Democrats are still trying to get Trump assassinated. I just saw a youtube ad from Kamel deeming DJT "an existential threat to democracy."

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Where is Tim Russert when we need him? I really have missed him.

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Erick, in listening to your show today I think you misspoke. You said the President is limited to eight years. This is not totally accurate. A President is limited to being elected to two four year terms. However, a sitting President who ascended to the President with two years or less on his predecessors term may finish that term and then be elected to two four year terms which makes the longest a President may now serve to ten years. You were totally correct on Obama being ineligible to be Vice President. I love hearing your show and have been a fan since the days I lived in Atlanta. Keep up the great work.

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I’ve not been a Trump follower since his claim (either true or false) of the stolen election. I’ve come home considering the options from the Democratic Party. Now I beg of you Mr. Trump, please don’t go off script and sound like a lunatic. It’s a whole new ballgame and we need a republican candidate to sound like the adult in the room. Please behave!

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Imagine how different things would be if we didn’t have a news media that viewed every event through a partisan lens.

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I’ve tried to imagine if they were just neutral. Hard to do.

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I have taken to closing almost any comment I make that has an element of prediction to it with, "but of course events can change things." Thank you Erick. It is a fantastic quote which I give you credit for exposing to me. I am in your debt.

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Wow - you expect blowback and hate mail (and thus lower ratings and money) for simply acknowledging that Trump's chances of winning are slightly diminished by Biden dropping out?

What do you think would happen if you acknowledged Trump's extensive criminality and attempts to end democracy? SMH

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Exactly what "extensive criminality and attempts to end democracy" are you babbling about?

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Glad you asked Jim

Some of the ways in which Trump & Co. illegally tried to end democracy in 2020 include: Trying to coerce secretaries of states and governors to throw him the election in their states, listen to the recorded call with Brad Raffensberger below (after Brad refused to go along with the scheme Trump recruited a primary challenger and tried to oust Brad as retribution for not going along).

Recruiting slates of fake electors in several states to fraudulently submit false documents on his behalf attempting to defraud the government, see source docs below.

Pressuring Pence to thrown out the electoral college and unilaterally make him President, hear Pence discuss this directly below. Also, Trump sat on his hands for 4 hours while a mob roamed the capital with zipties trying to hang Pence

Trumps full audio call with Raffensberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBxg17QqZ4

Fake electors submissions: https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates

Giuliani admitting in court filing that he made false statements about Ruby Freeman (which formed the basis for much of Trumps coercing of Raffensberger in audio above): https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.84.2.pdf

Pence directly on what Trump tried to get him to do (you make your own judgement on who has a better reputation for honesty between Pence and Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tglap7tGwHg

In addition to the rampant criminality cited above you can look at the cooperation of his Mar A Lago IT person Yuscil Taveras (Trump Employee 4) and messages between his staff of idiots in cited in the court document below. This was after Taveras dropped the Trump paid lawyer and got his own to free him to tell about Trump's wanton lawlessness in obstructing justice in the FL docs case.


Don't worry though if you even cared to glance through all / any of this stuff, its just fake news and lawfare. Just turn on talk on talk radio, tune in to Hannity, grab a beer, and thank God that Trump is going to kick them evil dems out of the whitehouse and make America great again

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Don't deceive yourself. Joe isn't up to the ardors of a campaign but he can finish his last six mos. in the White House as a lame duck like Clintn, Bush2 and Obama did for our years each.

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Yet so many republicans are chortling over Joe being booted and Trump running against Harris.

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Whoever the democrats 'choose' (and i'm still not dismissing the possibility of Michelle O.--stranger things have happened and it would be a third term for BHO)....their insurance policy will definitely be to overcome the vote through legal but skulduggery and nefarious means. And don't dismiss the possibility of another 'shot' at DJT. KDH will probably be a good choice for them because those who are governing the whitehouse now should have no trouble 'directing' her. (Couldn't help but notice what would happen if you added an "L" to the end of her middle name. Yikes!)

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Events do change things. Unfortunately the media can no longer be a source to turn to to get the truth or latest happenings around said events without it being spun around select political parties. Combine that with bureaucrats and 3 letter agencies who are proving to be incompetent, arrogant, with no accountability, and you've got yourself a Truman Show.

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I just heard her on the radio and had to turn it off. I also don’t know why the Republicans aren’t talking about the fact that the tax cuts expire next year and that is going to be a big surprise for many people when their paychecks all of a sudden shrink.

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She has to hit the stump and start talking and we know she can’t dazzle anyone with brilliance so let’s see how much smoke she can blow up the voters behind should be fun to watch

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Humans plan, but God decides! Proverbs 16:9, 19:2, and Romans 9:18! The next few weeks will be interesting. (understatement)

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I agree that unknown events shape the future, in much the same way that momentum shapes outcomes!

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