I believe in the power of Prayer, and I'm praying for bad weather in all Blue districts on election day.

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Trump will have a 2nd term

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Trump's recovery, enabled by the best medical intervention known to man, will be spun as evidence that Covid is really no big deal.

Beyond that, Tom, Dick and Harriet, unable to be admitted to Walter Reed, out in flyover country will still be dieing.

Politics will finally take an appropriate back seat to the reality of life and death in America.

Voters all over this nation will follow their gut feeling--take a closer look at that man behind the White House curtain and understand that we ain't in "Kansas" any more. It's time to throw the MAGAician out and bring this already-great nation back to real-world governance.

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I won a $1200 bet in 2016, I’ll bet you

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This is only going get worse now that the Trump administration has carelessly let COVID-19 run rampant throughout the White House. This level of irresponsibility is outrageous.

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Not getting worse, I am a Nurse Practitioner on the front lines we are fine

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Hi Erick. Forgive me for being off topic. I am not sure how to send you a question. Do you have any info on Republicans/Trump and their healthcare plans if they replace ACA? I have very little confidence in the party when they had zero ideas to provide healthcare after Trump was elected and gave them the opportunity to repeal. They've had 12 years to explain to us how they can provide better, affordable health coverage while still covering pre-existing coverage. It's been crickets. I have no idea how to vote anymore. My family of three has pre-existing conditions like type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Before ACA our premiums and deductibles were $1,000's of dollars, now 5 years of ACA our costs annually are still $1,000's but at least the insurance HAS to cover us. We spend at least $25,000 a year in our costs with insurance bc of preexisting. Our budget cannot absorb more. We have increased debt by $10k-15k beyond that seeking private, quality mental health treatment for our teen because insurance only covers state mental hospitals and that's not where you want your teen. Do you have any info from our state and national Republican leaders about healthcare? In a free market economy, which I believe in, I don't know how to fit healthcare in. I can buy a cheaper widget or go without or try to improve our income but who wants to compromise on healthcare? And how do I even budget with no idea how much it might cost year to year?

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I have never been polled. I know a lot of people that will vote for President Trump this time, that didn't last time, because of policy, and because they think the democratic policies are kind of nuts.

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No one polled me.

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Sounds a lot like panic of 2016 when Trump was supposed to kill whole Republican party - put out by same people who were wrong in 2016. This is the same NBC/WSJ poll in 2016 over time, with numbers certainly not centered around Clinton +2.1 (actual result):

11/3 - 11/5 Clinton +4; 10/31 - 11/6 Clinton +6; 10/24 - 10/30 Clinton +6;

10/10 - 10/13 Clinton +11; 10/8 - 10/10 Clinton +9; 10/10 - 10/13 Clinton +11

09/06 - 09/18 Clinton +6; 07/31-08/03 Clinton +9; 07/09 - 07/13 Clinton +6

The polls are all over the place this year with polls that were far off in 2016 predicting huge Biden leads and the polls that were more accurate predicting a close election. The only poll that really counts is the November election with a sample size of nearly 130 million divided into the 50 state elections that actually determine who will become President

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Real clear politics seems to have left out this 14-point Clinton lead by the same poll ( https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-hillary-clinton-leads-donald-trump-by-14-points-nationally/ ). This poll did come shortly after the Access-Hollywood tapes were released, but even before that, various polls had huge Clinton leads that didn't show up in the election day results. Including a large number of highly inaccurate polls doesn't make the results any more reliable.

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