Is there anyone who can lead us back to sanity. My friend whom I have recently had a disagreement with and haven't heard from recently and hates Donald Trump wants Eisenhower back. Does anyone

understand why Democrats / liberals want to destroy our country. What will they do if they succeed where will they live. They will be up there eye balls in !@#$%&* like the rest of us. Is insanity an air born sickness? Sometimes you have to eat the excrement sandwich. If you have a boss that is hard to tolerate but runs the business well you have to live with it.

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“Speak no ill of another Republican”

Run campaigns on a conservative, economic growth, values-oriented agenda coupled with a strong defense posture. Time to promote liberty and freedom, keep the federal government out of classrooms, and return to America production of medicines, energy development, and essential goods.

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When I used to live in Indiana I would call my representatives every week. I would receive mailed responses but that was about it. That is until my congressman called to make an appointment with me so he could talk to me for 15 minutes about what I thought about the issues. Mike Pence interviewed me and asked me about a number off things and he was so kind. He is frankly amazing and he should run.

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They (the candidates) realize the more candidates who run in the primary will only benefit Trump. Yet, some of them do it anyhow knowing they don't have a snowball's chance of being president. Why--Vanity? Fundraising? Seeking a secondary position? Who can explain what goes on in people's head to make them do things like this? Not me, for sure. I just want Trump to go away--not anything bad to happen to him but just be defeated politically enough to go home. My hope fades a little more every day.

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I am in Arizona now. Beautiful place and being in Sedona caused a shift in me. The world is a small place. This Earth is a wondrous place. Oh the places we have been and still so much to see and do. Focusing on what is really important and I have to ask. How can a great Country allow such a demented man to be President? I don’t think anyone is serious nor can they be taken seriously. Me? I am just going to keep on living and doing good and don’t worry. It’s all dribble.

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I'm so sorry you did not get to go to Arizona, Erick. But hope you got to recharge your battery.

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I hope everyone is well, and that you relaxed.

I am officially confused by President Trumps latest attack statements against Ron Desantis, regarding Cuomo, covid & Disney... I wasn't an 'only Trumper', or a 'never Trumper'. But he's officially lost me now. I appreciate his previous policies, but I have no taste for him erroneously attacking the other republican candidates. I guess he believes we aren't capable of criticalthinking.. 🙄

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Isn’t the “winner take all” primary the problem? Giving a bare plurality candidate all the delegates is how we get Trump again.

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What about the Gov of ND what is this guy thinking A lot of this smells of lining the pockets with donor money I might be wrong but I wonder

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Who else waffled on the trans issue? I will not support them under any circumstances. And I still hate to see a large number of candidates because it is going to push Trump to the top. I like Pence, but don't believe for a second he can get the nomination. I cannot fathom why Christy and Asa Hutchinson are running. Think I got that last name right.

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"then see Trump’s supporters attack DeSantis as a “globalist” for merely noting the North Korean dictator is a murderous dictator." Great observation. Grants an interesting insight into human nature. Usually, when people realize there exists a problem, yet they don't like the consequences the problem will cause, they go into denial and attack--read "anger." Reality tends to be unavoidable. Or in the way you refer to this Erck, "Don't attack my Precious...."

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Best line for Pence when queried about Trump. My dad taught me to following; “ if you can’t say anything good about anybody, don’t say anything at all.”

“Next Topic?”

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Look harder at the jobs numbers: More hires, yes, but at less than 40 hour weeks and at lower hourly rates. Easy to claim unemployment is dropping when one ignores the reality of folks having to hold down multiple part-time jobs to feed their families.

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I long for the days when a party’s candidate was selected at a convention whose delegates were selected by the people in the various states. This worked far better than the primary system we currently have. There was far less mudslinging and much shorter election cycles. Today we face a system where the currently leading candidate, Trump, may have the nomination all sewed up many months before the election only to be criminally indicted and face trial during the campaign. The “old” system could have prevented something like this

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And the election season NEVER ends....

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Job numbers are a lagging indicator.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Recent polling has Trump at 53%. The closer he gets to dropping below 50% the more likely it is that what everyone is saying about too many candidates will be true.

The GOP has to stop doing this. Throwing 15-20 candidates in the ring and all of them have too much ego to drop out when it benefits the party. If trump is the nominee we lose. End of story.

Maybe this sounds far fetched by I do believe the dems only cheat to defeat trump. With him out of the way they have no boogeyman. So they can’t justify the stretching of voting rules.

So whether by popularity or nefarious means. It won’t matter. If trump gets it. It’s over.

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I have to disagree with your last point. They plan on winning by any means no matter who our candidate is.

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Totally agree. How long before we have a month to vote!

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You are right on Kathy

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