i think control of the mics is the key. i suspect Fox and others know this...they just hate to miss the fireworks.

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I feel compelled to come to the defense of my governor, Doug Burgum. He had to butt in because the moderators ignored him for most of the debate. I was not a huge fan of Burgum to begin with (didn't vote for him in 2016, but did in 2020), but the more I see of him the more I like him. Perhaps others would too, if they were allowed to hear him speak. Conversely, the more I see of Nikki Haley the less I like her. She was the worst culprit when it came to "talking over" the other candidates in both debates so far. All those harsh attacks of candidates by one another are doing nothing to advance the Republican party's standing in the eyes of voters.

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I agree with everything that Erick has said of the debate. The debate was a mess. However, it served its purpose. Little by little, I'm getting to know these candidates - despite the messiness. Without the messy debate, we would not have heard Tim Scott's praise of America. His little monologue should be used in GOP advertising. So, I agree with Erick, but, in my opinion, his critique is irrelevant. Yes, the acoustics were bad. So, what? Yes, the whole thing was out of control. Again, so, what? Despite the messiness, we are learning. Erick, remember Proverbs 14:4, "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean."

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I had the same thoughts about feeling dumb. The whole thing felt so contrived and even tacky at times. It almost feels like Fox designed this debate to keep these guys clumped together...trailing far behind and not really challenging Trump.

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All those tremors in CA? Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave.

My rules for the next debate.

1. No audience. Crowd noise takes away from whats being said and the debators wind up often playing to the crowd, not the viewers.

2. When a question is asked, the moderator(s) will press a button in front of them to turn on the microphone of the person being asked a question or allowed to respond. Mics will be automatically turned off no more than 10 seconds after their alloted time.

3a. Repeat offenders who try to butt in on others' time, or excessively run over their time will be given two warnings. Third time, a trap door opens, and the offender will disappear from the stage.

3b. In lieu of trap doors, soundproof booths will be lowered over offenders, making sure they are not heard.

3c. If the next debate is on Nickelodeon, the second warning will be a bucket of slime.

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History was made last night. Yes. History. Ronald Acuna Jr., last night, became the first baseball player in the history of the game to have 70 stolen bases in one season, coupled with 40 home runs. The Braves secured home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and for the second night in a row, came from behind to win. I assure you the screams from the ballpark were much more satisfying then the shrill noise from the debate stage. Hmm, a few lessons to be learned here?

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I'm glad somebody won last night! :)

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I didn't watch it. I have read several opinion pieces on it. I saw a few "highlights" just to get some idea. Not everyone thinks it was as bad as you think. I don't think it is the job of the moderator to "poke the bears" until they fight, which is what most of them seem to do, no matter who it is. The question about who to "throw off the island" was downright juvenile. I don't want to see political candidates in a verbal brawl. I don't want to hear name calling. I want to see each one of them stand up and tell me what they plan to do on a variety of issues that are actually the responsibility of the government. From what I have read and the little I have seen, DeSantis is still my pick.

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I watched it, though fairly early on I was tempted to stop. I thought the whole thing was a complete disaster for the Republican party as a whole. The constant "talking over" the candidate whose turn it was to speak made it a useless and juvenile exercise. The moderators were terrible (and ordinarily I LIKE both Dana Perino and Stuart Varney).

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The “blood sacrifice” comment was priceless!!

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I made a bad life choice last night. A decision that I wish I could take back, but now the moment is forever lost.

I was watching the Braves/Cubs until I switched over to the debate. The game was tied.

2 hours later, after suffering through echoes, shouting, talking over, and zero intelligence on display, I checked the score and saw that the Braves dug out a win at the end of the 10th.

As Homer Simpson says “D’oh!!!!”.

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DVR the debate.

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I actually think I can plot Erick’s postings to pinpoint where he is in the 5 stages of grief about Trump being the nominee - the “something feels off” post was clearly denial and recent ones like “world views colliding” and this one probably put him in the anger stage. I’ll know we’ve reached acceptance sometime around March when I see a posting about something evil Biden and dems have done and the implication that now it’s time fully support Trump despite his faults

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In the first debate, war monger establishment candidate Halley was rude, ignored the rules interrupting and talking over Vivek. She had her people in the audience help. And ya’ll loved it. Gave her points. So blame yourselves for setting the stage for more of the same.

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Haley was unwatchable. As a woman who is ready for a female president, as long as it's the right woman, I found myself muttering "b***h" during the debate last night. I wasn't proud of myself, but I couldn't stomach her, especially her "I feel dumber" zinger. I wish Vivek could have got in a "That's because I'm smarter than you" reply.

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Another woman here, who is not a fan of Haley for mostly the same reasons (plus she is far too "accommodating" on the issue of abortion). I agree the "dumber" comment was awful. No doubt about it, Vivek is the smartest guy on the stage.

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I have another thought for last night’s candidates. If Trump could not attend because he was saving autoworkers’ jobs why is it then he went around union workers when he was building the Trump towers or anything else for that matter? You all need to ask him that. And if I were Chris Christie I think there is a job coming open in the US senate for the state of New Jersey you might want to apply there. You might be good at it.

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Maybe because autoworkers build cars. Christie can't manage his weight let alone the country.

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I’m talking all union workers.

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As much as I don't want Christie to be president (though I'd choose him over Trump or Biden), he has played a valuable role in this campaign. I've agreed with him more than I've disagreed with him. He would make a good NJ Senator.

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Good point on Christi can he win a senate seat in his state if not why does he can be President

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This is a race between Trump, DeSantis, and Haley.

Tryouts doing the right thing by staying out of these debates.

We are 9 months from the official candidate being chosen and about a year from the vote being cast. Trump has thrown out the book, literally, that says never do anything to win the primary that cost you general election.

And here we are, in a time when the candidates thinks winning the primary = winning the general election.

If Trump is the candidate and wins he will be first Republican to "not loose". By that I mean there is difference between winning and not loosing. Trump will not "win", he "won't loose".

In a race between an able bodie adult and a crippled kid no one will refer the adult as the "winner".

If Trump loses he will be Hillary Clinton, just that bad of a candidate.

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It's ironic reading the reviews of the second debate in light of the advice that was given many of the candidates after the first debate about elbowing their way into a soundbyte. Some took that advice this time around, and voters lost interest in them because of it. The debate stage HAS TO BE one of the most foreign environments any well-meaning candidate will encounter in their career, with an outcome that seems determined much more by luck than skill. There has to be a better way.

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There are dozens of better ways. New media outlets should take a stab at conducting a real debate. Fox has failed.

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Politics is down hill from society.

Society is down hill from a coordinated propaganda effort.

There are no unscripted reality shows. Political debates are not debates.

You said you disagreed with cameras in the Supreme Court because the Justices will play to the camera.

How we view the political process and politicians is influenced by the camera and has been since the first televised debate. It has evolved into puppets on stage who desperately what to show they have no strings while the puppeteers off stage pull their strings.

The preparation for the debate is based on 140 charter sound bites that the candidate hopes will make the social media rounds in a positive way.

You want a debate game show where substance matters? Format: One on One

Day 1

Two candidates in a college debate format

Audience, present and TV vote on a winner

Day 2

Winner and next candidate debate


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Maybe you prefer CNN? After all, you are a hack for them I think. Disappointed in this review….the debate wasn’t great for sure, but this review is worse!

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