Any thoughts about inviting Vivek to the Gathering in August?

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yes please! invite him to sit and talk. I find him refreshing and positive...two things we desperately need in this country!

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I think any conservative -- with the exception of the self-consumed conservative Trump -- could beat Joey Malarky, Vivek included. Vivek would just need a fair amount of screen time to excite a following during the primary debates. (He'd destroy Malarky in prez debates.) He has passion, and Republicans (as well as moderates) are looking for that. Pence, Pompeo and Haley don't have it. Noem has a little of it. DeSantis is great in all areas, but Trump and his minions (even pillow salesmen) will be trying to destroy him (and, if need be, the Republican party), at every turn. Not inconceivable that Vivek could generate a following and sneak in.

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I'd vote for him but . . . I decided I'm running too

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Not a single one. However that is beside the original point made about the criticism of MTG as a woman and the facts of her behavior. The same can be said of men but go silent except when the person called out is woman. She deserves what she gets because she created her own vat of muck. She’s carrying that baggage but appears to have no higher purpose than the limelight she gets in her position. Not worth continued commentary.

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... and most importantly, once again, he is a complete outsider from the deeply entrenched, self-interested, self-serving, dishonest, incompetent, corrupt and/or cowardly Republican political establishment. Godspeed Mr. Ramaswamy.

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My radar must not have been working very well. Never heard of him. But , Hello!

I remember that Obama came out of left field and nobody knew who he was either. This guy certainly knows how to bring the message.

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Obama may have been the least-accomplished person to every reach that position. Practically invisible at Harvard, yet he somehow became Law Review editor without publishing a single piece. Won his state and national Senate seats by taking out his opponents, and did absolutely nothing at both brief stops up the ladder. Consistently voted present to avoid being pinned down on any stances. Got his nomination on the basis of giving a speech at the DNC. His resume was a blank piece of paper because everything he got was simply handed to him. It almost defies explanation, at least any that don't involve conspiracy theories.

Oh yeah, forgot to add that he was the first AA candidate who was bright, articulate and clean. That's storybook, man!

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As I watch these candidates declare, I don’t care about how President Trump will react but more analyze how I think they will stack up against Brandon.

I use the term “Brandon” in the most disrespectful way possible. He openly attacks me, and my family, and my love for the country, so I give him all the respect he deserves.

I have written before that we must wait until Brandon makes a move. And this week he has. They sent him to Poland to brandish his world stage creds, then back to Poland for a speech. He took a 10-hour train ride there, and 10 back, and it almost killed the guy. Watch him on the stage in Poland this morning and he can barely keep his eyes open. To me, he does not have the stamina to participate in a campaign, much less keep our country safe for another 6 years. But he is not going to drop out. Even if he is sharing a suite with Fetterman, he will still be on the ticket.

I recall Rush talking about the low information voters. And those voters get their direction in 140 characters from woke channels. They don’t invest the time to learn policy. They react to viral moments, which cannot be reliably predicted. They just happen. But clues appear months before they heat up. You have to be looking for them.

We now know that Brandon will be running. Still not sure if they can dump Harris, but the main data point is Brandon is the head of the ticket.

I assume at least 10 GOP candidates will come forward, and that 1 will manage to deftly navigate the selection process. So, I don’t worry about the GOP primary process.

Now we must wait. Keep our powder dry. Take notes. Send money. Build 8 or 10 issue scenarios and have them “in the can” to launch on June 1, 2024. 15 months to go.


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As a divorced woman myself, I find your gratuitous insults about Ms. Green’s marital woes offensive and beneath you. I do like Mr.Ramaswamey however.

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If you have paid attention to anything I've written in the past 48 hours on this topic, you should understand that the issue is not the divorce. I have many friends and relatives who are divorced. This issue is that Majorie Taylor Greene is getting divorced because she was repeatedly having sex with men at the gym behind her husband's back and we shouldn't be taking advice from a serial adulteress no more committed to her country than her husband. If you cheated on your husband repeatedly, then yeah, maybe you should be offended. But if not, I'm not talking about you or judging you and maybe you should be more offended by a serial adulteress who took an oath to defend her country calling for it to be ripped up like her marriage.

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Erik-MTG is not advocating or promoting her lifestyle choices and therefore it is none of my (or your) business. Nor did I seek your advice in what I should be offended by. Kathy is correct. This is an unfortunate blind spot.

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Moreover the parallel you are trying to draw between her conduct and her advocacy of splitting up the US is insipid and downright silly.

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It's only silly because you feel sensitive about it. It is not a blind spot for me, but a touchy one for you.

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I am not known for being sensitive. But I am pretty logical. So I know that personal attacks are very non-productive. Be critical of her idea. Leave the personal stuff out.

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Maybe so, but I am not the only one and it would behoove you to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish and if this line of attack advances your position.

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An unfortunate blind spot with Eric Erickson. He fails to discern that unnecessary vitriol against people on his own side, but with a different set of flaws, only turns people away from the conservative viewpoint.

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To the Two Kathy’s, to me it doesn’t matter one bit what Erick has said about Greene’s activities as a woman (she is shallow any way you want to view it). What does matter is those flaws are omnipresent in her apparent need to be in elected office in order to edify herself rather than to actually propose or discuss intelligent policy and legislation. She’s working for herself and not her constituents. Takes smarts and hard work to get things done. She doesn’t have those two qualities so who cares if her personal life is a shambles. She’s offensive, ineffective and an embarrassment.

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Thank you for validating our point.

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Could you name the people you vote for who are not flawed?

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Exactly Sandra! We’ll said

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I expect my side not to be like the other side, Kathy. It's pretty simple.

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Then don’t be like them.

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And I would like to see our side win sometimes. But vitriol from our own side won't get us there. I am not a fan of Ms Green. Her problems are her problems. It isn't a matter of supporting her or going on the attack. One can just not speak. For that matter, one could criticize her position about the country separating without the personal attack. That is pretty simple too.

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I like him. He is young, energetic, well-spoken and believes what most "common sense" Americans believe. He has proved that hard work can create success. He genuinely seems to love this country. I have been reading up on him for a while. My BS meter has not been activated....yet.

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Trump is smiling. The more candidates that get in the more it thins the vote.

GOP has one chance. Desantis or nothing.

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I hope people listen to him and pay attention. He is a great speaker and articulates his ideas in a manner that anyone can understand. Unfortunately, I doubt that most of the population has heard of him. But I would certainly vote for him if he were the candidate. And I would love to see a DeSantis/Ramaswamy ticket.

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I would certainly vote for a ticket like that.

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We could use a guy like that in the Senate, why does everybody think they have to run for President? With 15 or 20 candidates in the GOP primary (again), we're likely to end up with another 80-something, or worse, Kamala Harris or (even worse) Gavin Newsome. Hope I'm wrong.

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There’s a significant difference between him and Trump and that is, although coming into the 2016 race as an outsider, Trump was known for years by his visibility in the media. He was a guest on many programs for years. Ramaswamy is only known through his occasional pop ups on Fox. He is energetic, and has a lot of good ideas, but he’ll struggle getting traction.

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Does anyone know his faith?

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Protestant. 😔

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I mean Erik’s not Viveks.

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I would suggest that a deeper look into Vivek would indicate he has more to offer than you wrote about here. His ESG message translated, is more about giving power to the people. And his second book is a condemnation of the victomhood culture that has developed. On both sides. In other words, this election isn’t rigged. He has no grievances on his own behalf, but a call to action to take back what is ours. I think he will have a strong influence on those in the center, in addition to what you pointed out. And Andrew Yang was a universal income whack job. Vivek is multi faceted.

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