I'll confess to having had a change of heart on this subject. I don't see a compelling reason anymore to force people into boxes that don't fit them. I've seen trans people find genuine happiness after transitioning, that they never had before. I just don't see the merit anymore in trying to tell them to get back in the box that fit them so poorly. If I can brighten up someone's day by saying "she" instead of "he", then I think that's a good and valuable thing. The world is a difficult enough place already, right?

I do wish the activists could embrace some nuance, as well. The sports issue is a real issue, and shouldn't be ignored. There needs to be a better answer than to render female bodies completely uncompetitive. That seems less than progressive, yes?

I know this all seems upside down, but the more I listened, the more I learned, the more it started to make sense. I think it's Godly to respect, love, and support people.

I know a trans person who is really emotionally volatile. Very far left, very disrespectful of anyone that doesn't mostly see things their way. I butted heads with them for the longest time. I still do. I didn't want to give them the respect of a new name, a new pronoun. I didn't feel like they'd earned it. So finally, I prayed about it. I asked God, "what can I do to love this person better?" And you know what I heard back? Give them their pronoun. Give them their new name. Have the grace to give them the respect and decency that they can't find it in themselves to give me. So I did. I've felt pretty good about it ever since. Maybe I'm getting bamboozled by Screwtape, but it just seems like the right thing to do. The alternative is too harmful. Love wins. <3

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Amen. It is counterproductive to use lies to try to advance our cause. In the end, the truth will out. As Solzhenitsyn said, "One word of truth outweighs the world."

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Down is up. Dark is light. Evil is good.

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Quickly, let me summarize my life. I went to an elite Quaker school in Philadelphia, PA, got into an Ivy League college, and dropped out before my 20th birthday, (finally getting my baccalaureate from Geneva College, a Christian college in western Pennsylvania, in 1976. Couldn't get into the ministry; joined the Army in 1980 and eventually became a bureaucrat in same. Started listening to Rush Limbaugh in 1991, when I was an administrator for the Army Reserve in Cleveland, OH. For the past 17 years I have been a professional driver, mostly making deliveries in my own car - unwilling or unable to leave Philly, which is SO blue. President Biden fits in well with the machine of the Philly Democrats, some of whom send their children to the elite Quaker school mentioned above, as the Clinton's and Obama's sent their children to Sidwell Friends in the DC area.

Watching "Jeopardy," I figured that "Amy" was a man. At least one of the bikers who works with the same delivery company as do I claims to be a woman, but he is 6'3", and the transgender architect did not do a particularly good job on him. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood," wrote the apostle (Eph. 6:12). Pray for my interaction with "Camille."

I appreciate your perspective, knowing that it comes through some suffering, and I hope to renew my subscription next month.

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We are living in an age where many do not believe they will ever be called to account. It is a frightening thing to consider that conversation...."you made a mistake, I am a woman and I was born in the body of a man....No, you are a man refusing to accept you are a man. And by the way I make no mistakes." ...of course I believe the real experience will be a little like that scene from Independence Day where the psychologist who is talking to his mother finally sees the destruction that is coming and all be can say is , "Oh Crap!:

Remember our battle is not with flesh and blood. These folks are the captives of a mean Lord who is both a liar and a murder from the beginning. As Erick pleads, we need to be salt and light to our age. You can still love the people while pointing out sin and the ultimate payment for that sin. You do not have to be trapped by "Unless you approve of my life style, you don't love me". You answer can be, : " I do love you so much, that I am willing to experience your wrath even while I am telling you the facts. "

Like Lot, we may be fleeing to the hills, because doom and destruction are headed this way. May we be faithful and unafraid, and may we confess Jesus as Savior to all. Grace and Peace,

Charles de Andrade

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Looking forward to being persecuted for my Christian Faith. Yes Erick, I am Catholic, but Catholics are Christians too, and what better way to suffer than for our firmly held Christian beliefs. All praise and glory to God!

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Those of us who still maintain the reality of the right and wrong in society that has been passed down through the ages and to witness todays society do a total reverse from reality is just a view of insanity. God help us 🙏

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But this does explain why (s)he is so good in categories about sports.

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I’m old enough to remember when “women’s sports” didn’t really exist…and it’s so incredibly sad to see actual women being once again slowly relegated to a secondary status in sports.

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The Washington Post was more forthcoming with Schneider‘s transgender history.


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There's a story about a Satanist trans (wo)man who got pregnant. (S)he said, "It may sound counter-intuitive, but giving birth felt like one of the most masculine things I have done."

I'm sorry, but if you're squeezing a baby from your uterus out through your vagina, it's NOT even a remotely "male" thing to do.

Society is doomed if we continue to put up with stupidity like this.

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I so totally agree with you. It has taken so long for women to finally be recognized in sports: Softball, Tennis, Swimming, Track, skiing cycling to name a few and now in a blink of an eye it’s all bring taken away. Where are the so-called Feminists? Where are the Women’s Rights activists, where are the Civil Rights activists? Oh, I guess they were just kidding when they claimed to be for women. Hypocrites all of them.

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Incredibly sad how truth is just cast away so easily. Not only about gender, but how the liberal supreme court members just threw out lies about covid numbers yesterday. Do facts constrain anyone?

I read this interesting article last night from The Federalist, which I think, speaks to all this.


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