Truth does matter. Your column today, on the cusp of Holy Week, nonetheless, brought out my absolute anger toward Sidney Powell for this charade she paraded around about Dominion Voter Systems and election fraud in general. I consider myself to be an intelligent receiver and processor of information. But, for a brief moment, as she was "releasing the Kraken" I sort of believed that she actually did have some insider info on Dominion. Why? Because she had been one of those notable commentators whose eloquent and credible arguments during the Russian collusion portion of the Trump presidency were used in sound defense of our President and others. She forcefully defended Michael Flynn and others who had been wrongly accused. So I figured she knew what she as talking about after the election and, even though those claims seemed far fetched to me, I just thought, well, why would the woman say this if it wasn't true? I'm still scratching my head and wondering why she beat that fake drum so loudly. Crazy? Full of herself? Pathological liar? Blinded by the light? Why is it that the rubbish like her rises to the top instead of the cream? I don't hold her in high enough esteem to be saddened by her stupidity, but it does make me think that credibility is one of those character traits that you don't want to ever let go of....for any reason. You might lie to people and get away with it several times, but on the last time, they'll have a hard time believing anything you say ever again. Years of atonement are necessary. The book is closed on this lady.

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Truth SHOULD matter most. During the Trump admin, the press and the dems showed they didn't care what was said, as long as it was bad for Trump. Now...crickets. Now...not problem at the border. Now...a man from a Denver subdivision. Now...it is Asian hate vs a screwed up dude killing sex workers.

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Mar 23, 2021Liked by Erick-Woods Erickson, Philip Swicegood

Six hours... not counting show prep? Too bad "Caf-Pow" ( Abby's drink on NCIS) isnt real. I'd order you a couple of cases. Erick Erickson... "the Iron Man of talk radio."

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Now objective truth’s in trouble,

Sliding down the Slippr’y Slope…

Compromised ad infinitum

At the Dead End of this rope.

Truth’s been scoffed at, scourged, and hammered,

It’s been mocked, abused, and banned

‘Til today the lies run rampant

Here in dark No Border Land.

We would rather have Barabbas…

Yes, indeed, it’s verified!

One more time, true Truth’s found “Guilty!”

By the proud Self-justified.

* * *

There’s a cosmic "intersection"

Fast approaching…(So I’ve heard.)

In the meantime, Pilate’s Program

Turns it back upon The Word .

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It is now apparent that state election laws and state constitutions mean and stand for nothing. A win is a win whether it's by 6 votes or 6,000...but Democrats will do anything to keep House power...probably because they know they're going to have their asses handed to them in 2022. As for Warnock, well, he has to keep his fundraisers in California and other liberal areas happy and keep the race-baiting alive and well. Looking forward to 2022 when we will vote him out of office.

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Ah, yes, Warnock. Right on script. Gonna make his mark in the Senate, eh? I think "assoff" is still trying to learn to read his script. He has disappeared off the radar.

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Truth. Capital T. Looking forward to Holy Week. I was overcome yesterday with despair over the news, the interpretation of the news, and all the hard core CRT being pushed at me in my job as a professor. I need Holy Week right about now.

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Thinking about CRT, I think it’s only celebrated/believed by elites and those who feel they must be accepted by the ‘elites’. It’s actually foolishness ^10. Most Americans, all races know this. I work with people of different races and we just treat each other as equals - get the job done. Race is irrelevant. This perverse concoction of ludicrous trash is rejected by most everyone privately, unless their careers depend on showing a level of acceptance. The insane-by-choice folks that accept this nonsense happen to dominate media. At gut level, 98% know it’s crazy juice.

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100%. Unfortunately, working in higher ed means I get more than my fair share of liberal white elitism. I'd love to get out--but what can I do with a PhD in Teaching and Learning?

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Well, probably a lot, but maybe someone with sanity and bravery needs to stay in there and hold the line against idiotic, fact-free theories.

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Erick, you always do a beautiful job with Holy Week and I look forward to it. Your commentary is where I come to get political balance.....a scare commodity....and a balance between my spiritual life and my interest in politics. I find many times I have to work hard to prioritize my spiritual life over what I see going on in the world that both scares me and breaks my heart. My relationship with God is what keeps me centered even though some days it is a windy road! Keep on speaking the truth.....

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Well said, well done and as always, well written. The reason Conservatism needs to embrace grace is due, not only to our moral responsibility, but it will also be the greatest difference between conservatism and the progressive state; a palpable difference. Grace is absent on the Left because there is an even greater absence of love. Theology is everywhere.....

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Mar 23, 2021Liked by Erick-Woods Erickson, Philip Swicegood

Well said, and I'm personally looking forward to hearing more during Holy Week. The truth you speak will draw in listeners and even as efforts will be made to cancel you I'm predicting HIGH RATINGS will cancel the cancel culture's hopes to quell your voice. Preach on sir.

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Most reading this agree that there is an objective truth, even if we cannot fully grasp it in its entirety.

But others in the world consider truth to be subjective, like an umpire who says a strike is a strike only because he calls it a strike. Language and ideology define, rather than attempt to describe, truth for these people.

My concern is that the majority is in the latter group. I pray I am wrong.

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"the truth will set you free"

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Please keep preaching the Truth Erick. Even when it gores some of our sacred cows on the Right.

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Since the Fall's first abdication of it, Truth has been and will continue to be until Christ's return, under assault. Agree with Sharon706; amen!

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“Truth matters more than ever — actual truth, not your truth or my truth.” amen

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