It almost seems Trump would be just as happy to lose and make another big stink about it, so he could enjoy seeing his worshipful base go crazy again on his behalf. Come on, man: listen to the adults in the room!!! There's a lot at stake.

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His name calling and other childish comments every time he opens his mouth does remind me why I don’t like him. But I have no choice but to vote for him.

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Erick - I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 - because of his policies, not because I condone the way he acts. As my pastor and I discussed - I was voting for the man to be my President, not my pastor. I would have preferred another candidate (Ron DeSantis) this year, but once Trump secured the GOP nomination - OK I’ll vote for him in 2024. Again not because I like the person he is, but because I believe overall his policies are the best for our country. That said, after his attack this weekend on Gov. Kemp and his wife which in my mind are way out of line, I am at the point where if he can discipline himself to run on the issues and his record while President I still will, but if he continues the childish, immature and arrogant attacks on people rather than focusing on the issues, I will simply abstain from voting in the Presidential race and vote for the candidates I believe are best down ballot. Further, I honestly believe had Trump run his 2020 campaign along the lines of “This is the promise I made” - “This is what I delivered” on a point by point basis and ditched all the insults and derogatory remarks, he would have won.

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Spot on for me, too! I am at that point, not to mention all the other voters who have made no decision yet.

Most people have indicated that they are tired of 2020 and the name calling.

Focus on the issues, please!

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One more point. You already have your diehard base, President Trump. You need to speak to those outside that base about why they would want to vote for you.

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i agree that DJT's pattern of ad hominem attacks is his 'Achilles heal.' That said, i agree with ChazAtl's and Peaceful dad's comments, and i will be voting for DJT, not for the policies of KDH and the democratic party. Hard to understand why anyone would choose not to vote for DJT...or worse, to vote instead for KDH. (Brings to mind the famous quote: "The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is ...." etc. Rather than attack Kemp and Raffensberger for their 2020 vote-related actions, it might make more sense to ask why the corporation that they formed (GRP,inc.) has no members but controls the Georgia Republican party's finances-- Is that compliant with election laws, not to mention the democratic process??? What do you think Erick?

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I was praying Georgia wouldn’t be a battleground state. I never see all these ads when we’re in SC.

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Trump needs to stop the Saul Alinsky insults . This is not the streets of New York City. Put your ego in your back pocket and focus on the issues.

Are you better now than you were four years ago? Keep repeating that. Let people think about that when they purchase anything. Only one thing I buy frequently has stayed the same price while everything else has doubled in price.

The mid east is about to go hot. Venezuela may have a civil war over their election. England is ramping up for one now. Russia is winning in Ukraine.

Who do you want to answer the White House red phone at 3 am?

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Not to mention the impending terrorist attack; the other shoe is gonna drop.

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We can’t lose this election!

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It’s bad enough to badmouth our governor, but it’s really stupid to attack his wife.

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Agree, incredibly stupid!

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It is. I joined Truth Social just to attempt to message Trump. Will try to do that when I get home tonight. Can’t just sit idly by.

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Trump's latest Kemp-bashing is the nail in the coffin for any chance he had of gettingmy vote. He only cares about himself, and he can't let 2020 go. Trump cost Georgia three senate races and tried to take out our governor, saying Stacey Abrams would be better. Kemp defeated a popular black woman in a purple state by eight points, and Trump doesn't want his endorsement? Sounds about right.

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Just posted this to one of Trump's 'truths':

Dear President Trump, please stay on message and focus only on Kamala's record, or lack of one. We need independents and moderate dems to vote for you. Give them nothing except your great policies and Kamala's far-left track record. She has unquestioning support from legacy media, we can't give them anything! I voted for you and will again. I also voted for Kemp in GA. Private message him if you must, but leave it be. You don't have to like him, but mentioning him is a distraction and gives legacy media sound bites we don't need. Please be disciplined, stay on message...and WIN!!!

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Good luck.

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One of the worst things that separated/divorced parents can do to their kids is to denigrate each other in front of the kids. Consider a situation where the wife, resentful about the split, tells the kids their father is a loser, cheater, felon, liar, fascist, racist, etc., etc., etc... with enough repetition the kids will believe it.

The way I see it with Trump, he is nowhere near as bad as the peal-clutching political media chattering class have screamed about over the last eight-nine years. But screamed they have, and the kids have sucked it all in from their 24x7x365 media feeds and so they just believe it so.

Trump's kids and family are rock solid compared to Joe Biden's mess, but the voter kids have been brainwashed to not consider things like that. Yes Trump was a billionaire playboy and likely guilty of infidelity, but the polls say that 70% of married people cheat. And even as a billionaire playboy, Trump did not just spend all his Dad's money to party, he created a successful business empire... something that very few people, especially Democrat types, can do.

But Trump is direct, has the linguistic tendencies of a construction worker from Queens, and tends to devolve to childish High School name calling at times.

The people that hate Trump cannot see it, but their dislike of Trump because of his mean Tweets says much more about them than it does about Trump. And what is says about them is the opposite of complementary.

In my life I stack people high and low related to the level of their uncontrolled emotions... with those demonstrating the least control at the bottom... no matter what other credentials they bring to the table. The reason is that the people with uncontrolled emotions can be manipulated and influenced to make stupid choices and flawed decisions. The more power these people have the more of a hazard they are to everyone else around them.

There is a complete lack of objectivity related to Trump from the ego-hypersensitive... the low/bottom people. The problem that we have these days is that there are a lot of ego-hypertensive people that vote.

So this hand-wringing that Trump is blowing it misses the mark. These constituents are people that are turned into irrational and uncontrolled haters from the viper-pit of establishment-owned media feeds. It does not matter if Trump turned into a soft-speaking Ron DeSantis policy wonk, the nasty establishment is still going to do the resentful wife thing and brand trump every vile name in the book.

Trump is to pull the page out of their own book and denigrate them with the same gusto. Sorry, but in the current political games, nice guys don't win.

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Are you even listening to what you yourself are saying?

"In my life I stack people high and low related to the level of their uncontrolled emotions... with those demonstrating the least control at the bottom.... The reason is that the people with uncontrolled emotions can be manipulated and influenced to make stupid choices and flawed decisions. The more power these people have the more of a hazard they are to everyone else around them."

Do you really not see how closely this describes one Donald J. Trump?

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Not at all. I think Trump is a grandiose narcissist to some degree. But highly emotionally intelligent. He is purposeful in his speech and actions. He embraces his irritation with others. He knows what he is like and is fine with it. It isn't his emotional responses that lefties are so hateful about, it is his self-confidence.

People with uncontrolled emotions generally have low emotional intelligence and a lack of self-awareness that they are afflicted. They are often vulnerable narcissists. They cannot discern when their opinions, choices and actions are more influenced by strong feelings rather than logic. Trump is very logical. He often says "that is true" when someone nails him with justified criticism. However, if the criticism is not justified by his measure, he gets irritated and slams the critic. No Democrat candidate will ever admit any justified criticism. That is because Democrats in general run insecure. They require the entire political media industrial complex to keep propping them up.

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So you think Trump was being "emotionally intelligent" when he attacked Brian Kemp and his wife, rather than a narcissist more intent on (1) revenge against someone who did not do what he wanted than (2) focused on getting Kemp's help in reclaiming the Presidency?

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Kemp might be working with Trump opposition in Georgia. Strategically Trump can hurt Kemp's re-election bid if the case. I am sure that Trump's campaign people are keeping him informed. He blew it his first term by mistaking his enemies for his friends.

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As someone once said, "If you want a true friend in Washington, get a dog."

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Trump is a "grandiose narcissist" and people with "low emotional intelligence and a lack of self-awareness . . . are often vulnerable narcissists," but somehow, this doesn't apply to Trump.

If you say, so Frank. To be honest, I don't even know what "emotional intelligence" is.

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Read Daniel Goleman's books on the topic. It is often referred to as successful intelligence. It is much more a predictor of life success than is IQ. It is what we should be working on for human development, but don't and the outcomes are clearly less of it within the population.

Emotional Intelligence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence

Vulnerable narcissism: https://www.robkhenderson.com/p/beneath-the-mask-of-vulnerable-narcissism

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. “with those demonstrating the least control at the bottom...”. By your own words-Trump is at the bottom he is ruled by his emotions a large percentage of the time. He definitely wants to be President again yet can’t stop and think rationally about People he thinks have hurt him. He lashes out like an emotional teen or toddler not caring if it hurts him or us.

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Sorry, Trump borrowed incessantly from his father squandering millions, going bankrupt on ill-thought out ventures, stiffing many whom he engaged as contractors, was a financial supporter of Democrats' campaigns (ask VP Harris who received a contribution of $6k from him when she was running for re-election as Cali's AG) when he thought it might buy him some favors later on.

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You must be a business-ignorant public employee or economic malcontent with inane opinions like that. Have you noted that Trump enterprises, despite the failure of real estate entities during the Great Recession, has many successful components and employees tens of thousands of people? Trump owns several business entities today that are profitable. His net worth is estimated at $4.5 billion.

Yes he gave money to candidates that might help his businesses. Why would you be so ignorant as to make that a criticism of Trump? The criticism is the corrupt politicians that would take the money intending to give favors to the donors. Trump does NOT do that.

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Estimated at $4.5 billion by whom? We all now know we cannot trust any valuation produced by Donald Trump.

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Oops. Sorry. $2.4 billion now. Used to be $3.1 billion, but he gave up about $1 billion to save the country. https://www.investopedia.com/updates/donald-trump-companies/

But $4.5 billion vs $2.4 billion. He is still a billionaire. His daddy was not.

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Every successful business person I know of has had at least one failure ... even Chick-Fil-A's Truett Cathy. We learn more from our failures than from our successes.

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How many have gone belly-up running a casino?

With a casino, the odds are always in the house's favor. One could not have a more sure-fire way of making money if one were to simply print it yourself.

Trump owned three. Belly-up, every one.

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You must be referring to Atlantic City. During the financial crisis of 2008, four A.C. casinos went bankrupt, including Trump's Taj Mahal. The Atlantis City casino crisis was further exacerbated because surrounding states, such as Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut began allowing casinos.

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As of 2007, there were 11 casinos in Atlantic City. Out of the four that went bankrupt, three were Trump's.

C'mon J.D., do the math. (Trump sure couldn't.)

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The truth is more complicated. Trump was early in Atlantic City after the voters approved gambling in 1978. There was much excitement from big money and developers to leverage the opportunities. Trump with his well connected relationships got in early. Turned out that Atlantic City was not the attraction they all had hoped. And New Jersey left leaning government made a mess of things, for example, requiring union labor. One big hit that lefties don't know about or leave out, is that the dysfunctional, high tax government of that City shut down in 2006 and closed Atlantic City. The hit to the businesses was such that they were still reeling when the financial collapse happened.

When the great financial and real estate collapse happened, caused by the political establishment trying to kill Trump and the American working class, that you support, not only did the number of customers crash, but the value of that real estate crashed. Loan covenants included calling them in when collateral values dropped below the LTV, and likely below the actual loan balance. In those cases it would be a good business move to file Chapter-11. Many Casinos that did not ended up regretting it as we suffered through Obama's jobless lackluster recovery where he and the Democrats worked on their socialized healthcare dreams instead.

There were several casino projects that were planned during that time that got scrapped. Even today, Atlantic City is significantly less of an attraction than all had expected when the gates were opened.

Any knowledgeable and honest business brain understands Trump's actions to file Chapter-11 as good business. But then libs and lefties don't have much of a business brain, they were too busy taking victim studies class in school.

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I have no problem w/ s.b. going bankrupt but the point I was making was not about bankruptcy but the fact these bankruptcies were accompanied by illegal behavior and then using lawyers to bargain w/ the prosecutors to come to an out-of-court settlement with Trump paying a substantial fine but able to avoid admitting guilt or being found guilty. The pattern starts for him in 1973 with contraventions of fair housing laws ( https://clearinghouse.net/case/15342/ ) and lasted a half century until he was found guilty in both civil and criminal courts in the last year.

And if you are going to claim, as he has numerous times, that the judicial system is rigged and corrupt, let's start right at the top w/ two of the three most senior SCOTUS justices.

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God I dislike the people that are so risk-intolerant, terrified of failure, lacking the stuff of the enterprising entrepreneur... to sit back in smug criticism of every person that goes out and does bold things and fails and then gets back up again and keeps trying until they succeed.

Reminds me of the speech by T Roosevelt...

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride or slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of the great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder. Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength. It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and the valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who “but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier."

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I agree, except I think Trump needs to stop needlessly hurting himself. Makes no sense to come to GA and call out a popular governor and his wife. Frustrates me that he needs to be told this. But I’m voting for him.

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Yeah... THAT was stupid as it does not serve any political benefit... unless the Trump campaign knows that Kemp and his wife are secretly campaigning against him and then Trump going after Kemp in the media is a political calculation to get Kemp and his wife to back down. Trump has a lot of supporters in Georgia. I read Kemp's response and given the history with Trump helping him with support he was crappy ungracious.

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Still, Trump should handle that quietly. I’m over 1/3 finished reading ‘Team of Rivals’ and many in Washington could learn from Lincoln in reading how he handled people and egos. Actually watch ‘The Five’ a lot and Harold Ford, Jr. comes close, imo, to acting as Lincoln did. Frankly, the democrats would be wise to dump Harris and put him in. But they won’t cause his brain is mostly unpickled…mostly.

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Ok. Harold is a Democrat. I agree that he is gifted at playing the middle. But name a Republican leaning talking head that you see as doing well playing the middle. It is difficult to impossible because no matter the behavior, the viper pit Democrat media will brand them as every vile name they can come up with. I can use Brett Stephens as an example. He left the WSJ to go to the NYT because he was such a rabid Trump hater. The Democrat NYT accepted him with open arms until he wrote this... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/21/opinion/bret-stephens-trump-voters.html

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Never went to Washington, but former Mass. Governor Charlie Baker was a master at getting things done w/ a heavily Democratic legislature. Understanding that there was no future in Washington for him as a RINO, he took on perhaps a more important and difficult "national" job: NCAA President

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Getting things done at the national level by "cooperating" with Democrats is really not possible these days unless spending or conceding everything the Democrats want. It is a different time with radicals in control of Democrat party as the chaos weapons for the globalist corporatist establishment understanding that their looting of the country will otherwise end.

I think that is the missing analysis for older Republicans stuck in a fantasy nostalgia of Reagan days... or even Bill Clinton days... where there was a semi-reasonable Democrat majority to work with.

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Ok bud I got it. I subscribe, I read every word and understand what you’re saying. I see every post on X. I got it.

And you’re still gonna vote for him…so enough already.

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We had two great primary candidates in Nikki Haley and Tim Scott and we went with demagoguery over a reasonable conservative candidate. Republican Party leadership is now reaping what it sowed.

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The best one was DeSantis. Scott is too nice for the times we are in. Haley is way too establishment. That is the kind that helped dems get us to where we are now.

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Kathy: you are kidding. He's an opportunist of the first order - similar to Trump and Cruz in that sense. In these interesting times would you rather have Haley or Harris as our president?

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Haley over Harris of course, but then the crash just becomes slower.

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The US has always been at its best during the long periods it has had a moderately progressive political, social and economic agenda improving the QOL of the most people w/o doing significant damage to the finances of the wealthy. It's when greed, self-indulgence (I deserve that because I am me.) and to-the-death political loyalty take root that the long time success of a free society is at the most risk.

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Bob, progressives have reached the cliff edge. If by progressive you mean civil rights of the past, then yes, of course. But progressives today have no end point. What most generally think of as reprehensible today will be embraced in 20 years by them. Their boundaries are formed by their whims and are anchored in how they feel each morning. Their ‘progress’ needs to end.

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Sorry when progress and innovation die in a society, the society will not survive for long after. Why do you think tens of millions of people dream of coming to the US? To get food stamps?

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Nothing fits the "I deserve that because I am me" designation more than the democrat party. And revolution? Jaime Raskin saying that if Trump wins, democrats will prevent him from being certified. You astonish me.

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1.) I've looked for a Raskin quote saying that "democrats" (whatever that term means) will prevent him from being certified? Please tell me when he said i?

2.) I assume you mean something like the two month long campaign President Trump led from Nov 4, 2020 to Jan 6, 2021 culminating in an event to prevent VP Pence from carrying out his constitutional obligations?

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Of course the only guaranteed "crash" is for Trump's MAGA revolution to succeed. But what does the "again" mean? The Reagan revolution ushering in the Age of Greed which still flourishes??? The Gilded Twenties when the stock market soared w/ 10% financing and Jim Crow reined? The age of the Robber Barons finally brought into line w/ anti-trust laws?? Separate but equal racial segregation with the "equal" part a myth? Unfettered immigration in the late 1800's - early 1900's or the restrictive quotas of the Immigration acts of 1921 and 24?

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Agree 💯

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This is how I think of it when Trump says or does something dumb. Let’s say you hate hot sauce on your steak.

Would you rather have a steak full of pepper hot sauce or a bottle of cyanide?

Trump being the hot not so great tasting steak and Kamala being the poison.

In that context who cares. You want to thrive and live in a free country then you vote for Trump.

Of people are so fickle to refuse to vote for Trump because he says a bad word or hurts someone’s feelings then this country is already lost.

You know who else speaks with a silver tongue and promises the world. The devil.

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But as Erick says, Trump needs to get NEW voters. Denigrating a popular governor and his wife is not the way to do it.

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That is what I keep saying. We are over burdened with emotional voters.

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Not all emotional, his continued refusal to see or stop the destructive behavior that hurts him and that means us in the end. It shows a lack of control, judgement, overly emotional behavior and to those who only see the govt media, are relatively affluent so aren’t really feeling the pain may question his fitness as well as age and there goes another needed vote. All this name calling, race BS, rambling for 90 mins, attacking Kemp instead of Harris record is beyond stupid. Pigeon holing people is also counter productive and republicans need to stay on message on how bad a Harris presidency will be and not encouraging Trumps shortcomings. He has some great qualities and ideas/policy put those forward!

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Eh, I liked a couple things accomplished during his administration but it was exhausting putting up with all the drama. His daily pettiness was exceeded only by his civic degeneracy, i. e. attacks on our constitutional institutions. I don’t want to go back to that crap.

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But who truly caused the drama? Trump as president was the same person he always had been. It was the media who saw things they could exploit and created the drama. They could sell it and they did. I’m not defending him by the way. I’m just glad no one wants go use the drama in my life to sell stories.

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The media's fault? Oh give me a break. Here is what Trump's own people, who worked with him directly, have said about him.


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I said the media loves drama

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No, you said the media "caused the drama."

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Would the word “hype” make you feel better?

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Yes, you are defending him.

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Ummm… No

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Do you think anyone with influence is telling Trump to stop name calling and insulting people? It is likely to cost him the election. Plus it is unnecessary and embarrassing.

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What he needs is a little cricket on his shoulder. But unlike Pinocchio his head, carved from a wood block, has never morphed into something with a brain (read common sense and moral judgement) in it. Perhaps a better question - furthering this comparison to the mythical Italian puppet - who is pulling his strings??? I say it is another mythical character - the Golden Goose - helping him to find all those golden eggs which he thinks are still in the WH Rose Garden or possibly they are just conditioned promissory notes from people w/ names like Vladimir and MBS.

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Let’s do it ourselves. On Truth Social. Many hands make light work.

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You should do one of those automated text things so we could all send a message to Trump not to muck this up.

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John, I joined Truth Social to try and get Trump’s ear to the extent that’s possible. We should all get on Truth Social and politely but earnestly let our thoughts be known. Too much at stake to wring our hands. Have to try to affect things in a positive way. So, help me? Let’s all do it.

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I just tried joining Truth Social, and it blocked me. Strange.

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I can't figure out how to join Truth Social. I am that tech challenged.

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Just posted this to one of his truths...

Dear President Trump, please stay on message and focus only on Kamala's record, or lack of one. We need independents and moderate dems to vote for you. Give them nothing except your great policies and Kamala's far-left track record. She has unquestioning support from legacy media, we can't give them anything! I voted for you and will again. I also voted for Kemp in GA. Private message him if you must, but leave it be. You don't have to like him, but mentioning him is a distraction and gives legacy media sound bites we don't need. Please be disciplined, stay on message...and WIN!!!

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Just posted something under Peacleuvnpatriot. Encouraged Trump to stay on message. Who knows, may help.

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Just do it…to leave a few tidbits from Kathy! You may be responsible for saving the republic with your wisdom.

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