Erick, last week you said that Exit Pollsters were not allowed to ask people whom they voted for. Then yesterday (Monday), you seemed to say that Exit Pollsters do not NORMALLY ask people whom they voted for. Which is it? I have quoted you to a number of people this past weekend. I may be in trouble.

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They ask a series of questions that indicate who someone voted for without explicitly asking that one question.

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I wish I copied this quote from last week complaining how Harris lost to an ailing 78 year felon... That "ailing' felon was doing 3 to 4 campaign stops for the last week. Harris did 1 a day. So, It looks like she worked by an ailing old man? My guess is that Harris probably has to keep a close eye on her husband.

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Ok Erick, her are my thoughts of last week comparison charts, useless and waste of time. With that being said the 2020 election was rigged, rigged, rigged, work/planning on that started on Jan. 21st 2016. However I will say lets move on, history will take care of that and the truths will unfold when God is ready to unfold them. We have too much to be looking forward to that we don't need to dwell on that or go into that any more. Let's be happy due to Americans having hope again in the country.

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I subscribe because I appreciate your take on things, but find the insistence on there being absolutely zero anomalies with the 2020 election perplexing, bordering on denying the possibilities. There didn't need to be truckloads of ballots dropped off at 4:00 am in Atlanta or Detroit; many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ballots had been sent out all over creation. To think that activist leftists didn't take advantage to harvest at least some of those ballots is not giving them the credit they deserve. Rigged does not necessarily equal stolen in the conventional sense. Re-read Molly Ball's column after the election.

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I've never said there were not anomalies. There were plenty. But they were not enough to affect the election and no one has been able to prove fraud.

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If you think about it, the 2020 election - though rife with election interference, drop boxes everywhere, etc. - was in many ways a blessing. It provided a policy contrast that may not have been as obvious had Trump won a second consecutive term. Whatever you believe about 2020, the resulting policies have kicked-started a potential generational shift right that may not have otherwise happened.

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So the 2020 election with a Democrat candidate that never left the basement and could not get more than a few hundred paid attendees at his events ended up with 155.5 million votes cast. Today with almost all the votes cast (and again the benefits of late counted ballots are 100% Democrat) we are looking at about 147 million. The difference of nearly 8.5 million votes is significant given that our population of voters is greater and the spending was greater to encourage more voting. The 2016 election there were only 128.5 million votes cast. The trend line for every election shows 2020 to be an abnormality where the 2024 election returned back to near normal.

All of the states except for one that voted for Harris are non-voter-ID states, and most of them allow same-day registration and mass mail in balloting.

Clearly ballot harvesting is happening, but because of election oversight this time, less of it has occurred.

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