Actually you said it, the Democrats are not weird, they are deviant. The Left wishes to control language. Historically "weird" is not a good thing. However, colloquially it is also used to mean standing out; this can make other uncomfortable.

To that extent it makes since the Democrats are using the word to describe the Right and prove Gertrude Himmelfarb correct. What is actually, historically normal is weird to a deviant person.

I won't embrace weird and say that I am. The fact that they are weirded out is on them and exposes their deviancy.

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As always ya gotta ask, do they understand that, or do they just think you're too stupid to recognize that they're trying to hand you a load of bullshit

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they will understand it , pray for me as a board a plane tomorrow to Comifornia.

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Beware!“ Blue Man “calls the shots now

Sailing on the River Seine.

He’s the new pitch man for “freedom”

(Chaos is his middle name.)

We’re enamored with confusion…

We push anarchy for fun!

We’re the Proud, the Loud and Raucous

Looking out for Number One!

Humpty Dumpty’s our Main Guru

Nietzsche is our “Number 2”.

We’ve been trained in Narcissism.

Deconstruction’s what we do.

“Truth” no longer is an option…

(Humpty had it redefined.)

Now it means just “Well, Whatever!”

(If, that is, you’re so inclined.)

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Friend, both “normal” and “abnormal”

Have become new “dirty “ words.

Neither one now has true meaning

(Currently, they’re both absurd.)

In the Realm of Deconstruction,

True foundations cannot be.

Thus spake post-Postmodernism

(New Age Ideology!)

Light and darkness blend together

Into 50 shades of gray.

Black and white have both been outlawed

(“All you need is love!” they say…)

Everyone’s subjective fiction

Has become The Bottom Line

We just felt the need down deeply

To have God’s Truth redefined.

There is no transcendent “order”

(The horizon’s been erased…)

Nihilism calls the shots now.

(We’ve dismissed God’s saving Grace.)

Goddess Reason’s Number One now…

There’s no” law” left…(no “ Commands”)!

There’s no room for “revelation”.

In this New Age La-La Land.

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Former Education Secretary (and former 'Drug Czar') William Bennett came up with the phrase 'defining deviance down.'

He was way ahead of the curve on this one.

But the prophet Isaiah was even further ahead of things when he wrote "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; " Isaiah 5:20 KJV

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Tick Tock BOOM

Biden removed Iran banking sanctions, opening oil revenues to refill their coffers.

Iran used oil revenues to fund the slaughter of Israelis.

Iran used oil revenues to FINISH building multiple nuclear weapons.

Israel deployed long range armed drones deep inside Iran to attack their nuclear development facilities, demonstrating the ability to avoid Russian advanced detection technology, and opening the eyes of the bad guys that they need a new approach.

Israel kills the leader of Hezbollah in downtown Tehran.

Israel kills a senior HAMAS leader in downtown Beirut.

The Dems ran Biden who was obviously too weak to lead the world, but signaling a strong leader was on the way.

While some see the election countdown clock, now 96 days away, as the lead up to the election, the bad guys see this clock as 96 days until they use their nukes.

When I was a kid, we had nuke attack drills in schools. The siren would go off. We would crawl under our desks and cover our heads until the drill was over.

Silly stuff? Maybe not. People who caused this situation can’t be trusted to get us out of this danger zone.

It’s time to get down on the floor, cover our eyes, and ask God’s Blessing for our families. Its time to hand the steering wheel to God.

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I think they stepped in it by going for this attempt at negative branding Vance. Vance is a normal American, but one that broke free from poverty to achieve the top rungs of the American dream. THEY see this as weird and THIS tells the American voter what THEY really are.

THEY ARE WEIRD with respect to the definition of real Americans. More importantly, THEY are a lying pit of low morality upper class vipers that are looting the country to an empty shell.

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Ah yes, the enslaved "press" continues to grind out the DNC propaganda...

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Just like with "threats to democracy", "weird" is another example of Democrat projection.

And it's cringe.

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There are miles and miles of b-roll of Harris that is free for the asking.

The GOP should use it.


Quit trying to own the libs. Let the libs own themselves.

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Erick -

Could you please start writing the speeches for President Trump and JD Vance?

It would be wonderful for the American people to hear that common sense message directly from those we hope lead this great country.

Policy and examples. Simple truths in term we all understand.

Keep beating that drum. Your voice is heard and respected.

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The Trump campaign discussion should be about the Democrat Party’s policies that have put us in the ditch. They can make last minute corrections but their instincts have been to run the nation off the road. Those policies are in plain view and can be easily pointed out.

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I agree and wonder why the Republicans have not expanded on the regulations set in play by the Biden administration. For example, the change of coolant in air conditioners that has resulted in a huge increase in the cost of HVAC units and is also highly flammable (butane), the attempted cancellation of gas stoves , and many others. People understand that.

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Geoff Duncan is a real patriot. I am impressed.

Any of these Republicans that are smart enough to see what Trump has actually done in the past that still support him are incredibly short sighted at best and (more likely) cowardly at worst.

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"A month and a half ago, the very same people telling you the election has turned in Harris’s favor were telling you Joe Biden was fine."

Great reminder.

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