Erick, your last comment is the key - in about 6 days, we will know how voters in key battleground states really feel about Trump/Biden. Until then, it is mostly just a game of propaganda, with most everybody projecting their own views onto millions of voters. Perhaps you are correct that Trump should focus on the economy and his policies. But it is hard to believe anybody that isn't aware of the vast policy differences between Trump and Biden and/or the economic success that the US had under Trump prior to the Corona outbreak. But it is not hard to believe that unless Trump talks about the alleged misdeeds of Biden, there will be many people who never hear about it due to the media blackout.

Biden does not have the sterling reputation that his backers wish to portray, as he has a history of distorting the truth that rivals Trump. For example, his past lies about his college record, his continuing to bring up the debunked Charlottesville hoax, his being both for/against fracking and defunding the police, etc. Biden also had a major role in the hearings for judges Bork and Thomas. The truth is that Biden has always been a party-man and that his party is currently dominated by insane progressives and if he is elected his Presidency will be in line with the lockstep Democrats who voted against both Kavanaugh and Barrett. The Hunter Biden story is not just about corruption, but also about the fact that Biden is not honest-Joe, but rather lying-politician-Joe.

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The problem I have with this in 2017 Joe Biden isn’t in office so he is free to have any business deal he wants. When discussing Hunter before they talk was business in Ukraine so it’s possible Biden was talking in context of when he was Vice President.

The fact is I voted for Trump due to abortion but I got to say people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones and there are tons of issues when it comes to Trumps own kids business dealings. And their proximity to the White House too.

I give Biden credit for holding his tongue and not bringing up Trumps own kids. There is a ton there he could have gone after in the debate.

Furthermore this is another thing if you have information a Presidential candidate has something serious that disqualifies him from office. You should be speaking out a lot sooner than two weeks before the election. The media if we are going to be fair doesn’t even have time to vet this story because once again a private citizen has business dealings:

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I fully agree with your analysis off the media and their handling or rather mishandling of this story.

I haven't watched the Tucker Carlson Bobulinski interview yet. Was the fact that this Chinese energy company deal that never happened, happened after Joe Biden was out of office revealed in this hour long interview?

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I've heard this many times from many different people, but it's still true. Media bias isn't always in what they do cover, it's also in what they don't cover. This story is a oerfect example of the latter part of that statement.

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