in the Wake of Woke.

* * *

Disregard the Cross of Calv’ry….

(Just pretend it isn’t there.)

Grab your pitchforks and your torches,

Show the world how much you care.

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Erick- once again you have shown clarity to a simple issue that others make difficult. No one will agree 100% of the time with anyone and to fall out on that one conflicting issue shows a lack of grace, respect, and emotional maturity. Two maxims that have been thrown into the dustbin of history (by both sides): "On many points we agree; on those that we don't we will have to agree to disagree" and "I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it". Now, disagreements are respond with some variation of "no, your momma..."

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