Sounds like cutting off your Toes because you do not like trimming your Nails.

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Voting No is a vote for nothing. It is a cop out! The Democrats have done everything they can to get rid of Trump up to wishing him dead on TV shows. And someone tried to kill him.

Do you think that Trump and Vance have something to offer besides the things that have gone on for the past three years? You bet they do!

I cannot fathom Kamala and Tim in the White House. You notice she has changed a lot of her positions that she supported in 2019 to get more votes. My guess is, if elected, she will go back to her old positions.

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I never wanted Trump on the ticket, but I have no choice but to vote against the deep state and the complicit media and all of their actions for the last decade when an outsider dared to crash their party. If that means a vote for Trump, so be it.

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Trump is flawed but at least Trump wouldn't eviscerate the US Supreme Court and push an agenda for totalitarianism thereby making the U.S the home of the enslaved and the cowards.

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Wouldn't it be better to vote Libertarian or write-in Nikky Haley than to leave top of ballot blank? That would signal one's a right of center voter unhappy with Trump. That's what I'm planning to do.

Trump had so many chances to change his behavior, but he's as nasty and negative as ever. I think he hurts the conservative movement, the GOP, and to some extent Christianity.

I look forward to the day he's not in the news everyday.

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If you get someone to stay home that counts as one vote, one vote less for your opponent. If you get them to switch that's two votes: one less for your opponent and one more for you.

Erick makes a good point about this being a Flight 93 election for the anti-Trump crowd. I plead guilty. More on that in a minute. I'm not sure I can vote for Kamala and mostly for the reasons Erick cites, her dismissal of my policy positions. When she picked Walz over Shapiro I was livid. I threw my phone, thankfully I was standing near the bed. Picking Shapiro was the bone I was looking for and she said, well she said BLANK YOU!!

But Trump is getting worse. At times he's in an alternate reality. Did you see where recently he thought the crowds around her plane was not actually there. It was an AI deep fake? Media was all over the place. It was a live event. Sometimes he can't accept reality. This is not a good attribute for a President of the United States.

I'll make you a deal Erick. If the average of all the polls for the State of Georgia come early November are outside the margin of either way, I'll leave the presidential line blank. If not, well It's time for Flight 93 to depart.

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I am blown away at all the ignorant respondents stating they would entertain voting for the most liberal political ticket in U.S. history, or who would not vote against it. Elections have consequences.

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I have left the top of the ticket blank the last two election cycles and will do so again. Trump almost had me during the convention, but the weeks since then indicate he learned nothing.

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I am very sorry that the most meaningful vote I can cast is to leave the Presidential line blank. But I am just too disgusted and disappointed and exhausted by the simultaneously repulsive and boring horror show that Trump has become to hold on for another election. Harris has her own horror show, so I’ll grab this less-than-perfect option, throw my support to Senate candidates who can form a bulwark against the worst of s Harris presidency and hang on for the off-year elections and a chance to start rebuilding the ruin that DJT has left us.

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You believe senators and reps can stop EOs? How?

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I would be curious as to your thoughts on voting for Micky Mouse (or, for that matter ANY write-in)?

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Erick, and others. I’ve spoken of voting for the evil of two lessors often since 1992. Our system of partisan voting and our own lack of fealty to Godly virtue puts us in this position. I am not a Trump supporter, but I am a Trump voter. There is much to like in what he proposes, and there is nothing to like what she proposes.

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There are also other candidates (and not just RFK) on the ballot in most states. People bemoan the lack of choice in a two party system, but we DO have other parties, but the media is largely at fault for paying no attention to them. If any of those candidates align with your beliefs, vote for them.

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Erick's point regarding not "choosing evil altogether" is significant (even in his fatigued state!). The Roman Catholics have their Principle of Double Effect which, simply stated, this principle comes into play when a given moral choice has two opposite outcomes. With Trump, people recoil over many of his personal foibles. Yet his policies and actions as president overwhelmingly buttress Christian belief. The Democrat's agenda is fully incompatible with Christianity. Under the Principle of Double Effect, once you encounter a moral evil, a believer cannot choose that option.

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Get some sleep, Erick.

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Don’t sell your soul to the Democrats just because you despise Donald Trump. Vote “NO” for President.

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Yes and allow more of Biden and Democratic policies. Get real!

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The problem with this is that the left will not do the same. And then the left wins. You have to decide in the end whether you are willing to fight to stop the left's agenda. Like it or not Trump is the card we have been dealt to do that. And the reason we have been dealt that card is that the never Trump R establishment now decrying him spent a quarter of a freakin' century ignoring huge swathes of the base. In other words, to be brutally clear, the people now contemplating voting for Harris or "leaving it blank" are possibly the biggest single reason Trump happened. And now we are presented with a clear choice: stop the left or surrender to them. Everything else is pearl clutching, cloistered values and posturing. Have these so-called conservatives thought about how history will judge them for failing to be equal to the arithmetic of our moment? Pro-tip: they will not be remembered well.

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You choose to ignore the fact that Trump called for the “termination” of the U.S. Constitution on 12/4/22, on Truth Social. He is a Leftist, just like the Democrats.

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I am well aware of what he said, which I actually didnt read the way you or the leftist media did (its kind of like the blood bath comment: handwaving freakoutery about it does not stand up to actual careful reading). You seem completely unaware of the implications of a Harris-Walz administration. There are two possibilities. The first, I am sorry to say it, is that you simply are not very bright. Your TDS has blinded you. Second, you actually are a leftist (in which case I am done with you).

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