Some things here, Erick:

1) California has already lost one seat in Congress for the first time as a result of the 2020 census. That trend can only accelerate in years to come if that state doesn't change its policies, which seems unlikely to happen.

2) The two demographics which have the largest nimbers of vaccine hesitant people are Blacks and Hispanics, both of which are traditionally Democrat constituancies. So, if Democrats decide to blsme the unvaccinated, as they appear to be doing, doesn't that mean that they're braming their own voters, and not those rascally Republicans?

3) There's an infamous quote from the Vietnam War days which I believe seems to uncannily apply here. The quote is, "We had to destroy the village in order to save it." Do Democrats really believe that destroying the American polity in order to "save" it is a good idea? Do they really think that shattering what few vestiges of unity remain among the American people, in essence adopting an addressive "divide and conquer" strategy, is a winning play for 2922 and beyond, at the risk of so dividing the nation that it can never be brought together?

4) Yes, Republicans will dig in their heels on issues such as raising the debt ceiling to accomodate the Biden $3.5 trillion spendathon, HR 1, HR 4, and all the rest of the Bidenauts' agenda items. They have been placed in a position where they can see that the end game here is the permanent enshrinement of what Mark Levin calls "post-Constitutional America", and the death of the republic. Given that reality, they have little choice to do so, even at the risk of the left's slanders. This isn't a bad thing; the American people increasingly see what the Democrats intend for the nation, and increasingly are, if not actively opposed to it, at least deeply suspicious. The polls clearly show that to be true. The last thing conservatives and Republicans shoud do is sign on to the suicide pact.

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In an aside, why can't Substack allow a poster to edit his/her post after the "Post" button is pressed?

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I alkso meant 2022, not 2922. I washed my hands this morning and can't seem to do anything with them. :-)

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3) above should read. "...adopting an aggressive "divide and conquer" strategy..."

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I'm just curious if the withdrawal from Afghanistan is so quickly forgotten, why isn't January 6th? Oh yeah, MSM...especially CNN and MSNBC... keeps it (January 6th) on its loop reel, just like they do Trump.

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Love your show and your posts. A question on another subject: I am watching Fox’s live coverage of 11,000 thousand people currently streaming across our boarder. Is there nothing Congress can do to put a pause on this? None vaccinated or tested in complete opposition to what Biden imposed on the rest of the country! Is this only because Biden says so? Breaking federal laws, why can’t congress do anything? I do understand Democrats are in control, would they all vote for this insanity?

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Then the Democrats are making two major mistakes.

First, they are counting on a biological weapon to behave in a predictable manner - that it will continue to infect enough people to keep up the rancour. Biological weapons do not work that way. Ask any of the researchers from Fort Detrick or Dugway Proving Grounds - they'll tell you that predicting the effects of the weapon are very uncertain. The probability is that the number of infected will drop precipitately as all of the survivors of the current wave add their immunity to the population. As you state, there will be a brief flareup in Northern, Blue states, but even they will not suffer as much as the South in the summer. If that happens, the Democrats will be seen as piling on to sick people for nothing - and all the sympathy will switch to the unvaccinated. Throw in some anaphylactic reactions to the vaccines, some more exploding hearts, and a few ADA lawsuits, and the Democrats will be the villains.

BTW, I have noticed that everybody who asks if SARS-COV-2 is a weaponized virus has carefully avoided asking the people who would know - the experts at Fort Detrick and Dugway. Instead, they ask bio-researchers, doctors, and intelligence analysts, none of whom have any experience of how biological weapons (intentional or not) work. Weaponized viruses do not behave like normal epidemiological agents. Biological agents are also developed in very particular ways to achieve the desired goals - even in these days of CRISPR.

The second problem the Democrats will have is that the very people they are treating to rule 13, "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. " are a major portion of their base - blacks, Hispanics, and unions. Those three groups have the lowest percentage of vaccinated members. You say the Democrats misread Gavin Newsom's results because California is progressive. I daresay that Democrats made a bigger mistake in not realizing that those three groups voted against him. He made it to 63% on the votes of White Supremacists (also known as urban and suburban, educated, wealthy white Democrats).

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Yes, the unvaccinated are increasingly disdained, however, that is because they are the pandemic and the Democrats insist on dealing with them the same way they did the pandemic before the vaccine, demanded everyone wear mask, social distance, shut down, all of which we now have data to show didn't work.

And the media is making sure we all know they are doing this because of the unvaccinated, except not. Never attribute to conspiracy what can adequately be explained as incompetents. This is about control, it is the Democrats overplaying their hand to control.

I don't think for a second someone on the Biden team actually thought, let's mandate vaccines so people will not get them and we can ride that narrative to victory in 2022.

The pandemic is over in America if you have a vaccine. Ignore the bleating ninnies, get on with your life. COVID is here to stay, like the flu. Nothing to see here.

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Here is what will undermine this ploy: The vaccines are starting to fail. More and more of the vaccinated are actually getting sick. Some are dying. Remember six months ago when we were told that once you were fully vaccinated that you could live your life freely as you did pre-covid? People now realize that this is not true and more importantly are starting to believe that those who promised freedom knew it was not true. Six months ago no one was talking about booster shots and now Israel is looking at a fourth shot (second booster). There is likely an equal chance that in a year those vaccine holdouts will look pretty good compared to their jabbed counterparts - especially since many of the holdouts have natural immunity. This makes setting them up as the "opposition" look pretty risky to me.

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James Carville had recommended Dems utilize the 1-06-2021, their defined mantra as Repub DT lead insurrection. Though the FBI report wasn't indicative of that. South Korea stated yesterday that, Biden is naive with regards of North Korea and their nuclear activity and approach. One could say that is very much the case with Iran for Joe. Iran will be nuclear within month or so; and you can thank Obama for lifting all sanctions and fully funding that process. Saying this to say; USA may have a socialist environment by 2024 that no one can turn back. That is my belief. But moreso, When one sees Israel fulfill Isiah 17: 1 soon, know that Russia backed Iran has wrought the Apocalyptical stage of time. Fill the oil lamp and trim the wick. Believe as you choose and to thine ownself be true.

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Excuse me? Blame Obama for the build-up of an Iranian nuclear program that was precluded under an agreement he put in place and from which Trump walked away? I would just remind you that Iran was steadily proceeding toward nuclear armament (1) while sanctions were in place and (2) without the benefit of any of the funding that got released pursuant to the agreement.

Obama halts Iran's nuclear program. Under Trump, it resumed. And it's Obama's fault?

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Are you a fool? Under the sanctionsd, even Iran MOD could not leave the country. After Obama lifted sanctions and Obama funding he was in China, Russia, NK shopping. As for saying preclusions under the agreement (obama's), Iran violated it from day one. DT reinserted sanctions. Hell yes, I say obama funded it and it's his fault. Obama halted nothing.

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I may indeed be a fool, but bear with me. If sanctions were the key, Obama lifted them but then Trump reinserted them, why then do we still have a problem? Being the fool that I am, leave it to me to believe the international inspectors who - without exception - reported that Iran was complying with the agreement. If that was in fact the case (again here acknowledging the utter foolishness of my reasoning), it seems to me that at least temporarily, Obama halted Iran's nuclear program and then under Trump (and his sanctions), Iran resumed it.

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The reason we have the problem is simple. The Irainans will just lie. They never had a blip in their asperations or actions. They intended to become nuclear. The funding would have kept it a little slower. Sanctions and funding were/are big but not stoppers. Just as the Taliban just will look at u and lie. Their quran allowes them to lie to infidel. Now Biden wanting to send funs to Afghanastan. That will be like sending monies to a Sub-Saharan country. It will remain in the hands of the eliet and end up in one of their foreign bank accounts.

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Joe Biden promised to unite the country. What he's actually tried to do is unite the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, Left against Right, White v. People of Color, The LGBS alphabet Mafia v. Straight, Red v. Blue. Of course, he spent 8 years watching his former boss do the same thing, so he learned well.

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No, he's uniting the sane against the unvaccinated.

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There's a difference a difference between being anti-vaccine (which I am not) and being anti-mandate ( which I am.)

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I feel you, Rick. Agreeing with the tenor of something Erick wrote a few days ago, my problem lies not with mandates per se, but with the fact that this one is coming from the federal government. In saner times, every state government would be closing ranks against this virus and federal action would not be necessary. But that would be doing what the Democrats want done, and we can't have that . . . .

That said, make no mistake, those red lights that you routinely stop at: those are mandates. Mandates are a necessary part of an ordered society.

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True... but those traffic laws (like speed limits) are generally imposed locally - not federally.

Plus, obeying traffic laws is something you agree to in order to exercise the privilege of driving on a public road. But I shouldn't be mandated to take a vaccine to exercise a constitutional right like freedom of movement, assembly, etc.

If the feds can mandate vaccines... what can't they mandate? They could declare a health emergency for gun violence and mandate gun confiscation. They could declare a health emergency for obesity and mandate we only be allowed to buy certain foods.

Once you start mandating things... there's very little chance they'll stop.

Freedom is worth defending - even the freedom to make a decision like not getting vaxxed that can cost you your life.

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If you are vaccinated and feel safe with it, why worry about the unvacinnated? Some people can not eat peanuts, some people are allergic to penicillin, some people can not be around cats, I could not be around you, and the litany could go on. But you, like a Liberal believe, apparently, that only your opinions are the savant ones?

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No, not my opinion. On medical matters, it is the opinion of doctors that I respect.

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Just recently Dr. Fauci was asked if the people who have already had and survived Covid need vaccination, because studies seem to show a higher immunity in those people who haven't and are vaccinated, and he basically said he didn't know. So that makes me wonder why those people need vaccinations. I am not one of those people so I am vaccinated, but why is this not a topic of public discussion, and a category of people who should be followed by researchers?

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Because it doesn't fit the agenda. We already know Fauci will lie.

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I think if I said Immunity than, as opposed to saying immunity in, my comment makes more sense. I agree with your comment though.

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There is some disagreement among some Drs. Time will ascertain the factual truth.

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When one side tries to accomplish a goal that is, in fact, in the public interest, but the other side sees it as nothing more than a trick that is actually designed to prevent the accomplishment of that goal, what a sad reflection on the state of our politics. With Biden having preached vaccination non-stop since coming into office, the notion that he is now mandating vaccinations because HE DOES NOT WANT people to get vaccinated is nothing short of bizarre.

It so happens that my own sister-in-law is on a respirator at this very moment, dying from Covid. For crying out loud, it is not just Joe Biden telling people to get vaccinated. It's their doctors! I resubscribed in order to tell you how very disappointed I am with this post, which continues the politicization of an issue on which all thinking people who care about their country should be united and speaking with one voice: GET VACCINATED!

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Wait a minute. I think I get it.

Erick, I take it back.

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Goodness. Maybe republicans should a) act like adults and b) stop giving people reasons to be aggravated with them. I'm so tired of being politically homeless, and there's no defending the indefensible.

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The only way Republicans are going to stop "people" (I assume you mean Democrats?) being "aggravated with them"...is to become Democrats and totally embrace the Democrat agenda. Democrats get aggravated if you "assign gender" to your child at birth.

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I think you are mistaking the very online progressives with normal democrats. I'm no democrat but I'm quite annoyed with much of the right.

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I can see the unvaccinated being made to wear a yellow badge with a “V” with a slash across it. Who else had people wear yellow badges?

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I agree that Biden's speech was the worst possible speech he could have given to convince people to get the vaccine, but...by the 2022 midterms, lots of things will have changed.

Moderna came out today and said the efficacy of the vaccine is waning...so the "vaccinated" may have to be "re-vaccinated"...and that's going to be a hard sell for people who didn't want to get it in the first place, especially if they had issues with it the first time. When people start being asked to "show their papers" to eat a family dinner in a restaurant, and 91 year old Aunt Sally who is with them doesn't have hers, because her doctor told her not to take the vaccine due to (fill in the medical issue she has) so they don't let her in...even the vaccinated might suddenly realize that they're being controlled in a way they don't like.

Inflation, the insanity that's going on in schools with transgenderism, CRT, and anti-American sentiment, Biden's foreign policy issues, especially with the Taliban, the weaponizing of the IRS...all those things are going to take precedence over Covid in the coming months.

What they're really hoping for is that a large number of Republicans will die. I didn't want to believe that, but I've seen too many "liberal friends" on social media hopefully discussing the possibility to ignore that any longer. Sad.

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If this is their strategy, they should have at it Erick.

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This is ridiculous, Erick! Newson reclaimed California because it's full of democrats...that won't change...that is NOT a victory, but a waste of time and money!! As for unvaccinated Americans, a good portion of them are Democrats and minorities. Get the real word out now and stop spinning none stories.

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I think you once said to never assign malevolence when stupidity would do just fine, but the former seems to be a better explanation for a lot of his policies. Nearly every unvaxxed person I know who is reasonably educated about these shots would happily take the Novavax shot once it is approved because it is more traditional technology, has a better safety profile and appears to offer better protection against Delta. If he cares about saving American lives, he will dramatically ramp up production of monoclonal antibodies and help fast track more traditional alternatives to the big three… not to mention the other protease inhibitors for early treatments that already have a lot of good clinical data supporting them.

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