Ouch, that hurts so much. I used to like their app for news...well, sports. I deleted it a few months back, too bad I can't double delete it.

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Such nonsense and stupidity.

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Pure nonsense. The Marxists in the press are trying to shove this garbage down our throats. It will continue until we regurgitate this crap all over them.

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Of all the things there are to be outraged over, this one is the top of my list. But I have to say I am just about as outraged at parents, and grandparents as I am the people who are driving this agenda. Why, you might ask? Well, it is pretty simple. Addressing just, for the moment, these girls discussed in this article, there were several times when the girls went to competitions, ran the races and, of course lost to the male. But it did not have to be that way. They knew the male was going to win. So someone explain to me why the parents and the girls in the competition did not make a big showing of walking off the field with a good loud statement that GIRLS DO NOT COMPETE WITH BOYS. How can anyone not understand that if all the girls and all the parents of the girls stood up against this EVERY TIME IT HAPPENED, it would end. Take the girls, go somewhere else, hold a competition and make it public. It may not count for anything in the whole scheme of life, but you are standing up against something that is wrong. And the few males who are doing this are going to look like the fools they are standing on the field alone or nearly so. Women and parents have the power to stop it. Now do it.

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And the legacy media wonders why viewership and readership is plummeting faster than a Space Shuttle on re-entry? This is a perfect example.

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You can feel God's protective hand pulling back from our society, giving many over to their own desires. Those desires are at war with any thought that there is in fact truth that is obvious and knowable. We live in the time where people willingly call evil good, and celebrate that so many people proclaim the same. After all there is safety and surety in numbers. They fail to realize that the broad path is leading to a place where God is, but the only attribute present is wrath. Woe to those leaders who deceive others as their judgement is even more intense than those who follow them. May we stand in the divide and risk all to point to the narrow path that leads to life. May the Lord give us all the strength and wisdom to walk through these days.

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Well, I am certainly coming to the end of my life as I have known it to be for the almost 3/4 of a century I've been living as an educated and insightful person. You could say I'm just an old lady who is too feeble to understand why this is so important...it is NOT IMPORTANT, actually, except that it is gaining a foothold with those who have megaphones larger than ours.

This is beyond my notion of anything I can comprehend as being normal. And, I am now down to a very, very, very, very small list of printed news sources I am even willing to consider reading. All of the major newspapers of my reading life (1960-present) - I mean the ones I considered to be highly regarded - are now in the tabloid aisle in the grocery suitable only for cat litter and starting fires in my fireplace. I'll never pick up one of those again. It gives me no great pleasure to say that because I love to read....and my most enjoyable part of every day WAS my breakfast and reading the local newspaper and the WSJ. What a pity. I am very sad for my grandchildren, who must endure these stupid societal vulgarities for the rest of their lives. Thank goodness their parents don't buy into this crap and are teaching them the ways of the normal world. With all my Christian kindness - I will sit here and hope that USA Today and the others like them, lose customers, go out of business and we will never have to see their rags on the grocery store check out stands (because there are no "news" stands any more).

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I totally agree and share your concern for future generations. I, too, have grandchildren who will suffer under new beliefs and policies that formulate canards that are being accepted as truth. I think about the many people who fought for Title IX so female athletes in high school and college could participate in sports programs and compete on a level playing field. How sad that those programs of equality are being eroded.

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Makes me see red! What is the world coming to?

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The liberalization, and ultimate demise, of our Constitutional Republic has been taking place for many years and is approaching a critical point in time. Remember he who controls the narrative controls the people. It's time for logic and reason to prevail. Keep preaching Erick, and keep listening congregation. Read the book, When Harry Became Sally, by Anderson, Ryan T. This book gave me empathy for those suffering, but it also equipped me to stand up for science and reality. It really is well written, and not just a hit piece against the movement and its people. I'm fairly sure I will be disciplined at some future date by my "woke" company IF I continue speaking truth as opportunities arise. I can no longer stay silent when truth matters. Look at the suffering in CT alone by these female Athletes. It's just not fair!

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I will never, ever, ever understand how the feminists who fought so hard and so long to even "have" women's sports exist in schools, are sitting back silently and allowing men and boys to push women and girls to the sidelines in their own sports.

The two boys who took titles from Selina Soule in Connecticut openly mocked her, telling her she needed to "train harder" to compete with them, and the judge in the case ADF brought to court also would not allow the term "biological males" to be used by her attorneys, stating “This isn’t a case involving males who have decided that they want to run in girls’ events. This is a case about girls who say that transgender girls should not be allowed to run in girls’ events.”

No, it's not. It's a case about biological males competing with biological females. But when the judge states that you're unable to state the FACTS of the case, you're going to lose.

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Just so you know, there is an entire organization of "feminists" who are taking a stand against it. I can't recall the name right now, but, in spite of the fact that I don't agree with their politics overall, I signed on to their cause to stop this.

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<sigh> my word...really?

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I. just. can't. So, saying "male" is hurtful, but "girl" and "female" are okay. Follow the science: biology matters.

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