No one has mentioned that voodoo is practiced in Haiti. You need animals to sacrifice. Any local official will say that there is no crime, the people are friendly and the children are above average.(Stolen from Garrison Keiller ).

Trump needs to keep his ego in check and let Harris hang herself just like Biden did. He jumped on every laser dot like a cat.

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This may help lift spirits of Trump voters who were hoping for a knockout punch last night against Harris. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/3150845/why-donald-trump-won-the-debate/

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What Went Wrong Last Night? - I'll treat your title like a question and give an honest answer that is clear to anyone paying attention.

In short Trump is an unserious, lazy, impulsive, easily manipulated, ego maniac. Hence he spends all day watching TV or listening to crazy conspiracies from conspiracies from fringe crackpot rightwing influencers (when he is not playing golf) - so he says crazy and stupid stuff. He is too lazy to do any real debate prep so instead he has Matt Gaetz come over probably on blow and wing his "prep" with him. He impulsively blurts out counterproductive nonsense about crowd size or the leader of Hungary. Harris easily goads him into doing this because she knows he will protect his fragile ego at all costs.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. It works against someone with obvious signs of advanced dementia. Not so much against almost anyone else.

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Seriously Blair, I despise both the Orange Man Bad and Harris equally. But what are you going to do after the election when Orange Hitler loses? Tell us to do our best to support POTUS Cackles? We get it, you hate Orange Hitler and think he really is another Hitler so he must be stopped. 1000 posts all say the same thing. What's the point? You just need to get the word out that we all Must Work Together To Stop Orange Hitler?

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To answer your questions - I take a little bit of pride in my trolling and like to think I am mixing it up a bit with different critiques vs. repeating the same thing every time.

I think Trump will win (probably a small part of me hopes he wins so that I can continue trolling) but if he loses I will probably fade away and maybe only pop back on to troll to vent frustration when it looks like he will be our nominee again in 2028 or if it looks like conservative media is letting him off the hook again and not pile driving him with the truth to help make sure he isn't going to be our nominee again / loses his influence over the party.

The point is mainly that this is clearly enjoyable for me, and while these are very flawed people / candidates much of this audience can only see the flaws in one vs. the other. I want Trump held in check / held accountable for his anti-constitutional and dumb policies when he is president. I hope Erick has the balls to do it.

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Interesting. I believe the Republican party did this to themselves by listening to the far right and re-nominating Trump, and it appeared to be working against Biden. Now the tables are turned and we are going to get Harris as POTUS who just a year ago everyone said was unelectable and an unacceptable choice. I'm politically homeless, at least with the presidency. I'm not in the "Conservative Men For Harris" camp either or whatever insanity is going around right now.

I'm already getting my "Don't Blame Me: I Voted For Haley" bumper stickers ready. Outside of that, I'm running as far away from politics as I can get over the next 4 years.

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According to a CNN flash poll after the debate, Trump held his advantage on "the most important issues to the public: the economy, immigration, and being commander in chief. Harris was more trusted on abortion and protecting democracy."

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I listened to maybe the first minute on the radio and then turned it off. No more debate for me. The so called debate won't change my mind and I can count on my favorite radio station & Mark Arum to tell me anything worthwhile. Today, 911 coverage was more interesting.

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I think this is the right approach right now.

As for the cats and dogs stuff. Who cares?

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With the story having been debunked, my dog seems a lot more relaxed today.

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I walked away from last night's debate totally frustrated and feeling Trump just lost the election. He didn't even make a point calling out how she hasn't engaged publicly. He missed so many opportunities he came across really poorly. He confirmed for many that 80 year olds have lost their step and don't belong in the WH. I can only hope those of you that don't think the election is over might be right.

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The American experience w/ golden oldies in the White House has been disastrous:

a.) Reagan was showing signs of dementia by the time he left office;

b.) Trump was totally out of his depth in handling a major exogenous event so that many more thousands of Americans died needlessly;

c.) Biden has shown he's losing it rapidly.

Now Trump thinks he can also beat Father Time as well as VP Harris. He may well beat the latter, but he'll never beat the former, Reagan and Biden have demonstrated that.

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Trump had just simply not prepared and listened to the wrong handlers. Someone said “lazy.” He knew what he would be up against.

I don’t think he really wants the job.

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I do not know why Erick gets off definitively saying there were no cats or pets taken or eaten. How does he know? He can report the accusation even doubt it but he is not there. Vance' s office according to Vance has received such reports from constituents as an Ohio Senator. Thus memes start. Somebody did not necessarily invent the matter even if exaggerated.

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We may not know for sure whether little green space men are hiding in our closets, but anyone who says they are during a Presidential debate is going to look stupid.

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I don't think Trump gained any votes last night, but he didn't lose any, either. Harris might have gained some votes.

Otherwise, November 5th is still a long way off, and a lot can happen between now and then.

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Don’t think she gained any. She didn’t answer questions, either. She was just more cool and collected. Her coaches did their job.

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Early voting starts a lot sooner than November 5. In Minnesota, I can vote "absentee in person" starting 9 days from today.

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You get my gist.

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I agree with your first point: the debate probably won't move the needle much. But the window during which Trump can clarify his message is shrinking more rapidly than you imply.

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I disagree with you. I think the race was lost last night. It's his negative outlook, crazy talk, and obsession about things like crowd size that the public doesn't care about. Hopefully, the GOP will put up a candidate like Haley next time who can win.

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IF harris wins there wont be a next time. So what does it matter?

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I seriously don't get this comment EVERY ELECTION. In 2020 I guarantee there were a lot of Chaz out there who assured us, if Biden wins "there won't be a 2024." What are you talking about?

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Very different this year. The world knows that if Trump loses the republicans will be in power in 2028. So our enemies know there best chance to defeat the US will be between now and 2028.

That or the dems will just cancel the elections or rig it so badly nobody will ever defeat them again.

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Naw... that stuff is all old hat. The Dems have used all the gas in the tank to negative brand Trump. Everybody already knows Trump's character. It was the issue of the economy and immigration...the two biggest voter issues. And Harris did nothing really to convince voters she isn't just a two-faced repeat of Biden.

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All the gas in the tank? Brother, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Right now, Harris is trying to (1) define herself for voters (before Republicans can do it) and (2) promote policy positions that are responsive to voter concerns. Going down the stretch, however, Harris is going to go negative like you wouldn't believe.

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My wife and I watched for the first 45 minutes and turned it off as Trump repeatedly missed the opportunity to tie her to the current dumpster fire and instead went off on tangents. All that being said I have a feeling more people watched it for a potential "viral" moment and, when it failed to materialize, went back to pinning recipes on Pinterest. Oh, for the days of "you're no Jack Kennedy".

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At the risk of beating the dead horse, Senator Vance had a great exchange about Springfield on CNN. As quoted by Red State, he wrapped up a factual discussion on the issue with

“And I think it's interesting Kaitlan, that the media didn't care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats and that speaks to the media's failure to care about what's going on in these communities. If we have to meme about it to get the media to care, we're going to keep on doing it because the media could, should care about what's going on.”

Taken that way, this might not be a bad strategy.

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I think the childless cat lady stuff is a winner too.

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After Vance made his sarcastic remark, Harris put Walz in charge of "Kat Ladies for Kamala." To date they have donated almost a million cans of Nine Lives to the campaign. The delightful ladies have affectionately dubbed Gov Walz "Pussy-in-Chief." Vance, upon learning that his remark backfired, reportedly turned red-faced and broke into a Cheshire Cat smile.

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Yet more confirmation why I stopped watching these many years ago. You always end up dumber when they're over.

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Hmm, she wants another debate, take her up in it but hold out for FOX. What would she be worried about if she refuses FOX? Or even CNN again if they can continue to appear unbiased. I was astonished at how unfair last night was. Thought ABC was going to do straight questions, hit everyone fairly. Looks like the moderators were more interested in party invitations from their favorite libs. It’s possible as Erick said, the only people high-fiving are progressives, and true independents are calling her bluff.

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Trump took bait and missed a lot of opportunities, but people noticed that

Harris policy is unknown. but BAD

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Agree and disagree. Trump didn’t have his best night but it appears that undecideds were not moved by Harris at all. Harris lied at least 20 times and wasn’t called out one time. The elite are saying that’s a loser line, but I’ll place money on the fact the mainstream media is hated more today than yesterday.

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1.) You be the fact checker and cite the lies Harris told and what the truth is in each case.

2.) MSM hated more today than yesterday??? Only by those who already hated them. When the accusations of media unfairness are strictly down political lines, the accusations are meaningless .

3.) How about a debate under the auspices of the Federal Electoral Commission with each party naming a moderator? So you might have Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow sitting side by side asking the questions.

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There are no undecideds

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